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  • Dec 28, 2015, 03:19 PM
    Twins pregnancy. Need advise.

    Dear Dr. OBGYN,
    I had a ultrasound End of Nov. and from that and the date of my last menstruation, the doctor confirmed a twin pregnancy of 6 weeks then.
    Dec 28th I went in for my second ultrasound (10 weeks since my last menstruation) and the technician could not find a heart beat of the twins and said the they measured a little over 5 weeks. That they may have stopped developing.
    She suggested I go back in two weeks for another scan.

    Could it be that I still have a chance? Or I will soon soon (or already have lost) the twins?

    Gratefully for any insights,
  • Dec 28, 2015, 06:34 PM
    They would not have told you to come back and check, if they knew the pregnancy was not still a possibility. When my wife was pregnant with our last child (he is now 15 and very alive. Doctors told her twice that the pregnancy was not viable and to just have a D&C. There is always a chance and hope
  • Dec 28, 2015, 09:37 PM
    The thing about ultrasounds is that they cannot date pregnancy exactly. That's why they're asking you to come back. Normally a heart beat can be heard by doppler at between 10-12 weeks gestation (sometimes earlier). It could be that you're not as far along as they suspect, so not yet at 10 weeks gestation.

    Pregnancy due dates can be off by 2 weeks either way. So, if you're actually only 8 weeks, waiting 2 weeks should allow them to hear the heartbeat by doppler.

    Never give up hope until they tell you that there is none. Until then, keep eating healthy, take your prenatal vitamins, rest as much as possible, and if you believe in God, pray. I know it's hard to wait that 2 weeks for another test, hoping and worrying, but that's all you can do. Do not give up hope.

    Please let us know how it goes. I will send out a prayer that everything is okay.

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