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  • Dec 23, 2011, 06:22 PM
    How Can I Convince My Parents Let Me Move School?
    There isn't really a particular reason for this, but I just feel a bit lost at my school.
    I'm 12 years old and have recently gone up to secondary school, which I was told would be great!
    I have a few friends who love (as mates of course) me and would be very sad to see me go, but I just can't really see me having a future at that school. I'm not being bullied or anything, I just feel lost all the time.
    My brother and sister go to this school and are doing very well, my sister currently working at A Levels and my brother... well... doing his thing. We live extremely close to my school, in walking distance. And the school I want to go to is quite far away. My mother used to work at that school and hates it so she'll say no.
    I guess I want a fresh start, meet new people. The first few weeks were bad, nobody bullied me but I sat on my own listening to music and reading in the library!
    This probably makes me sound so childish and pety but I feel strongly about this new school.. and to be honest I think I'm a bit jealous of the people that actually got to go there when we transferred to our new schools.
    My mum is not the type of person who would listen to me, she'd say 'suck it up, only 6 (she wants me to stay for 6th form) more years left!' She'd say I'm being silly and childish.
    What can I do? Please help! And please don't say I'm being silly, I've already said I know that.
  • Dec 23, 2011, 07:09 PM
    Tell them that the school you go to is int teaching you anything and you want to get a good job when you get older so tell them to let you change to a school of your choice. Then visit the schools website and print out information on the school or something to back up your story.
  • Dec 23, 2011, 07:09 PM
    There is no reason, you gave none, to change school, your other family go there, and at any new school you are going to be lost and have to fit in.

    And one can not just change schools either. So perhaps you need to get peer or school counseling to help you learn to fit in.

    I think it has more to do with your age, new school and that will not be solved by running away to another new school where it would be the same or worst.
  • Dec 23, 2011, 07:09 PM
    Because in most areas you can't do that... you are restricted to school by where you live. That's where your parents pay taxes.. so that's the school that money goes to for your education. And nothing can change it except moving.

    Besides.. who is going to drive you back and forth EVERY DAY... who is going to pay the fees required IF they would even allow it. The next school is going to be a LOT farther away.

    That's how it is in the USA... you didn't tell us where you live... all we know is you are likely in an English speaking country somewhere on Earth.

    And besides... why do you think its going to be any different at another school? Because it won't be... it will be the same, only the people are different. And you will have every one of the same problems there.

    Consider this a lesson in life on of the first... you deal with your problems... you can't run away from them. Winners deal with their problems head on... losers run from them.
  • Dec 24, 2011, 06:26 PM
    smoothy, I live in England. That doesn't really apply over here :) and its not too far away... there are plenty of busses thar I could take+my next door neighbour goes to that school, and they're really kind so I could always ask them. I'm in the catchment area for.both schools, meaning, although I would be put on a waiting list I could still be able to get in.

    Fr_Chunk, all my friends from primary school went there, that's why I'm lonely... and my new friends all met at primary so I feel really left out, they go places without me! And I don't think we have council people at my school :/ that's another thing... you can't really chat to people in private! The other school I've been told you can (my cousin, same age, same year, different school)

    joshuas1320, that's really good advice! I don't.know why id never thought of that! Thanks! ^_^
  • Dec 26, 2011, 09:07 PM
    Ok... UK. But the point about it unlikely being any different still applies. It might even end up worse...
    But still this is something your parents have to do... you can't do it yourself.

    New kid in the school... you are going to catch crap from every troublemaker there, its like that everywhere. Running away from problems doesn't solve anything... and if you find it is worse... then what are you going to do? And at best... is its no different? Trust me those people are everywhere... you can't run from them all the time. And if you try to run, you never learn how to deal with them. Eventually you end up being an adult that never learned to deal with it then your real problems are just beginning. And you WILL have to deal with these types your entire life. Unless you plan to live in a cave and never have human contact again.

