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  • Jul 31, 2009, 08:10 PM
    Period late, pregnancy test negative
    I had been treated for PCOS for last two years and had normal timely periods for last 1 year. Now me and my husband are trying to get pregnant. Last month I stopped taking pills to prevent pregnancy. This month 11 days are over than my period date 21 July. I did pregnancy test last week but it was negative. Some time I have mild pain in pelvic region as I'm going to have periods and feel tired also. But no other signs of pregnancy. Is it possible that I'm pregnant.
  • Jul 31, 2009, 08:34 PM

    You need to see a doctor for a pregnancy test, but after you go off the pill your periods can get a little out of wack so it may not come when its supposed to anymore. The pill helps you get your period at a consistent time each month but by going off it your body can change its mind;)
  • Aug 1, 2009, 08:33 AM

    I agree with starfirfly. Doctors will usually tell you that it takes anywhere from 2 to 3 months for your body to completely be back to normal after stopping the pill. I'm not saying you can't get pregnant during that time, just don't depend on your period to be your only guide.
  • Aug 2, 2009, 03:55 AM
    I also have pcos I feel pregnant a mouth after going off the pill it ended up being an ectopic pregnancy but the dr told me that the pill regulates your ovulation and when you come off it you are likely to fall pregnant quickly which I'm may case was a month later.. it was not till a yr of trying to have a baby after the ectopic that I was diagnosed wiv pcos and put on clomid (sorry don't think that's the correct spelling) 3 months later I was pregnant which is pretty good since I only have 1 tube. I have also since fallen pregnant naturally.. u could very well be pregnant I felt like I was going to get my period sore breasts cramping back pain are things I normal get when I'm due for my period I feel the same things when I'm pregnant. If it turns out your not pregnant don't be to upset it will happen either naturally or with that aid of fertility drugs either way I'm living proof that having pcos as well as the added complication of having one tube does not stop you having a baby good luck to you I'm sure you will fall pregnant when the time is right.. xoxox
  • Aug 3, 2009, 09:19 PM

    Go to your doctor and have them give you a pregnancy test, if you believe you truly are and it shows up negative ask them to give you a blood test.
  • Aug 10, 2009, 11:02 AM

    Definitely, you're best bet is to get a blood test done. They are a lot more accurate, and can test positive sooner than an HPT
  • Mar 10, 2011, 10:55 AM
    It doesn't nescerally mean you are pregnant if you just came off because. I thought that I was pregnant to when I came off mine had all the signs but it just turned out that my body had to get back on track, and it took about two months for me to start my period. Just give it time if your period doesn't start after a month take a pregnancy test or go see your doctor... Go Luck...

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