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  • Aug 14, 2007, 08:32 AM
    Coloring Disaster
    I have a problem!
    My boyfriend is over seas and he will be coming in for my b-day on Septemeber 7.
    I made a terrible mistake 2 years ago and dyed my naturally, light brown hair, mocha brown then black and stopped dying it since November of last year.
    The colors are horrible on my hair. I have light roots, the middle part of my hair is copper red and the ends are black-ish brown. I read about L'oreal's Color Zap that it removes hair color, I don't know anybody that has used it. I want for information about it if you have any. I want it out of my hair A.S.A.P.
    I do have damaged ends and I do deep condition it but the conditioner isn't good enough.
    Should I use it and what kind of shampoo and conditioner do you prefer?

    Thank You!
  • Aug 14, 2007, 08:46 AM
    Here's a line I try to remember when I have a situation like yours.

    When you are in a hole and can't get out, the smart thing to do is to stop digging.

    Stop trying to do your own hair. Call a good stylist and spend $100 and get your color repaired and a great haircut. Try to get back to your natural color so you won't have to worry about roots.

    I've been down the road you are on - it may cost you - but will be worth it.
  • Aug 14, 2007, 08:50 AM
    Lol! That's funny because my mom said the same thing to me.
    I am a student and I can't afford a hair cut or coloring more then $50.
    Any other suggestions??
  • Aug 15, 2007, 07:13 PM
    If you use a hair color remover such as Color Zap, this will make your hair brassy or orange. In order to go from dark to light brown without the brassy tones you will need to pre-lighten your hair with bleach and then apply the desired color. Good Luck
  • Aug 16, 2007, 04:19 AM
    See if there is a beauty college where you are. They are much cheaper and you will get the instructor as well as half the class' attention.

    I used them when money was tight and always was happy. Looking pitiful around mom might help, too. Maybe she will take mercy on you and pony up the additional cash.
  • Aug 16, 2007, 05:55 AM
    Lol! Its funny because I tried but I got myself into this I have to get myself out, my mom's words. I actually might try that Emland.
    Thank U!
  • Aug 16, 2007, 06:08 AM
    Please update with your results!

    See the color of the "rate this answer" button? My hair was that color once - costly correction on that one!

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