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  • Mar 6, 2008, 03:31 PM
    How do I go on vacation?
    Why won't let me go on vacation?

    Why don't they have a place where it says their email on every page so you can contact them?
  • Mar 6, 2008, 03:32 PM
    Just leave.
  • Mar 6, 2008, 03:34 PM
    Well I find NOT checking your e-mail for any notifications works well.

    I'm not sure I really understand what you are trying to say here.
  • Mar 26, 2008, 10:48 AM

    Originally Posted by eawoodall
    why won't let me go on vacation?

    why don't they have a place where it says their email on every page so you can contact them? when it was had a check mark you placed in a box. And it when someone wanted to ask a question, told them you were on vacation. New software on askmehelpdesk does not do that. Oh well.

    Thank you again. Have a good day
  • Mar 26, 2008, 11:39 AM
    First askmehelpdesk is not the same or affiliated with or any other Q&A site. The software is different.

    Second, AMHD does not provide an On Vacation message because we do not believe in posing questions to a specific person via PM or E-mail. All questions should be posted publicly. This way, if one person is unavailable for a while others can pick up the slack.

    If you are involved in a thread, you can just post a note in that thread that you will be away for a while.
  • Mar 26, 2008, 05:32 PM
    Before it was, it was

    The software is different.

    I told you both these things, obviously you do not know them. Or did not read my post well enough to know I said both those. does not do Q&A anymore. The Q&A moved to this site.

    I was answering questions there then, and here now. It would be nice if the software allowed people to see, at least in your profile that you are on vacation, by just checking a button. But I do not expect the software to be made better.

    Yes good for anyone who can to answer.

    But when I ask questions like this take note of the haters, who just want people to leave and delete their account, so they do not have to compete with other experts.


    Originally Posted by ScottGem
    First askmehelpdesk is not the same or affiliated with or any other Q&A site. The software is different.

    Second, AMHD does not provide an On Vacation message because we do not believe in posing questions to a specific person via PM or E-mail. All questions should be posted publicly. This way, if one person is unavailable for a while others can pick up the slack.

    If you are involved in a thread, you can just post a note in that thread that you will be away for a while.

  • Mar 26, 2008, 06:58 PM
    Where are you getting this idea from? As far as I know this site was started when shut down. It was named the way it is to get the people who had to find someplace else to go when that happened. In fact, the original home page for rthis site was a direct copy of AskMe's home page. was and is a search engine. If it had a Q&A area I wasn't aware of it.
  • Mar 26, 2008, 07:13 PM
    There are many of the same experts here as where on the old askme.come site. But the owners of stopped using their public site. The people started the online site as a practice tool to improve their system, and as a maketing tool. They were selling a question and answer format to large corporations. Once they had enough large companies sold, to use as reference, and had their product designed they starting putting less and less tech support onto their web site.
    Finally they closed their site. Before and after it closed there were many other sites started to fill the void.

    Many people found they liked this site better than many of the others because of many factors.

    But there is no connection between this site and the old askmecom site.
  • Mar 26, 2008, 07:31 PM
    Roel Zylstra

    Originally Posted by eawoodall
    before it was, it was is affiliated with neither nor


    Originally Posted by eawoodall
    i was answering questions there then, and here now. it would be nice if the software allowed people to see, atleast in your profile that you are on vacation, by just checking a button. but i do not expect the software to be made better.

    You may mention in your signature that you are on vacation.

    We are making the software better. Every week we make changes which you may or may not notice. Every three years we have a major upgrade of the website.

    Originally Posted by eawoodall
    but when i ask questions like this take note of the haters, who just want people to leave and delete their account, so they do not have to compete with other experts.

    Are you referring to NeedKarma's "just leave"? Perhaps he meant it as advice, but I agree he could have worded it differently. ;)
  • Mar 26, 2008, 07:48 PM
    Thanks, Admin, for confirming that.

    As Admin confirmed, you are mistaken about the history of this site. By the way I did read your post well. Maybe you should have read my post better since it contained accurate information.

    As far as the haters I don't know whatyou are talking about. Need's remark was not to get you off this site, just to let you know to just go on vacation.

    The more I think about your response the more incensed I get over it. Lets look at the facts;

    1) I joined this site more than 2 years before you.

