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  • Jul 17, 2016, 07:40 AM
    Mind Control
    Trying to study the facts of Mind Control and or anyone who has the feeling or fact they are subjected to Monarch Slave, MK Ultra demons black magic etc... Thanks..
  • Jul 17, 2016, 07:55 AM
    Please clarify your question.
  • Jul 17, 2016, 08:18 AM
    You aren't going to get facts on this.. you are going to get peoples opinions and beliefs however... Unproven and unfounded.
  • Jul 17, 2016, 07:42 PM
    The issue is there are no facts. There are people who will claim it is possible, and most who claim it makes great TV shows.

    As a fact, none has ever been proven.
  • Jul 20, 2016, 11:35 PM
    I hold proof on my Facebook John s captain it involved the murder of my girlfriend who was running the Hoover dam under mind control I was set up on her murder. However I got lucky, and the police in this corruption made a mistake. The audio I got after she died of her THERPIST she recorded on her iPad was tap tap tap and her voice changed to a child Mind control I had no past experience with and same for the cult she was born into the New World Order. She tried to tell me 400 times I could not get it. Now I do... somewhat What I do know is they say they have another world and we are all just pawns I do know they stole all the money and want us stupid I know she was not killed how the media claimed and my life was threatened and I will not stop telling the truth and learning more of the monarch slave program or MKUTRA program.Mind controlled persons may also include covert harassment or a chip I know it will take me 29 more years to get 1/2 of what she said but thank you for the kind words. Also people who talk nonsense don't bother please... I said please...
  • Jul 21, 2016, 02:36 AM
    Have you been diagnosed with any mental disorder such as schizophrenia?
  • Jul 21, 2016, 03:45 AM
    Are you talking about the murder of Tiffany Jenks?
  • Jul 21, 2016, 03:55 AM

    (Tiffany Jenks mentioned in the comments, but the rest sounds like it might be from Pdxonthego)
  • Jul 21, 2016, 04:11 AM
    Since it appears you are still being investigated for her murder, I will not comment any further.
  • Jul 21, 2016, 10:50 AM
    The on ly thing I recognize in your post is black magic. Have no idea what the others are. Mind Control has been debunked many times over. Remember Ury Geller who said he could bend spoons and that turned out to be a farce. Aleister Crowley died trying to prove he could control the mind; then there was Madam Blatavsky.

    So you only want to hear us say that we have experienced mind control, no sir, don't think so.

    I think you need a good doctor.
  • Jul 26, 2016, 02:26 AM
    I've seen your FB page. I seriously hope you are getting some help.

    Have you you officially been given a diagnosis?

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