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  • Mar 4, 2008, 04:00 AM
    Is there an afterlife?
    Do you believe in a life after death?

    Even if you do not,if there was the remotest possibility that a life after death existed,what will you willingly give up or struggle to do in order to be happy in the next life?

    I do believe in an afterlife(as most of you who know me has already heard many times).:D

    Thank you in advance for your thoughts.

    I know I keep asking similar questions,but these are things I do think about and would appreciate your thoughts on them.:)
  • Mar 4, 2008, 04:26 AM
    Hi Firm,

    I love your questions as many of them swim around in my head as well.

    Yes, I believe in life after we pass on from this life.

    But I do believe I personally, will not make it directly to Paradise until I atone for my sins and wrong doings.

    I do believe in Purgatory - or a place like that.

    The reason I say that is because of those beautiful children and people who struggle every blessed day, wondering how they will eat for the day, how will they make it to the next hour. I believe our little ones who are called home sooner then we would ever want, go right into Our Father's loving arms.

    Compared to those beautiful people, of course I don't. And so I must atone for my sins.
    For my selfishness in having things that I don't need, for getting upset or angry, cursing, all of it. I must atone. I can make a start while here, but I just can't imagine going directly to heaven. I feel I do not deserve, at this point, to go directly there.

    I believe in a place of peace, love and great joy. Where are loved ones are and where we all hope to be. Where there is no pain, no suffering and most of all, where God truly is.

    I'm frieghtened in a way to lay eyes on him because of my sins even though I know he is a merciful God.

    That's why I don't fear leaving this earth, there are times I long for that peace, and not just for me, but for all. I long to see no more hurt or suffering.

    But I guess, it's not my time to be called home.

    So, yes, do believe there is Heaven and Our Loving Father who waits for us. I'm excited and yet feel ashamed all at the same time to see Our Father, but mostly I feel great love and hope and do look forward to the day I hope to be in His arms.

    Sorry I rambled on so much. I just am so grateful that Our Father loves us so much.

    Thanks Firm for asking :)
  • Mar 4, 2008, 04:44 AM
    I don't believe in an afterlife. I believe that this ~90 years in our bodies is it for everyone so we better make the best of it. My experience has been that the ones who are most vocal about there being an afterlife are the ones who are not enjoying this life and thus are hoping for something better. I simply try to make this life good and attempt to make it better for myself and others.
  • Mar 4, 2008, 05:39 AM
    I'm not too much vocal about it, unless asked. Or if someone needs comfort when their loved one passes.

    I do enjoy this life - in a way that I am so grateful for - in a way that I feel so blessed and yet guilty, because I know there is suffering and I wonder why them and not me.

    There is just a fast difference between happiness on earth and a happiness and joy of the heaven I believe in.

    So, NK I didn't want to mislead you or anyone, I am blessed and loved more then I could ever have thought possible.

    I will admit, I deeply do struggle with many things about life here and wish there wasn't any pain or suffering.

    I may not be making any sense, I more then respect your view and belief and would never want to say my way is the right way or you are to believe in my way.

    I am happy here - but when I think of eternal happiness they are two very different meanings.

    My Dad and Pops and Grandma and all my loved ones are resting at peace and may they be in God's loving arms.

    But you are right NK, I don't think I could ever have complete joy here. I have moments,
    But they don't last because of the things that I do see. But heaven isn't the bandaid for the painful things on earth, or the rope you hold onto when it seems all hope has failed. To be quite honest, I rarely think of heaven. That's probably a bad thing, but I do think of God and do hold on to my faith when things are rough here.

    I probably should think of heaven more then I do - but I don't - I guess because I feel I don't have a direct flight so to speak.
  • Mar 4, 2008, 05:48 AM
    Honestly... yes and no, in one breath I think well I don't believe in god so how can I say there's a afterlife but the other side of me says hold on who says we come back as human entity? No one knows what form we could manifest into so how can I say never?
  • Mar 4, 2008, 07:13 AM
    Well like allheart, I am not very vocal about this either ( anyone believe that)

    Of course I believe there is from faith, trust and knowing a personal relastionship with my God. I can not even start to understand the worry and the sadness that must happen to a person who does not know that this life is not even a good start to what is to come. To wake up every day with the thought that it could be the last and then nothing. Of all of the sorrow and pain people come here with, knowing that people wake up each day with that loneliness in their heart and soul of not first having the love of their God, but also in the belief that there is nothing more than this. It is enough to cause tears in body and spirit.
  • Mar 4, 2008, 07:24 AM

    Originally Posted by Fr_Chuck
    I can not even start to understand the worry and the sadness that must happen to a person who does not know that this life is not even a good start to what is to come.

    I believe I have mentioned it before, the sadness you speak of is a part of you not a part of me or others like me. It is sad however that you believe that "this life is not even a good start".
  • Mar 4, 2008, 09:15 AM
    Im not sad my life is so full I have no need to believe now saying that I have never said that my life won't always be that full but we all live and walk different paths so please save your understanding for someone who needs it.
  • Mar 4, 2008, 09:20 AM
    We are told by God through his Profits that Mankind was created to live in an earthly Paradise. The first human couple, our first human father and mother, were in paradise to begin with. In telling us what it was like, his written Word, the Holy Bible, calls it the “garden in Eden,” the name “Eden” meaning “Pleasure.”—Gen. 1:26-28; 2:7-14.