    2) I have posted more than 100 times as many posts as you have

    3) I'm one of the site Mods.

    Yet you presume to tell me I don't know the history of this site and that you know it better than I.
  • Mar 27, 2008, 01:44 AM
    Oops, it appears my words could have been taken different ways - sorry about that that. I don't believe that second line ("why don't they have a place where it says their email on every page so you can contact them?") was in the original question, was it edited after the fact? Anyway I thought the OP was addicted to AMHD and was asking 'how do I leave?'. No hate intended, was just trying to help out with what I thought was breaking an addiction. :)
  • Mar 27, 2008, 07:55 PM
    One of us is wrong.

    Perhaps it is me.

    Perhaps this was

    Yes that site changed to just business answers.

    But on that site, I was told that it would become

    Perhaps they lied to me. Perhaps they were wrong for doing so.

    Perhaps the separation of this web site from them is a legal falsehood.

    Perhaps this site was just created to not have the some legal connected issues with that site. Perhaps what you have been told admin is not so. You see when a group of people want to create a truly separate site they don't go on the old site as administrators and tell people to move giving a specific site as a name as a continuation of the old. For a time they even archived answers from there, on a certain server? Have you seen such archives on

    Yes, I said the software is different. Because I noticed it is.

    Yes I said you do not have a button to click to go on vacation, I know you are not adding one. I have emailed back to administation here before, when asking about this issue.

    I was told this site was open, but I did not come here quickly nor in a hurry. I was unhappy that the other site closed to q & a. so did not come here to answers questions for a long time. Perhaps it was years, or perhaps months.

    Appears you did not ever answer questions on

    Oh well. Life goes on.

    Too bad you think you know the history. As I said one of us is right. I don't know nor do I care which. You can disagree with me all you want. Does not change what happened.
    Perhaps my memory is bad, too many fights, too many times hit in the head, with bullets or chains, or pool sticks, or pool balls, or chairs, or tables, or machine guns, or knives, or
    Well I could go on all day. Have a nice day. But I do notice you did not actually give the answer that the real admin on gave me via email. They said to email them and they could 'put me on vacation'. And when I got back they could take me off vacation. I respect them for saying that, but I thought it would be interesting to see how people answer if I asked the question on a post. Have a good life.


    Originally Posted by ScottGem
    Thanks, Admin, for confirming that.

    As Admin confirmed, you are mistaken about the history of this site. By the way I did read your post well. Maybe you should have read my post better since it contained accurate information.

    As far as the haters I don't know whatyou are talking about. Need's remark was not to get you off this site, just to let you know to just go on vacation.

    The more I think about your response the more incensed I get over it. Lets look at the facts;

    1) I joined this site more than 2 years before you.

    2) I have posted more than 100 times as many posts as you have

    3) I'm one of the site Mods.

    Yet you presume to tell me I don't know the history of this site and that you know it better than I.

  • Mar 27, 2008, 08:10 PM
    First, yes you are mistaken. Admin is the owner and originator of this site! So her should know its affiliations and origins.

    No didn't "change to just business answers". The Public site was a demo of their knowledge management software. Its was meant to attract companies to purchase it. Once the company was launched and selling their product, they had no need for the public site anymore, so they just shut it down completely.

    You were never "told that it would become", you may have misunderstood an invitation to join this site. I received such an invite too. used proprietary software, again, software they were selling. This site uses a popular web based BBS format that many other sites use. Admin has customized it to a large extent over the years, but its still basically the same software. The ability to set your profile as on vacation was never a part of that software.

    I think what happened here is you misunderstood a lot of things. When announced they were closing down several other sites popped up to take its place. Some of those sites, including this one, contacted experts at soliciting them to come to these new sites. I was contacted by several of those sites. At no time did any of the solicitations state they were affiliated with But the name of this site and the copying of the AskMe home page was obviously meant to capitalize on the popularity.

    But the facts are that this site had no affiliation with Other than the choice of domain name, there is no connection between them. Its not a matter of disagreeing with you. It's a matter of stating facts! I'm giving you the facts, you refuse to accept them. A prime example is the issue of time. My Join Date is lsited as Jan 2003, your join data is listed as Mar 2005. Clearly a 2+ year difference, not months!

