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  • Feb 12, 2011, 10:14 AM
    Hair Follicle Testing for Infrequent User
    I was given a hair follicle test on 2/10/2011. The most recent time I smoke was the evening of 1/31/2011. It was from a bowl of which I only took about 3 or 4 hits. Before this I had not smoked since Nov 27, 2010 where again I smoke from a bowl just taking 3 or 4 hits. Before this incident I had not used since August 2010. And before that it had been several years. Please tell me what the chances of my passing are? I am extremely freaked out because I am just not a pothead. I have never done any other sort of drug at any period in my life. Please help me with an answer ASAP.
  • Feb 12, 2011, 10:30 AM

    Hair Drug Testing (HDT) is very erratic in relation to all substances with the possible exception of cocaine. Generally, infrequent use of cannabis is not detected. But THC (and metabolites), which is what they are testing for, is an erratic molecule and in fact unpredictable.

    However, it is safe to say that it would be exceptional to detect light usage in hair.
  • Feb 12, 2011, 10:32 AM

    Hello m:

    Hair testing is a highly accurate way of detecting drug use over the last 90 days, or thereabouts. You smoked twice during that time, albeit only a few hits. Nonetheless, detection is likely.

  • Feb 12, 2011, 10:52 AM
    Comment on DrBill100's post
    Dr Bill,

    Thanks so much for your timely response. I am a complete basket case right now since I am for the most part a total goody goody. I pretty much always turn marijuana down, but stupid me decides to partake albeit slightly in the past 90 days. In your expert opinion are you fairly certain I should pass? I do realize these tests can be 50-50.

    I also have fairly soft strawberry blonde hair if that makes any difference.

    Thanks for your quick response!
  • Feb 12, 2011, 11:18 AM

    I am providing a link to a little additional information on infrequent use. While this is from NORML (an advocacy group) it has the citations for confirmation. The fact that "Hair tests are more likely to detect regular than occasional marijuana use" is a long standing problem(?) with the test.

    Believe it or not, your hair color probably is in your favor. A major problem with HDT is that those with coarse dark hair are more than twice as likely to test positive (for all substances) than their fair haired counterparts.

    Additive, DuPont (2008) found that hair testing was "remarkably effective in
    targeting the heavy, frequent user of illegal drugs rather than the occasional user of illegal drugs..." and relating to marijuana noted "hair testing is unlikely to be positive for marijuana until the tested student has used marijuana at a rate of about twice a week in the prior 90 days. (p. 8)"

    The 2008 study is consistent with an earlier (2006) that appeared in the Journal of Forensic Sciences which concluded "Drug testing technology that detects the residual presence of cannabinoids and/or their metabolites in the hair typically fails to identify occasional marijuana users."
  • Feb 12, 2011, 04:36 PM
    Comment on DrBill100's post
    Thanks again DrBill. I feel somewhat less like a basket case, though I won't be completely calm until I have the results. I'll let you know as soon as I get them. Lets hope I'm the case where the infrequent use does NOT show.
  • Jul 16, 2012, 08:40 PM
    If someone took 3.5 mgs of adderall and 2 hydro 10s over the course of 30 days would a hair folicle test come back over the limits, possitive? - Just trying to figure out if 3.5 mgs adderall and 2 hydo 10s taken in 30 days would cause someone to fail a hair follicle test or would it be to low of a level?

    Am I to assume that the amount taken does not have an impact on the test limits. For adderall the cut-off would be 500 pg/mg hair, and for the Hydos it would be 300 pg/mg of hair. This leads me to believe that it is possible to have an amount in the hair that is low enough to pass.
  • Jul 16, 2012, 08:56 PM

    Originally Posted by moonli9187 View Post
    Thanks again DrBill. I feel somewhat less like a basket case, though I won't be completely calm until I have the results. I'll let you know as soon as I get them. Lets hope I'm the case where the infrequent use does NOT show.

    I really wish you would have let use all know how the test came out.
  • Jul 16, 2012, 08:57 PM

    Originally Posted by sillyandra View Post
    If someone took 3.5 mgs of adderall and 2 hydro 10s over the course of 30 days would a hair folicle test come back over the limits, possitive? - Just trying to figure out if 3.5 mgs adderall and 2 hydo 10s taken in 30 days would cause someone to fail a hair follicle test or would it be to low of a level?

    Am I to assume that the amount taken does not have an impact on the test limits. For adderall the cut-off would be 500 pg/mg hair, and for the Hydos it would be 300 pg/mg of hair. This leads me to believe that it is possible to have an amount in the hair that is low enough to pass.

    Really need an answer... hopefully more than an opinion
  • Aug 2, 2012, 09:21 AM

    Originally Posted by moonli9187 View Post
    Dr Bill,

    Thanks so much for your timely response. I am a complete basket case right now since I am for the most part a total goody goody. I pretty much always turn marijuana down, but stupid me decides to partake albeit slightly in the past 90 days. In your expert opinion are you fairly certain I should pass? I do realize these tests can be 50-50.

    I also have fairly soft strawberry blonde hair if that makes any difference.

    Thanks for your quick response!

    Did you pass?
  • Oct 19, 2012, 12:39 PM

    I just took a hair follicle test and was in the same position as you. I passed my test so I think you should be fine. There's a lot of research out there now that suggests the metabolite they test for thc-hooc or something like that I forget does not easily bind with the melanin in the hair. Only after chronic use will it become apparent. There was a peer reviewed article done regarding the effectiveness of hair tests for high school kids considering the majority are only light users. They found that the students would have had to have smoked 2 times per week in the 90 day span for something to be detected.

    Don't listen to a lot of the people on these forums because they have no scientific credibility; and, in my experience have noticed that most are either cynics or just plan jerks and want to get your hopes down.
  • Nov 12, 2012, 05:59 PM
    I just had samples of hair taken for a drug test. They took my facial hair, which grows really fast. I had trimmed it down to almost nothing a couple months ago, and trimmed it again a few weeks ago. I smoked twice in the last 2 months. So my chances of passing are good, right?
  • Nov 14, 2012, 06:05 PM
    Hi Doc,

    Recovering addict with 3 years clean until I relapsed on Nov. 3rd in a big way. My addiction has always been with pain pills but I tried Heroin on Nov 3rd because I'm an addict.

    Here is the question: I did heroin on Nov 3rd. It was a half CC of I don't know. The guy who gave it to me told me it was a weak dose or what he would call half a hit. I also took three Loratab 10's on the 4th. I've been clean since then and have started hitting my NA meetings after 1 year of not going.

    I have a possible hair follicle test coming on Nov. 28th in a child custody case. I know THC is not very detectable but I don't know if opiates/single use of heroin will show up on the test... I'm just an idiot.

    I don't know... I've read bleaching your hair/re-dye will lower concentration levels but I just need some oppionion as to what you think my chances are... Being dumb like I am I guess I deserve what I get.

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