    Obviously it was God's purpose to have an earthly Paradise in which humankind would enjoy everlasting life in peace and security. God will not permit this purpose of his to go unfulfilled.

    “Everything that is my delight I shall do,” he says. “I have even spoken it; I shall also bring it in.” (Isaiah 46:10, 11) Yes, God will do what he purposes! And his promise is: “The righteous themselves will possess the earth, and they will reside forever upon it.”—Psalm 37:29.
  • Mar 4, 2008, 09:21 AM

    Originally Posted by curlybenswife
    Im not sad my life is so full i have no need to believe now saying that i have never said that my life wont always be that full but we all live and walk different paths so please save your understanding for someone who needs it.

    I do, and those that don't do need it. I also was not trying to speak directly at anyone, you were not the only one who mentioned such belief here. But having been part and seen the conversion of 100's of people to faith over the years, this has always been the one uniting factor, they realised after they found their Salvation how empty their lfe really was.
    Often you don't know what you are missing till you find it,
  • Mar 4, 2008, 09:30 AM

    Originally Posted by Fr_Chuck
    I do, and those that don't do need it. I also was not trying to speak directly at anyone, you were not the only one who mentioned such beleif here. But having been part and seen the conversion of 100's of people to faith over the years, this has always been the one uniting factor, they realised after they found thier Salvation how empty thier lfe really was.
    Often you don't know what you are missing till you find it,

    This will sound awfull but its qoutes like that, that make me run a mile I am my own person in my own right and I don't feel the need to be a part of your faith, I'm glad you feel you need it and also glad you believe in it as I say we all walk different paths maybe one day they will cross you see I never say never but right now I have no wish or need for anything of such in my life.

    Hense why I can't say yay or nay to there being an afterlife, you see my nanna was part of the church of england in a big way and I'm more than aware of what her faith meant to her but it still makes it a weird one in my mind.
  • Mar 4, 2008, 09:36 AM

    Originally Posted by Fr_Chuck
    But having been part and seen the conversion of 100's of people to faith over the years, this has always been the one uniting factor, they realised after they found thier Salvation how empty thier lfe really was.
    Often you don't know what you are missing till you find it,

    There are many weak people in this world who are bordering on desperation, whatever pulls them from the brink is OK with me I guess.
  • Mar 4, 2008, 09:57 AM
    Millions of people in America are living in relative peace and security with-out severe trials. Of course they do not presently need hope for the future because they see the future as though it were the present.

    But what of the millions in the world who are suffering severs trials?

    What exultant joy the apostles had when they came into severe trials! They summoned the apostles, flogged them, and charged them to stop speaking upon the basis of Jesus' name, and let them go. These, therefore, went their way from before the San´hedrin, rejoicing because they had been counted worthy to be dishonored in behalf of his name

    How could they suffer a flogging and rejoice over it- because of the joy-producing hope that they had. There was reason for joy also because they had passed a severe trial, and by doing so had worked out endurance. Consider it all joy, my brothers, when you meet with various trials, knowing as you do that this tested quality of your faith works out endurance. Since God is the Source of hope he is also the Source of joy. The joy of God is your strength. Joy, a fruit of the spirit, comes in unbounded measure when we “persevere in prayer,” requesting God's holy spirit. His spirit enriches our hope.

    But I wonder about those who are living in relative peace and security with-out severe trails…I wonder how they will endure when the time comes that they must endure severe trials in their life, and the time will come.
  • Mar 4, 2008, 10:48 AM
    I do not believe in god but reincarnation yes for some reason.
    I used to have dreams one of them I was in a café in the local station what was still there up to a couple of years ago it was during ww2. When I woke up I thought oh it was that café but that café does nothave windows having never been in there in my whole life for some reason I had togo and have a look when I went there were windows just thought I must have been there as a child and the memory had stuck.
    Not long after that I dreamt that I was running down a street with old buildings which is still there and there were bombs falling and I hid and a bomb fell on the building opposite me. When I awoke I could not breath and it seemed so real.
    Only a couple of days ago I was looking at old photos on the net and that building did get bombed I could not believe it.
    I have always liked with war era and I remember at school when I was 11 doing about the war and being really upset when we finished.
    Could all this be a past life or in my head?
  • Mar 5, 2008, 12:22 PM

    Originally Posted by NeedKarma
    My experience has been that the ones who are most vocal about there being an afterlife are the ones who are not enjoying this life and thus are hoping for something better. I simply try to make this life good and attempt to make it better for myself and others.

    I am quite vocal about my thoughts on the afterlife and this life too.