    Not sure who you are referring to who didn't use But I was the #1 ranked Technology expert (#2 overall) when they closed.
  • Oct 25, 2010, 01:55 PM

    Originally Posted by ScottGem View Post
    First, yes you are mistaken. Admin is the owner and originator of this site! So her should know its affiliations and origins.

    No didn't "change to just business answers". The Public site was a demo of their knowledge management software. its was meant to attract companies to purchase it. Once the company was launched and selling their product, they had no need for the public site anymore, so they just shut it down completely.

    You were never "told that it would become", you may have misunderstood an invitation to join this site. I received such an invite too. used proprietary software, again, software they were selling. This site uses a popular web based BBS format that many other sites use. Admin has customized it to a large extent over the years, but its still basically the same software. The ability to set your profile as on vacation was never a part of that software.

    I think what happened here is you misunderstood a lot of things. When announced they were closing down several other sites popped up to take its place. Some of those sites, including this one, contacted experts at soliciting them to come to these new sites. I was contacted by several of those sites. At no time did any of the solicitations state they were affiliated with But the name of this site and the copying of the AskMe home page was obviously meant to capitalize on the popularity.

    But the facts are that this site had no affiliation with Other than the choice of domain name, there is no connection between them. Its not a matter of disagreeing with you. Its a matter of stating facts! I'm giving you the facts, you refuse to accept them. A prime example is the issue of time. My Join Date is lsited as Jan 2003, your join data is listed as Mar 2005. Clearly a 2+ year difference, not months!

    Not sure who you are referring to who didn't use But I was the #1 ranked Technology expert (#2 overall) when they closed.

    Interesting, if true. But I did not join right away, and I presume they deleted or did not keep my join date from the other site, since you said it is completely different, then obviously my join date would be some time after I did join, and since I did not join right away, it would not be when they opened there or here. Whoever is here. When I was there on the other web site, I had a join date much earlier by several years, and I spent time answering questions on at least one other web site after stopped doing answers, but perhaps I was lied to by someone. I only told you what I was told. I only came back after some internet search said was the new or perhaps an email from someone. So you having an earlier join date only shows that you joined here sooner than I did. But says nothing about what happened there. As I said before, someone was lying to someone somewhere. I do not know if I was lied to, or you were lied to, or if it is all some big misunderstanding, but I am not concerned about it. Live and let live.
  • Oct 25, 2010, 05:32 PM

    I really don't understand why you are resurrecting a 2.5 yr old thread. And I especially don't understand why you refuse to accept the facts here. Whatever your join date on it has nothing to do with this site. When this site was started it started from scratch.

    I've been answering questions on various venues for over 20 years. So I have more than the average knowledge of Q&A sites. But forget about me, you were told the facts by the OWNER of this site. Are you saying he lied to you? Did it never occur to you that you don't remember what exactly happened SEVEN years ago when closed!

    The facts are as I've stated. was started by former Microsofties to demo a knowledge management software. The public site was used to demo the software. When business took off and they didn't need the demo anymore then shut the site down. Other people decided to start their own sites to try and pick up the slack. This site,, and a number of others either started or tried to attract askme users. Some tried recruiting askme experts. I received an invite from several sites since I was the #2 ranked expert on askme. The invite I received from here did not hint that this site was affiliated with askme at all. In fact, while I joined immediately, I didn't become active here for awhile because I didn't like that they copied askme's home screen.

    Those are the facts, if you don't want to believe them, that's up to you, but those ARE the facts.
  • Oct 25, 2010, 07:45 PM

    Originally Posted by ScottGem View Post
    I really don't understand why you are resurrecting a 2.5 yr old thread. And I especially don't understand why you refuse to accept the facts here. Whatever your join date on it has nothing to do with this site. When this site was started it started from scratch.

    I've been answering questions on various venues for over 20 years. So I have more than the average knowledge of Q&A sites. But forget about me, you were told the facts by the OWNER of this site. Are you saying he lied to you? Did it never occur to you that you don't remember what exactly happened SEVEN years ago when closed!

    The facts are as I've stated. was started by former Microsofties to demo a knowledge management software. The public site was used to demo the software. When business took off and they didn't need the demo anymore then shut the site down. Other people decided to start their own sites to try and pick up the slack. This site,, and a number of others either started or tried to attract askme users. Some tried recruiting askme experts. I received an invite from several sites since I was the #2 ranked expert on askme. The invite I received from here did not hint that this site was affiliated with askme at all. In fact, while I joined immediately, I didn't become active here for awhile because I didn't like that they copied askme's home screen.

