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  • Mar 17, 2008, 11:17 AM
    Dog bites feet
    Every time I let my dog back in the house from going to the potty and running the yard, he goes right for my feet. He doesn't bite hard, but I really wish he wouldn't do it at all.

    I do sort of have a fear of animals or any one being near my feet with their mouth because of an incident that happened when I was a kid. Its like this dog some how knows and is picking on me.

    Is there some way I can get him to stop doing that. Like maybe leaving my feet in sweaty stinky shoes all day to repel him?
  • Mar 18, 2008, 06:00 AM
    As soon as he comes in, and goes for your feet, sternly say NO. if he stops, give him a treat. Keep it up and the dog'll soon learn
  • Mar 18, 2008, 01:48 PM
    My dog used to also bite my feet, so I wore shoes and felt accomplished until he took my sandal. Then I wore sneakers and he couldn't grab those so he just stopped. You could also have a toy ready when your dog comes inside.
  • Mar 18, 2008, 08:59 PM
    He's probably just looking for something to chew on give him a toy when he comes in

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