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  • Feb 23, 2008, 01:04 PM
    What would be the democratic future
    If Obama beats Hillary and the allegations of him being socialist, communist, and wanting to sell America short with the globalization initiative... proved to be true and say everybody turned against him would he still be the candidate running for the Presidency or would he be replaced by Hillary or what would happen?

    Cliff Kincaid -- Obama's Communist Mentor

    Cliff Kincaid -- Obama's International Socialist Connections

    AIM Says Media Cover-Up Obama's Socialist-Oriented Global Tax Bill
  • Feb 23, 2008, 01:21 PM
    The voters are voting, as you know, in the various state primaries. Delegates are awarded to candidates in different ways: in some states, the winner takes all; in others, by congressional districts. Some states have a caucus to award delegates. Some of these delegates are bound to vote for their candidate at the national Democratic convention, and some are not. But the candidate of the Democratic Party is chosen in the convention by a vote. It is possible that the candidate could be so wounded by bad publicity that he would step aside, but not likely. As for the scenario you have presented about Obama, I read once that from a left position, there is no enemy to the left. Within the Democratic faithful, so many are left wing that socialist or communist ties will not affect the Obama or Clinton election. Anyone claiming they should withdraw will be called a bigot.
  • Feb 23, 2008, 01:24 PM
    Yeah that is true about the radical left Fidel is their hero, Bush the enemy.
    They make no sense because they don't want conservatives taxation but they are willing to go for global poverty tax to put the worlds poor on welfare when welfare didn't help much of anything in our own country.
  • Feb 23, 2008, 01:45 PM
    He is no more socialist than Hilary and many of the other democrats, esp in a dirty political race, one has no further than their own party to find most likely who is starting so many of the rumors.

    But once he has the nomination for office, he is the canidate, so if he makes it though the primary he will the one if they life it or not.

    But I don't see him as any more socialist as Kennedy, Hillary, and many others of the extreme "left"

    But then everyone knows he can not actually do anything, but sign or not sign bills given to him by congress.

    He is not much different than after the great depression, the "Chicken in every pot" campaign speech or the work programs buiding the roads and dams. The only difference is they want to offer things to people without making them work for them,

    Heck If I knew that would work I would have promised to double welfare, give free college to everyone including illegal aliens and to bulid a Clinton memorial. Does not matter if there is no way I can do it
  • Feb 23, 2008, 01:48 PM
    Yeah I am hoping Obama wins over Hillary but does not win in the long run.
  • Feb 23, 2008, 05:57 PM

    Originally Posted by N0help4u
    Yeah that is true about the radical left Fidel is their hero, Bush the enemy.
    They make no sense because they don't want conservatives taxation but they are willing to go for global poverty tax to put the worlds poor on welfare when welfare didn't help much of anything in our own country.

    Can't help but to recall the "Pied Piper": In the year 2008 a mysterious man appeared in Hameln. He was wearing a coat of many colored, bright cloth, for which reason he was called the Pied Piper, or Obama. He claimed to be a rat catcher (an agent of "Change"), and he promised that for a certain sum that he would rid the city of all mice and rats. The citizens struck a deal, promising him a certain price. The rat catcher then took a small fife from his pocket and began to blow on it. Rats and mice immediately came from every house and gathered around him. When he thought that he had them all he led them to the River Weser where he pulled up his clothes and walked into the water. The animals all followed him, fell in, and drowned." Pied Piper of Hameln

    Better than "The Pied Piper", I like "The Gingerbread Man".

    It's great to be an American.
  • Feb 23, 2008, 05:58 PM
    That is exactly how I feel most Americans are --ready to be drowned and not even know what hit them!
  • Feb 23, 2008, 06:05 PM

    Originally Posted by N0help4u
    That is exactly how I feel most Americans are --ready to be drowned and not even know what hit them!