    Those are the facts, if you don't want to believe them, that's up to you, but those ARE the facts.

    you don't understand. I quoted the web site. They said they were answering business questions. Any business to stay in business must answer questions, as either puffery, or in actual fact. It is basic business theory. Whether the business model is to sell lumber or build houses, you must answer questions to stay in business! I have been an expert over 40 years! Neither you nor the owner of this site understand the usage of the same words in different fields are used differently. In legal fields the same words you presume mean certain things, do not mean what a common man thinks they do, so also in business. I did not question the owner of this site, I pointed out, that I do not KNOW who I am talking to on the internet, and so anyone could claim to be owner, or any other position at any site. And they (askme,com) know what they did, but I do not have proof of what they are saying. I do not know who they are. No one knows who I am. We are not meeting in person. I can only presume what I am told, or see. can say anything since the owner of this site has nothing to do with them, as you said. And unless there was a lawsuit to stop whatever puffery occurs then there is no legal way to stop/or limit misinformation. I use terms that any third grader would understand. I try to speak to the common people instead of trying to limit who can read what I say by writing at a high grade level. Perhaps you have spent much time in pursuit of very lofty and worthwhile goals, and education, but that does not mean that you are correct. If you undersand that most words have 3-5 meanings and shades of meanings, then you will understand I mostly agreed with you, but you did not get told, like I did, that this ( was the new
    as I said lies may have been told. I do not know who said lies or how much I was lied to, or whatever. It does not concern me. I do not want to be highest ranked (on the internet anyway) somewhere, ever. Even though I have been in several fields before (on question sites multiple times), and that is why I do not spend more time answering questions here. The owner of this site does not know what others told me. I do not know who the owner is. I only come here to answer questions that I find can be helpful to some people.
    I am not here for fame, or fortune, I have enough of both already.
    I came back to this thread because someone was adding more to it.
    again, this thread does not concern me, whoever you are does not concern me. I am merely pointing out in the limited knowledge all of us have of what has happened and what others have experienced that we cannot know what others were told. I trust whoever owns this site to express my opinions. Otherwise I would not try to explain things to people. But I have not seen the corporate papers or 'doing business as' of whoever owns or runs things here, no. it is not an argument. It is not a problem. Maybe in my simple way of speaking I confused you. I am sorry. Maybe I was misunderstood, again I am sorry. I will try to use bigger words.
    You said they copied home screen. I do not know. Perhaps that was part of the confusion for me, since you pointed out the difference in software versions. The site had button you clicked to show you were on vacation, but such is the way of software differences. I am glad that this site exists. I am glad to answer questions on here. It is obvious our point of view is different and what we experienced is different, and that is okay.
    My point to you sir was that knowing is more than what we know, it must be a certain amount of trust in what others claim to know. Unless you have proven gravity is a certain value how do you know?
    trust in those who told you. The same with most things. We know because someone we trusted told us. I am glad if the owner was the one who told me things, because I know that they know what actually happened concerning this site, I was not disputing what they know, I was pointing out my experience with people who claimed they were in charge was different, because those people were not actually from this site, they were from a different site. I know that now, but did not then. People can claim to be whoever. The proof is in who they really are. May your path be peaceful.
  • Oct 25, 2010, 08:25 PM

    I don't know what you think or recollect that you saw. But you didn't see what you say you saw since it never existed.

    Again, was started to sell software for knowledge management. The idea was to capture the knowledge of knowledge workers by building a repository of questions and answers. They put up a Q&A site to demo that software. When they shut down the public site they no longer took questions of ANY kind on ANY site. They simple sold the software for companies to use the capture the knowledge of their workers.

    Maybe you saw a page that suggested members come here along with other sites for Q&A. But you did NOT see a page that said that would become, since the people who started AMHD had and have no affiliation with the people behind askme.

    If you were told that AMHD was the successor for Askme, you were not told that by either askme or AMHD. I know a couple of the people behind askme and they would never have posted that. You previously confused with so why can't you just just accept that your recollection is faulty and leave it at that?

