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  • Nov 14, 2007, 04:34 PM
    Amusement arcades.
    I had a worrying thought. I am very ill and I am going to see my Dad this Friday. The thing is I have to pass an arcade called Magic City and I just can't make myself walk pass it. I have to go in it rether I want to or not. I don't want to do this cause I am too ill but I can't keep away and illness doesn't stop me. I am totally out of control. I could spend my money on the train but it won't work. I'll probably sell things to go in the Arcade. This is how stupid I am. Is there anyway around this. Thanks.
  • Nov 22, 2007, 09:53 PM
    Have you tried Gamblers Anonymous?
  • Nov 22, 2007, 10:03 PM
    Have dad meet you and walk with you. Or perhaps just make yourself, no one can be made to do anythig they don't really don't want to do.
  • Nov 23, 2007, 06:58 AM
    People are made to do things they don't want to every day of the week... if you are addicted your addiction controls you.. you don't control it... that is why he has a problem. Having your dad meet you is a good idea, ask for help from him or from GA.
  • Dec 13, 2007, 11:23 AM
    Going in the car to Norwich as I am too ill. Also I don't have to walk pass the stupid arcade. My Dad has agreed that I will go to the doctor and hopefully get better. After that I can go back in the arcades to act stupid again. I would stop... honest I would. But I get so bored, depressed and irritable without them.
  • Dec 14, 2007, 05:30 PM
    You sound like you are addicted... although you think that you are bored and restless etc without the arcades... it is actually the arcades and your addiction that is making you feel that way... gambling or going to the arcade only relieves the feeling of boredom etc temporarily which makes you think they are helping you. In actual fact the opposite is true... they are making you worse. You need to go to Gamblers Anonymous to get help with the addiction. I hope your other illness is better. Seek Help

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