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  • Jun 18, 2012, 09:50 PM
    Lower back pain on right side with pain shooting into my and down my leg with burning
    I was doing leg presses at the gym when I felt excruciating pain in my right lower back with pain that shot down my leg. I could barely walk but manage to make to my car and drive home. Needless to say the pain I experienced just from driving was horrific! I needed help getting out of the car when I got home. The pain almost unbearable! It hurt to sit, stand, or lay. I didn't sleep hardly all that night. I couldn't get any relief no matter how I laid. So I kept trying to find a position that didn't cause pain but the more I moved it would make it worse! I don't have health insurance and I am just moved here but I don't have a family doctor yet. It's day three and the pain has dulled a little at least I got some rest last night. But I thinks because I took two pain pills. I found sitting really stirs things up but standing and walking aren't much better! I do have a history of disc problems on my right lower back and my upper left side of my neck. I feel so helpless without having insurance because I'm afraid if it's serious then they will be running all these test but who's going to pay for it! But if I can bare with until it gets a little maybe my husband will get a job with medical insurance. I waited a year last time with my neck and back. But this time is even worse. I think I might blown my disc this! So I'm really don't know what to do. Can it hurt me physically if I wait to go to the doctor until we have insurance?
  • Jun 18, 2012, 10:46 PM
    You need to go to a chyropractor. I have had this problem ever since I was probably 8 due to my flat feet and bunions. It usually means your hip is out of place and causing that spot in your back to be in so much pain and the shooting pain.

    You need a chyropractor who actually cracks your hips into place. Mine is only 35 dollars an apt and you don't need anything else for it. Its helps so much and the pain is gone in minutes. (mines out of place right now and I'm going tomorrow)
  • Jul 11, 2012, 04:47 PM
    If you have had disc problems in the past, it's reasonable to assume that your spine isn't healthy (i.e. simply that for there to be disc problems, it's typical to have joint restrictions which prevent disc from pumping normally, and probably too much or too little of the normal curve in that area of the spine)... the radiating type pain sounds like Sciatica, which is due to a disc rupture/bulge/herniation, etc... This is technically a Chiropractic problem, cause the solution/cure is to restore normal motion/function of the vertebra in that area. However, most people will see the MD and end up with pain meds and muscle relaxers for the symptoms, but besides maybe some physical therapy, they will really get nothing to actually fix the problem.

    Go see a good Chiropractor. (preferably someone who does Spinal Correction work - who will take a pre- and post- x-ray to see the correction take place).

    Good luck.

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