    What did Captain James Lawrence say? Tradition has it that Captain James Lawrence said these heroic words after being mortally wounded in the engagement between his ship, the U.S. frigate Chesapeake, and HMS Shannon on 1 June 1813. As the wounded Lawrence was carried below, he ordered "Tell the men to fire faster! Don't give up the ship!"
  • Feb 23, 2008, 06:07 PM
    The ship is sinking and they don't know to fire at all.
  • Feb 23, 2008, 06:09 PM
    Their ship is sinking; fire faster.
  • Feb 23, 2008, 09:41 PM

    Originally Posted by N0help4u
    If Obama beats Hillary and the allegations of him being socialist, communist, and wanting to sell America short with the globalization initiative.....proved to be true and say everybody turned against him would he still be the candidate running for the Presidency or would he be replaced by Hillary or what would happen?

    Being a socialist conservative is good for a Republican, but not a Democrat? I think that's a sub-theme argument for mainstream McCain supporters and ironically why hardcore conservatives from his own party still have doubts about him. For example: McCain's on the same page with both Clinton and Obama considering the amnesty issue, granted slight nuances within each candidate's plans. Personally I share a bit of skepticism with some of these articles, especially during an election year, that would like to paint Obama as a inspiring communist cloaked in stars and stripes. It's perhaps as unrealistic that the NY Times suggests John McCain stuck his tongue down a lobbyist's throat, but considering the escapades of a former President, one Bill Clinton, that maybe easier to accept. IMO Obama has the best communication skills since Ronald Reagan. And diplomacy, which has been obviously sorely lacking for the past twenty years, would be of great benefit to our nation. The U.S. has been commonly recognized as a great nation for decades, perhaps the undisputed greatest. However when I've traveled internationally over the past few years I've noticed that once highly held view has eroded. I think Obama's answer on Cuba during the other night's debate was right on. The man said he would confront Raul on why the Cuban people are abused and would question him on his willingness to make correct their government's atrocities regarding the treatment of citizens. That's a door that Obama is willing to walk through if open to him and challenge what hasn't changed in sixty years. I credit Obama for desired effort, regardless of the results.

    Our economy is a serious issue, not Hillary's silly desperate attempts to find fault with Barack when indeed they hold to mostly the same positions on various subjects. Hillary, if she is nominated and elected president (and heaven forbid I hope not) is so occupied with Universal Health-care that she is sidetracking American's from the ultimate looming questions, like with the Social Security mismanaged how in the hell most of us can ever retire? Hard working people that don't get annual executive bonuses are reluctant to make contributions into an IRA or 401k when worried about making ends meat. McCain has already admitted that the economy is not his strongest subject and it's obvious that he would like to make terrorism the number one issue in Americans minds; that's his campaign strategy thus far. But here we are in the midst of a recession and the worst has yet to come. The monthly spenditure for the Iraqi war is over $9,000,000,000 dollars and that's money that could be reduced and used more effectively otherwise. Just this week oil went over one hundred dollars a barrel. This time last year the national average at the gas-pump was $2.28, today it's $3.09. Cost of living raises are not keeping up for most of the middle class and none of the lower class. Just raising the minimum wage was like pulling teeth for the Bush administration. Deperate times "rebate checks" will be mailed out in an effort to cover-up Bush's failed economics as he stumbles out of office with approval ratings as low as the Congress. Corporations in Vegas have started the downsize phase with about 6,000 jobs due to be cut within the next month at least for one large corporation (that will remain unnamed due to my employer's privacy policy).
  • Feb 23, 2008, 09:45 PM
    I don't think any of the choices are good for us Dem or Rep BUT I am sure that if Obama becomes President and turns our sovereignty over to the UN and we are taxed as much as the article claims so that other countries can collect welfare we are going to be wishing we had a different Pres more than many wish we had a different one now.
    People already complain about their tax dollars going to "lazy welfare moms that get pregnant to get more welfare".

