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  • Jul 29, 2006, 09:19 AM
    Thanks From Speedball1
    Thanks guys for taking up the slack on the plumbing page while I was recuperating from surgery. What I thought would be a simple biopsy "morphed" into a surgical procedure when they cut out a "precancerous mass" at the base of my tongue. This meant that ALL my food would have to be liquid but also had to take hydrocodone for the pain.
    Since I'm no downer freak, ( couldn't you tell by my nick?) I have no tolerance whatsoever for it and it made me "loopy" as hell.
    I cut way back on it yesterday and am only taking it when it hurts me too much to swallow. And I seem to be developing a tolerance for it that removes the pain but still allows me to function without a vacant smile and even more vacant answers. As I regain my strength I will be going back and reviewing what I've missed in the way of posts. You all have done a great job and I can't thank you enough. Thanks again, Tom
  • Jul 29, 2006, 09:22 AM
    You are welcome. Welcome back, Tom! In trying to help with plumbing, I realized how little I know. You are tops and we sure missed you!
  • Jul 29, 2006, 09:25 AM
    Welcome back Tom!! I did not try to help in plumbing, well not your kind anyway. LOL

    But glad to have you back and good to hear you are doing well.
  • Jul 29, 2006, 09:45 PM
    Happy day... Tom back

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