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  • Jan 22, 2009, 06:33 PM
    What is the name of the universe we're in?
    Has scientist given a name to the universe we're in? I've heard of something called Epsilon and Delta? Is that right? Delta?
  • Jan 22, 2009, 08:02 PM

    Only name I am aware of is "The Universe", prosaic as that might be. It's not like we have other universes to differentiate from, other than the theoretical ones.

    Mayhap you are thinking of the "delta quadrant" from one of the Star Trek spin-offs.
  • Jan 22, 2009, 08:47 PM

    The term Universe is meant to define everything that exists in space, therefore the universe has no name because there is not another universe.
  • Jan 23, 2009, 08:14 PM

    What about Epsilon

    I remember reading something about it from Parallel Worlds (A Journey Through Creation, Higher Dimensions, and the Future of the Cosmos by Michio Kaku...
  • Jan 24, 2009, 03:32 AM

    I would take things that Michio says with a pinch of salt, he's become a bit sensationalist and out of touch with core physics. His job is to bend the truth to capture the attention of his audience, he seems to have done that well :)
  • Jan 24, 2009, 10:40 AM

    I know, he's now into stuff like time travel and space travel and things like that... It seems for far away...
  • Jan 25, 2009, 06:44 AM
    There is no "outside" for our universe, due to space-time.
    So we can only know of the universe we live in.
    Our universe already has a name : UNIVERSE !
  • Jan 25, 2009, 06:59 AM

    I thought we were called planet earth but I will check out what you said as I am always looking for a new cool name to call my planet! Thanks ;)
  • Jan 28, 2009, 09:48 AM

    Originally Posted by artlady View Post
    I thought we were called planet earth but I will check out what you said as I am always looking for a new cool name to call my planet!! Thanks ;)

    We're not talking about the Earth, we're talking about the universe?
  • Feb 2, 2009, 04:00 PM

    Originally Posted by Lowtax4eva View Post
    The term Universe is meant to define everything that exists in space, therefore the universe has no name because there is not another universe.

    Don't know if this will quote the disagree but jolike1... if you have some evidence that "experts beleive there are multiple universes" please share it as I would be interested to read that
  • Feb 3, 2009, 03:36 PM

    Wikipedia says
    "The universe is defined as everything that physically exists: the entirety of space and time, all forms of matter, energy and momentum, and the physical laws and constants that govern them".
    So if there is another Universe, it would automatically be part of ours.
    Also, if the Universe is expanding, what are we expanding into?
  • Feb 4, 2009, 02:47 PM
    Wikipedia is just an on-line reference "book", produced and amended by Internet users.
    So whatever Wikipedia states should often be seen as questionable reference data.

    The universe is NOT everything that physically exists.
    The important lacking phrases here are : "to us" and "space-time".
    So the universe is everything that physically exists to us within our space time.
    An important difference, as it places us within the limits of space time.
    For us there is no outside to our universe. We are bound by our space-time.

    There is no reason to assume or reject anything "outside" our universe.
    It may be, it may not be, but we will never know. We are bound to this universe.
    Even the question into what does the universe expand can not be answered.
    One reason is that the universe is not like a balloon being blown up.
    There is no balloon "skin". All that increases is space-time.

    Again : anything that refers to "outside" our universe is pure speculation and phantasy.
  • Nov 5, 2009, 04:35 PM
    They had a name for the Milky Way before Edwin Hubble discovered that we wernt the only Galaxy. Personally I think the name "Adonai" would be cool. It would be significant as well seeing as its on of Gods names
  • Nov 7, 2009, 03:05 AM

    Originally Posted by Lowtax4eva View Post
    dont know if this will quote the disagree but jolike1... if you have some evidence that "experts beleive there are multiple universes" please share it as i would be interested to read that

    I'll have a go at it. I am sure that the scientists out there will correct me if I am wrong.

    Classical physics ( mainly Newton and Einstein) postulates only one universe. That is the universe we experience in three dimensions and the one of time.

    Other universes are mathematically possible when we move away from classical physics and look at non-classical theories. This does not mean that other universes exist. It only means they are possible.

    One such example is the many universes interpretation of quantum mechanics. This explanation suggests that every possible event exists in its own universe. There are an infinite number of universes that can account for every thing that could have happened in the past, but didn't. If a flip a coin in order to decide if I am going to the movies and it comes down heads I will not go. But in a parallel universe the coin landed on tails so I actually went to the movies. The frustrating part is that we are never aware of alternative outcomes.

    Events keep branching off into different universes. As crazy as it sounds it is possible.
    Another theory which deals with parallel universes is know as M- theory. But this is a different interpretation altogether.
  • Feb 12, 2010, 05:30 AM

    This has nothing much to do with the original post but it is my input to some of the replies and what I think of everything we consider to be the universe

    Am I not right in thinking a multiverse or parallel dimensions are a mathematicians theory that if something has a possibility of happening then it could have and would have happened in another time or space, kind of like the theory that everyone has a double somewhere in the world, one theory of a multiverse theorizes that the endless billions of stars and billions of combinations of things that must exist in the universe as we see it, everything must (mathematically) have an almost identical double out there, so somewhere out there someone looking like me is doing the same thing as I am doing right now just because the odds say it is possible on an astronomical scale.

    We answer too much with maths instead of just taking in what is around us and seeing the similarities that scale and perspective will allow us. What is to say we aren't living in one bubble of what we consider a universe and really the whole universe is microscopic in size to another perspective in something else's universe, almost like the universe we live in is the space between atoms in a grand scale of perception.

    We can only see as far as the light that we see allows us, the edges of what we cannot see does not mean there is nothing past it, just that the light either hasn't reached us yet or that it went out before a time where we can now see the light.

    What we see a billion light years away would be in a totally different place if we could travel there, so say we opened up a worm hole to the Andromeda galaxy we would have to work out not where it is by the light we see, but by the time the light took to reach us and the speed we see it traveling towards us to work out the stellar drift and where it would be at this very moment, what would the sky look like at night if we could put the maths into a super computer and work out exactly where every star out there is at this very moment in time, the heavens would look very different to how we see it by just looking up. Its all about perspective

    They say the only thing constant in the universe is the speed of light but that is assuming that there is nothing out there that can really slow or speed it up. We only discovered half of the periodic table in the last however many years, why can't we just accept that there are going to be things out there we can't even imagine and light could be effected by things we have and probably never will come across. Maths can't explain everything if we don't have all the data on everything that could be in effect.
  • Feb 13, 2010, 01:33 PM

    Originally Posted by Titan69 View Post
    They say the only thing constant in the universe is the speed of light but that is assuming that there is nothing out there that can really slow or speed it up. We only discovered half of the periodic table in the last however many years, why can't we just accept that there are going to be things out there we can't even imagine and light could be effected by things we have and probably never will come across. Maths can't explain everything if we don't have all the data on everything that could be in effect.

    Hello again Titan,

    I guess the answer to this part of our post is that astronomy assumes that the law of physics that apply in my backyard apply at the very edge of the universe some 15 billion light years away.
    In other words, it is assumed that the laws of physics are universal.


  • Apr 14, 2011, 02:41 PM
    Evreybody who answered: Our Universe name is: Universe is right!
    B/c if you look around the internet, it says the same.
  • Oct 3, 2012, 10:16 AM
    One name for the universe:... UNIVERSE U GOT THAT UNIVERSE U N I V E R S E
  • Oct 3, 2012, 10:17 AM
    Note if u did not no the universe's name and you thought it had a name I don't blame you

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