    But I have to say that I enjoy my life,my family,fun times,celebrations,every single day I find that I enjoy life doing everything or nothing and just laze around.
    I am not the thrill seeking type,but I have enjoyed some roller coaster rides too (which I did feel as if I was dying every second on it.:)).
    I find that those I know personally who are firmbelivers in a next life do enjoy their life the same as non-believers.
    And we too have our days when we don't enjoy so much,sad times too come our way.
    I think believers and non-believers are not that different being human we have our happy times and sad times equally, times we enjoy and times we wish we did not have to face.

    The only difference maybe that believers accept that we have to prepare during this journey called life to be well packed for the next life.


    Originally Posted by Dark_crow
    But I wonder about those who are living in relative peace and security with-out severe trails…I wonder how they will endure when the time comes that they must endure severe trials in their life, and the time will come.

    This is such a thought provoking statement.
    I wonder too what the outcome will be...

    One can never say never and I am glad you haven't decided one way or another.:)

    Personally I do not believe in reincarnation into this very same world (this earth,sun,moon etc),but yes I do believe in a sort of continuation from this world to another after death.

    Thank you Allheart.

    Thank you Fr-Chuck for your thoughts too.
  • Mar 5, 2008, 01:59 PM
    Oh yes I do believe in afterlife for I am an old sole. I have always been told that from many people who have met me. Growing up I was the one that had to tell my mom what to do when a situation arose... lol Even though I was young I still had the answers. Still till this day she ask me for advise. As I do to when I am not sure of the answer.
    Also I used to be deathly afraid of trains. I would cry when they went by no reason why I just would bust out in tears. (I think it was something from a past life.) When I went to training for my job I had to ride an amtrack I really enjoyed it. I have no idea why I was so scared of them its kind of stupid. But maybe a train killed me in my past I don't know.
    But I do know that I believe Firmly in life after death.
  • Mar 5, 2008, 02:11 PM

    Originally Posted by nicki143
    I do not believe in god but reincarnation yes for some reason.

    Hi Nicki

    Although the Bible does not support the reincarnation doctrine, nobody needs to feel disappointed. The Bible’s message offers something far more comforting than the idea of being reborn in a world filled with sickness, sorrow, pain, and death. And not only is what the Bible offers comforting but it is the truth, God’s own Word.

    Paul expressed the encouraging doctrine in this way: “I have hope toward God . . . that there is going to be a resurrection of both the righteous and the unrighteous.” The word “resurrection,” or some form of it, occurs over 50 times in the Christian Greek Scriptures, and Paul speaks of it as a primary doctrine of the Christian faith.—Acts 24:15; Hebrews 6:1, 2.

    Resurrection from the dead means, obviously, that death exists. Nowhere in the Bible will you find any hint that man has an immortal soul. If man had an immortal soul that separated from the body at death and went to an everlasting destiny in heaven or in hell or was reincarnated, then there would be no need for a resurrection. On the other hand, some one hundred Bible texts show that the human soul is, not immortal, but mortal and destructible. The Bible consistently speaks of death as being the opposite of life, that is, nonexistence as contrasted with existence.
  • Mar 7, 2008, 06:50 PM
    Job 19:25-27
    25 For I know that my redeemer liveth, and that he shall stand at the latter day upon the earth:
    26 And though after my skin worms destroy this body, yet in my flesh shall I see God:
    27 Whom I shall see for myself, and mine eyes shall behold, and not another; though my reins be consumed within me.
    (KJV)(From the oldest book in the Bible)

    2 Cor 5:8
    8 We are confident, I say, and willing rather to be absent from the body, and to be present with the Lord.
    (KJV)(How could we be present with the Lord, if not conscious?)

    Luke 16:22-23
    22 And it came to pass, that the beggar died, and was carried by the angels into Abraham's bosom: the rich man also died, and was buried;
    23 And in hell he lift his eyes, being in torments, and seeth Abraham afar off, and Lazarus in his bosom.
    (KJV)(The rich man was concious)

    Luke 16:27-28
    27 Then he said, I pray thee therefore, father, that thou wouldest send him to my father's house:
    28 For I have five brethren; that he may testify unto them, lest they also come into this place of torment.
    (KJV)(The rich man had his memory intact)
  • Mar 8, 2008, 12:13 AM
    Donna Mae
    "In my Father's house are many mansions,"

    Jesus went to prepare this place for me and you. Yes there definitely is an afterlife. It's called heaven.
  • Mar 8, 2008, 12:17 AM

    Originally Posted by firmbeliever
    Do you beleive in a life after death?

    Even if you do not,if there was the remotest possibility that a life after death existed,what will you willingly give up or struggle to do in order to be happy in the next life?

    I do believe in an afterlife(as most of you who know me has already heard many times).:D

    Thank you in advance for your thoughts.

    I know I keep asking similar questions,but these are things I do think about and would appreciate your thoughts on them.:)

    I have always believed in our next life. That everything we do in this life and the people we are around. That we all effect each other and also effect our next life from the way we live now in this life.

    I do believe in life after life. What would I be able to struggle with or give up?

    I would suffer physically, emotionally. I would live poorly to be able to live richly in the next life.

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