    I agree with you about Hillary she is a power hungry person that is using 'the little people' and if she is elected they will see they were only stepped on to get to where she wants to be.
  • Feb 23, 2008, 10:00 PM
    Please see you tubes Aaron Russo video. This is a historic video of an interview he had long ago. But he made a lot of good points about America and America's so-called Democratic society. Something to think about, anyway. Also, I believe history repetes itself. Black men are next in line for the Presidency. They were allowed to vote far earlier than women. Hillary hasn't got a chance in my opinion. Either way, it is long overdue that America shows deplomecy by having either candidate as President. Black, White Female, etc. I wouldn't mind seeing what Oprah has to say, about her future in politics- myself! All I know is it's about time America practices what we preach. Without prejudice. I want a President that will get us out of this messy War with dignity and respect in the Middle East. And the Iraqi people with contentment and ability to work out their own problems. America has enough of its own problems in my opinion. Yet, there was that prophet Nostrodamous that predicted this war to last 20 years!
  • Feb 23, 2008, 10:01 PM
    I hope Hillary hasn't got a chance!
  • Feb 23, 2008, 10:07 PM
    I don't doubt we could have better choices for president. Personally I'm liking Ron Paul more and more, but I'm acceptable of Obama as President, should he be elected. None of the candidates will have free reign, regardless of campaign rhetoric. We have a check and balance system that navigates ideas through Congress. I'm not so sure of the intricate call for a UN taxation proposal or factual details, but it couldn't be more money than we already wasted in Iraq. At the very least we could shut the naysayers up that suggest as Americans we don't give enough to help needy nations with charitable accommodations. I do think we have to reform the welfare system here at home, again. I make the distinction between the needy and those that abuse the system.
  • Feb 23, 2008, 10:13 PM
    I wish enough people would get together and vote Ron Paul but everybody is afraid it will be a lost vote. Even if Ron Paul isn't a good choice either at least the government would see that we REALLY want change.
  • Feb 28, 2008, 12:11 PM
    I agree NOhelp4u. For those of you that wish change, please see:
    No Straw Men: Ron Paul's YouTube Surge
    Listen to his voice. Hear his words. He cares. Do you?
  • Feb 28, 2008, 04:40 PM

    Originally Posted by BABRAM
    IMO Obama has the best communication skills since Ronald Reagan. And diplomacy, which has been obviously sorely lacking for the past twenty years, would be of great benefit to our nation. The U.S. has been commonly recognized as a great nation for decades, perhaps the undisputed greatest. However when I've traveled internationally over the past few years I've noticed that once highly held view has eroded.

    I think you are spot on the money here. I think you guys NEED this guy as Pres. Unlike many of your compatriots you seem to understand the damage (rightly or wrongly) that your reputation has taken in recent years.

    And of course this is no reason alone to elect a president. The people need what is best for them. But it appears to me that he understands that too. He is for the people. He is a real person. Unlike your current president and the other remaining candidates.
  • Feb 28, 2008, 06:36 PM

    Originally Posted by Skell
    I think you are spot on the money here. I think you guys NEED this guy as Pres. Unlike many of your compatriots you seem to understand the damage (rightly or wrongly) that your reputation has taken in recent years.

    And of course this is no reason alone to elect a president. The people need what is best for them. But it appears to me that he understands that too. He is for the people. He is a real person. Unlike your current president and the other remaining candidates.

    "There are presently 192 member States of the United Nations." How many countries are members of the United Nations?

    "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness." The Declaration of Independence

    I exerpted that from the Declaration of Independence. I don't care if world opinion is 191 to 1, as long as the U.S. is true to our birthright, then onward and upward. The 'liberal'/fascist press and world opinion be damned.
  • Feb 28, 2008, 06:56 PM
    I am neither for or against a Democratic or Republican candidate. If that is what we are left unfortunately in decision. All I can say is that for the first time in a long time, Ron Paul makes more sense to me than any other candidate. It is a shame that we are yet again left with two possible candidates that have bought the presidency by a small group of individuals rather than the mass of US Citizens.

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