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  • Nov 25, 2019, 09:58 PM
    Guy from the club stood me up?!
    I went to the club last week with my roommate and I was dancing most of the time but I sat down for 5 minutes and this guy approached me. He told me I was beautiful and asked if he could take me out I agreed even though he wasn’t my exact type but I wanna explore my options because I just got out of a relationship. Anyways I gave him my phone to put his number in it and he did. He texted me right after he got out of the club and I didn’t answer until I woke up the next morning. The next day, He asked to link up and I told him I was out of town ( because I was ) and he was like “oh yeah 🥺” and I told him I’d be back on Monday and we could meet up some time that week and he was like “that’s a bet” soo I waited until about Thursday of this week and texted him asking if he still wanted to link up because it was his idea. And he was like “yeah let’s do it tomorrow” and I asked if Saturday was an option and he said it was. Then he was like “bet 😘” so Saturday wan yesterday and he didn’t text me ALL day and I lowkey felt bad for a second and texted him the next day “hey idk what happened yesterday but in the future , don’t say you wanna take me out and not make any effort to do it” and he was like “I’m sorry, I didn’t know you were back in town” , “wyd today” and so we went back and forth and made plans to hang out today and he offered to cook for me and stuff and we got the time and everything and he was like “be ready at 7” and now it’s almost 8:30 and I’ve been sitting here for an hour waiting and he hasn’t texted , I rlly wanna curse this guy out rn but what should I do?
  • Nov 26, 2019, 04:58 AM
    For whatever reason this fellow is unreliable so don't get stuck on him or get drawn into this emotional back and forth. I think you are just to eager to hook up, and may not realize you're wasting your time over a guy who isn't really worth it. Lots more fish in the sea, and there should be no hurry to get one any way. You just got out of a relationship, so give yourself a chance to get over it and have fun being single as the emotional dusts settles.

    Takes time to get your grove back after a break up.
  • Nov 26, 2019, 09:19 AM
    Homegirl 50
    Don't waste your time or emotional energy on this guy. You are seeming way too eager and needy.Take some time to get over your break up. You should not jump into another relationship, especially with some one not worth it.

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