    I'm not trying to be mean... just trying to keep you from developing a bad habit that will hold you back the rest of your life. Learning how to deal with situations like this is a skill that takes time to learn... and may be the most if not one of the most important life skills you will need as an adult.

    By taking a sitution you may not like, or be comfortable with... and turning it into one that becomes an advantage for you. You can't do that by running from difficulty. Because you will always have to face difficulty in life... even more often as an adult.
  • Apr 15, 2012, 01:32 PM
    I have recently asked my parents the same question! && I surprisingly feel the same way! Im in Year 8 now, and I've never really fit in:/ Im not 'unpopular', but even when surrounded by friends, I feel alone, you know?
    I think it's mainly because my absolute BFF<3 went to the other nearby school, so I had to push into other people's friendship groups:L
    The school my best friend goes to isn't too far away, so I asked my mum if she could take me to a bus stop on the way to work.. I'm still waiting for an answer:L
    I'm not running from anything, I just don't see me doing well in my school:( My sister went there && got straight C's, which she wasn't happy about:L
    With the 'BFF' thing, we've been friends since, like.. forever! && I feel lost without her, she goes to her friends house everyday after school as her mum works late, and she goes to her dad's house on weekends, so I never see her && we're drifting apart.. :( I've been doing what Joshua said, && printing useful info off the website, I also made a powerpoint and a VERY persuasive speech;) I'm still look for an answer, but CHIN UP,3 There's other people out there who feel the same way you do:) GoodLuck, && may the odd's be EVER in your favour;)
  • Apr 15, 2012, 01:43 PM
    School isn't about hanging out with friends, you do that after school... its about learning. After you graduate they will get jobs and have their own lives... you will too... you will also make new friends and few if any of your current friends will be your friends after you graduate.

    The people that studied and learned the most will get really good jobs... the ones that hung out with their friends and didn't... get the lousy jobs and work hard just to survive.
  • Jun 20, 2012, 06:43 PM
    Im going through the same thing I want to change high schools but my parents won't let me. I have tried almost everything, like your parents tell you, you can do ANYTHING that you set your mind to. So don't give up and just keep on trying
  • Jul 1, 2012, 01:28 PM
    I had this same problem! I never had any problems in my primary school however when I went into secondary school I was unhappier. There was no reason, I had friends, the teachers were good and I was a star pupil but I felt out of place. I use to cry all the time because I wanted to move to this other school that I had got into when I was 11. In the end the school offered me 50% scholarship so I was allowed to move but unfortunately it isn't better! I still just feel out of place, if anything it's worse! If I were you, I would make the most of what you have at this school. Hope everything turns out OK for you xxx
  • Oct 23, 2012, 02:05 PM
    Omg I have sort of the same problem, But my problem is that me and my used to be best friend got into a fight, which made school horrible. She turned all of my friends on me and every one else to with lies and rumors that weren't even true!! The teachers at my school all don't understand and neither does my mom. Every time I even bring up wanting to move schools it automatically puts her in a horrible mood. The councilor thinks m just lying, causing problems, and running away from my problems... but its not true! The school I want to go to is where people actually like me for me. And also I fit in at the other school. Yeah it may be more strict and the teachers may be meaner but I wouldn't care as long as I wasn't going to the school I am now. I don't know how to convince my mom to move me schools... she doesn't want me to move because its further and she keeps referring to when she was my age and just to ignore it.. Sorry to break it to her but things aren't like it when she was little, people judge now a days on what your favorite color is I mean god why do people got to be so judgmental? Got any advice for me... oh and I'm 14 by the way so I got 4 more years left of school and if I can't move then I just might literally die!! /:
  • Oct 23, 2012, 02:45 PM
    School isn't a social event... its a place to learn what you need to get through life when you become an adult. You won't even see most of these people again in a few short years. It adds significant cost and inconvenience for your parents. And most importantly... you can't run from everything the rest of your life... you have to learn to deal with it.

    Because you WILL have to deal with it at work, where you shop and where you live... no matter WHERE you go.

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