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  • Mar 16, 2008, 12:43 PM
    Why are Jews perceived as money greedy?
    Why are Jews perceived as money greedy people? Did it have something to do with the Holocaust?
  • Mar 16, 2008, 02:04 PM
    Did they have something to do with the holocaust---Yep they were the victims.

    Why are they perceived as money hungry? Jealousy of people that do not know how to make money and manage it as good as the Jewish do I would suppose.
  • Mar 16, 2008, 02:11 PM
    There has been this charge against Jews for a long time -- according to some people it traces back to the government regulations which kept Jews in the jobs of tax collector or money lender (jobs the christians wouldn't want) but since Jews were stuck in that job, the stereotypes emerged.

    In other situations, Jews had been victimized in Europe for so long that they learned to survive and be smart with their money because the future was so shaky.
  • Mar 16, 2008, 02:21 PM
    Wikipedia has an interesting article on the history of moneylending, when it began, how the Jews got involved and ended up with a bad rep, and differences between cultures regarding moneylending:

    Usury - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  • Mar 16, 2008, 02:23 PM
    This has gone on WAY before the Holocaust. Have you ever read Ivanhoe or the Merchant of Venice? Have you ever heard of the Rothschild family?

    Jews have often been money lenders and bankers throughout history that's the source.
  • Mar 16, 2008, 06:35 PM
    All the answers have been excellent. A couple of things I'll add. First off, in Judaism, as pertaining to finance regulations and business ethics, these are outlined in the Torah. We gather much business prudence from simple G-d given directions. Secondly, historically speaking, some of the trade guilds in Europe wouldn't permit Jewish members, therefore we took on independent merchant vending operations as a means of feeding our families and therefore later became our own financiers to the communities.


    Originally Posted by happy711
    Why are Jews perceived as money greedy people? Did it have something to do with the Holocaust?

    Mostly out of fear driven, jealous, uneducated, ignorance, and intolerance. Myths against Jews are usually completely backwards of fact. For example, the greed in the Holocaust was perpetuated by nazi ilk as they even took the gold capped teeth and fillings from Jews after being murdered. Sorry to be so graphic, but as a Jew it's important to me that the truth be advanced.
  • Mar 16, 2008, 06:37 PM

    Originally Posted by BABRAM
    Sorry to be so graphic, but as a Jew it's important to me that the truth be advanced.

    No apologies needed!

    (I never knew you were a Jew :D )
  • Mar 16, 2008, 06:45 PM
    Yup that's me. Curly headed, crooked nosed, and working for a credit department. Imagine that? I think I live up to most of the stereotypes. LOL! BTW the picture to the left is my son "Zakary." My wife calls that photo, "the baby Moses picture." It's one of my favorites.
  • Mar 16, 2008, 06:47 PM
    Zakary is adorable and I am collecting baby pics here.
  • Mar 17, 2008, 01:20 PM

    Originally Posted by ScottGem
    This has gone on WAY before the Holocaust. Have you ever read Ivanhoe or the Merchant of Venice? Have you ever heard of the Rothschild family?

    Jews have often been money lenders and bankers throughout history that's the source.

    And no I have never heard of those. What are they about?
  • Mar 17, 2008, 07:20 PM
    I suggest you go to a library and get Ivanhoe and Merchant of Venice. If you don't want to read them, they are available on video. Just do a websearch on Rothschild family.
  • Dec 2, 2010, 04:35 PM
    Comment on BABRAM's post
    "the greed in the Holocaust was perpetuated by nazi ilk as they even took the gold capped teeth and fillings from Jews" - Where did the Jews get all these riches in the first place? Answer: Greed.
  • Dec 10, 2010, 02:20 PM
    Comment on BABRAM's post
    "Where did the Jews get all these riches in the first place? Answer: Greed." You, sir, are an idiot. You can't be successful without being greedy? I earn in the to 10% of income in my city. Does that make me greedy, or just smarter than you?
  • Dec 10, 2010, 02:22 PM
    Comment on BABRAM's post
    In fact, I would contend that those who earn their own money are the least greedy of all. Those who think I owe them something, or that I have some obligation to take care of them... those are the greedy ones.
  • Feb 4, 2011, 06:56 AM
    It depends whether you frame it as "greedy" or "wanting success". Jews are work as a group similar to the Freemasons. They look out for each other and share ideas with each other, and also network hugely. If your son wants a job for example then you will know someone in the Jewish community that can help you.

    They are very educated and successful. People resent them because of this. It's called Jealousy. I am now Jewish, indeed I'm an atheist, but I have been 'persecuted' before for being successful. e.g. at school I got good grades so was bullied. People with delicate egos and low self-esteem can often become haters of anyone who is more successful than them in some way.

    The best way to a better life is to share information with others and work as a team. It will lead to greater success. The Jews work on this principle and if they've worked for it then they deserve it. However I am not a fan of organised religion and I'm not a fan of greed. There is some truth in the greedy rumour, but they are no more greedy than the average American so if someone is to cast the first stone then they should ask whether they would say no to being successful with money.
  • Feb 4, 2011, 09:21 AM

    You cannot speak of all Jews as a group any more than you can describe all Caucasians or all African Americans as a group. Some Jews are good with money; some are not.

    Generalizations are ALWAYS faulty.

    I find this entire thread to be insulting and unnecessary and would feel the same were it any other word in the place of "Jew."

    Isn't it about time to close this?
  • Feb 4, 2011, 10:20 AM

    No, I say what I mean and I mean what I say. I am offended.

    Generalizations are NOT the way of the World in my corner of the World. Maybe they are in yours. Maybe that's the way of the World in your profession. It's not in mine.

    I'm NOT getting over it. If more people would stand up instead of "getting over it" there would be less bigotry in the World.

    And for the record I'm not Jewish - I just find this type of generalization to be offensive.

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