    No one added more to this thread. My post was the last in May 2008 until you posted today. As to your diatribe about mulitple meanings and simple words I haven't a clue what you are talking about. I mentioned my status at askme only to explain why I was invited to join other sites.

    Bottom line is I don't know what you think or recollect that you saw, but it wasn't what you describe. I doubt if anyone lied to you, I think you just misread or misrecollect what you saw. AMHD has never has any affiliation with The software is different and I explained, in my initial answer why we don't think a On Vacation button is necessary.
  • Oct 26, 2010, 03:34 AM

    Originally Posted by ScottGem View Post
    I don't know what you think or recollect that you saw. But you didn't see what you say you saw since it never existed.

    Again, was started to sell software for knowledge management. The idea was to capture the knowledge of knowledge workers by building a repository of questions and answers. They put up a Q&A site to demo that software. When they shut down the public site they no longer took questions of ANY kind on ANY site. They simple sold the software for companies to use the capture the knowledge of their workers.

    Maybe you saw a page that suggested members come here along with other sites for Q&A. But you did NOT see a page that said that would become, since the people who started AMHD had and have no affiliation with the people behind askme.

    If you were told that AMHD was the successor for Askme, you were not told that by either askme or AMHD. I know a couple of the people behind askme and they would never have posted that. You previously confused with so why can't you just just accept that your recollection is faulty and leave it at that?

    No one added more to this thread. My post was the last in May 2008 until you posted today. As to your diatribe about mulitple meanings and simple words I haven't a clue what you are talking about. I mentioned my status at askme only to explain why I was invited to join other sites.

    Bottom line is I don't know what you think or recollect that you saw, but it wasn't what you describe. I doubt if anyone lied to you, I think you just misread or misrecollect what you saw. AMHD has never has any affiliation with The software is different and I explained, in my initial answer why we don't think a On Vacation button is necessary.

    Exactly, you do not know what I am talking about.
    Someone in emails to me,now I know they were obviously a hacker who changed their return address listed to that of the owner admin of lied to me. I did not know they were pretending to be someone there were not, I do not know where they got my email address, but as you said the email addresses of people were given out to different answer sites on the internet.

    The owner/admin of I now know did not do any wrong, you explained that, and I am sure the people from did no wrong, but the email I got from people claiming to be you or them exist. If you ever got a email from someone claiming to be a bank in africa, and the return email address listed was not correct, when compared to the web site they wanted you to send the phisihing information to, then you know that hackers can change what email return address shows up in email.

    When someone gives testimony of what happened, about someone telling them something it can be correct, even if the information that they were given can be wrong, and yet them telling you what they were told is not faulty. If then conditional logic statement.

    I could be wrong, but you have no way of knowing what has been emailed to me. Nor if I can find it would I want to send you copies if they still exist. That was near the time when I started to come over to I do not think any email I received was an attack on your or any other web site, perhaps it was designed to cause me to be misinformed or perhaps I misunderstood it, as you do not understand me.

    I now know it is different software with different choices, run by different people. And that is all great. If it was the old same old, it would also be great. I am not attacking you or your view of what happened. I am pointing out you did not get the emails I did.

    I believe getting messages on concerning issues on is for the best, like eBay does. And perhaps you already do that, I do not know your policy on such things. Perhaps I overlooked it when reading the faq.

    And selling software does not stop them as a business from saying "we answer our customers questions" (as their web site said shortly after they changed to not doing this type of forum). All businesses say that. Would you do business with a business who said we will not respond if you ask questions? Or if you need help? no. not many would in my humble opinion.

    So basically I was wrong about thinking this web site was cut and paste of the old. A lot of things are different. Great. Be happy. You have not done anything wrong, no one at your organization or the other has done anything wrong. But someone mislead me who is not associated with either of you. And for their attempts they will have to bear whatever fate decides, for it is not my choice to determine what happens, but merely observe. If they live to be 90 great, if they fall over next week before they can treat others badly -- well I don't know, I think I would rather they have mercy, I would rather they be forgiven for what they have done. I know I can be imperfect at times.

    I have been wrong before, as just a regular joe, it happens.
    I always try to think of myself as a regular joe anyway.

    Perhaps I misunderstood. You may of course delete all this puffery of me being confused or mislead, as you see fit, because I do not see any advantage in leaving any of this entire thread on here, but as you wish. But realize you do not my email off site.

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