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  • Aug 5, 2008, 11:30 AM
    Dr Nancy Malik
    What is Homeopathy?
    What is Homeopthy?
  • Aug 5, 2008, 11:32 AM
    Dr Nancy Malik
    Homeopathy is a system of medicine that treats diseased individuals on the basis of using medicinal substances capable of producing similar changes in the health of a person as that of the diseased person. The term Homoeopathy is derived from the Greek words - homoios, meaning similar, and pathos, mean suffering.

    Dr. Samuel Hahnemann, the founder of homeopathy, was himself an allopathic doctor (M.D.). Homeopathy was established it in the late 18th and early 19th century by Dr. Samuel Hahnemann. He realised his own school of medicine (allopathy) wasnt helping the patients and spent years researching on homeopathy.
  • Aug 5, 2008, 11:45 AM

    Originally Posted by Dr Nancy Malik
    Homeopathy is a system of medicine that treats diseased individuals on the basis of using medicinal substances capable of producing similar changes in the health of a person as that of the diseased person. The term Homoeopathy is derived from the Greek words - homoios, meaning similar, and pathos, mean suffering.

    Dr. Samuel Hahnemann, the founder of homeopathy, was himself an allopathic doctor (M.D.). Homeopathy was established it in the late 18th and early 19th century by Dr. Samuel Hahnemann. He realised his own school of medicine (allopathy) wasnt helping the patients and spent years researching on homeopathy.

    What exactly is the purpose of asking a question - and then answering it - ?
  • Aug 5, 2008, 11:59 AM
    Doesn't it defeat the whole purpose of asking a question if you are going to answerer it yourself!

    Also "prescribing" Homeopathic meds when a full medical history has NOT been taken is NOT permissible on AMHD.

    Any further posts of this type will be removed and your account may be suspended.
  • Aug 5, 2008, 07:05 PM
    I went to her "web site" appears she is in India, where of course this form of medicial care is reconised a lot more than in the US. Actually in the US only a few states even reconise and license this form of medical care.

    And it is very very serious since one is not treating a symptom but looking past it. It would take a very detailed investigation, and to add that the level of dosage can very depending on a persons make up.

    One may give some general suggestions, just like others could recommend cough syurp or a asprin, since the items used in this treatment is not actuallly prescribed ( at least in the US) but are items that are available over the counter.
  • Aug 6, 2008, 02:09 AM
    Dr Nancy Malik
    I was not aware that I could not post answer to my own question. The moment I enter the question, it asks for the quick reply to it. So I answered. Actually a, you are allowed to answer your own question. The moment Icame to know that I could not answer my own questions I stopped. In USA I think it's not a recognised medical system except in few states it seems. In India it's arecognised one by Government and is integreated with other systems of medicine like allopathy, and ayurveda

    But it is wrong on the part of administrator to delete my posts. All my efforts, and time has been posted. No where at site it has been mentioned you can not answer your questions.

    I am little confused. My questions and answers have been deleted but my no of posts shows 4,294,967,295. How it is possible when I have not entered more than 50 posts at max.

    Can admin clear this point?
  • Aug 6, 2008, 02:55 AM

    Originally Posted by Dr Nancy Malik
    I was not aware that I could not post answer to my own question. The moment I enter the question, it asks for the quick reply to it. So I answered.

    This kind of defeats the whole object of the site. AMHD is a Q&A site.
    The whole point is receiving answer/opinions from others. Posting in this manner, while helpful is counter productive.


    Actually a, you are allowed to answer your own question. The moment Icame to know that I could not answer my own questions I stopped.
    This is ASKMEHELPDESK not Wikianswers !


    In USA I think it's not a recognised medical system except in few states it seems. In India it's arecognised one by Government and is integreated with other systems of medicine like allopathy, and ayurveda
    Doesn't detract from my comment about "prescribing" remedies without a full medical history.
    Incorrect advice of this nature can, and does, open the poster up to all kinds of legal consequences.


    But it is wrong on the part of administrator to delete my posts. All my efforts, and time has been posted. No where at site it has been mentioned you can not answer your questions.
    I addressed this above.
    It's clear this wasn't a lot of real work, simply copy & paste statements.


    I am little confused. My questions and answers have been deleted but my no of posts shows 4,294,967,295. How it is possible when I have not entered more than 50 posts at max.
    Site glitch, being addressed


    Can admin clear this point?

    Any other comments ?
  • Aug 6, 2008, 06:13 AM

    Originally Posted by Dr Nancy Malik
    I was not aware that I could not post answer to my own question. The moment I enter the question, it asks for the quick reply to it. So I answered. Actually a, you are allowed to answer your own question. The moment Icame to know that I could not answer my own questions I stopped. In USA I think it's not a recognised medical system except in few states it seems. In India it's arecognised one by Government and is integreated with other systems of medicine like allopathy, and ayurveda

    But it is wrong on the part of administrator to delete my posts. All my efforts, and time has been posted. No where at site it has been mentioned you can not answer your questions.

    I am little confused. My questions and answers have been deleted but my no of posts shows 4,294,967,295. How it is possible when I have not entered more than 50 posts at max.

    Can admin clear this point?

    I have a question back at you - this is a question and answer site. People who need info post and people with experience and/or expertise answer. What is the point of asking and then answering your own questions - ?

    I don't see a waste of your time, quite frankly, because you wrote questions and then merely cut and pasted your answers from other sites. How much time does it take to cut and paste?

    In one post you appeared to diagnose and prescribe without taking any medical history - a practice I find dangerous and possibly illegal.

    But that's beside the point - I honestly don't understand why you are asking and answering unless you enjoy reading your own "writing" and/or are publicizing your practice and/or homeopathy - ?

    You appear happier with the other sites you also mentioned but they operate in a very different way -including paying to have questions answered on one site.
  • Aug 6, 2008, 06:17 AM
    One last point on this. The rules do speak about advertising and self promotion. Posting a question then answering it yourself seems to fall under the self promotion issue.
  • Aug 7, 2008, 04:24 AM
    Dr Nancy Malik
    As far as legal issues are concerned, Prescribing medicines on internet without taking full case history is not illegal in India unless the physician is being paid for it.

    And I have not violated any copy right because I have copied myself not others, and from my machine.

    If you can prescribe allopathic medicines on the site like aspirin, etc, why not homeopathic medicine? Homeopathic medicines are available over the counter in India.

    It's unfair on the part of admin to remove post without informing.

    And above all I have not advertised about myself, but homeopathy. And I have every right to do it.
  • Aug 7, 2008, 04:37 AM

    Originally Posted by Dr Nancy Malik
    As far as legal issues are concerned, Prescribing medicines on internet without taking full case history is not illegal in India unless the physician is being paid for it.

    This ISN'T India. AMHD's servers are based in the USA and as such USA law applies. Do you under stand what MALPRACTICE is ?


    And I have not violated any copy right because I have copied myself not others, and from my machine.
    I didn't mention anything about copyright, simply that this clearly didn't involve a lot of work as you mentioned earlier.


    If you can prescribe allopathic medicines on the site like aspirin, etc, why not homeopathic medicine? Homeopathic medicines are available over the counter in India.
    See comment above.


    It's unfair on the part of admin to remove post without informing.
    AMHD is a PRIVATE and as such you must abide by the sites TOS, especially III.3

    Originally Posted by III.3
    Ask Me Help Desk reserves the right to remove, edit, move or close any thread, as well as limit or prohibit a members activity, for any reason.


    And above all I have not advertised about myself, but homeopathy. And I have every right to do it.
    Sorry but NO. May not be direct advertising, but is still self promotion.
    You have NO rights on any private site at all. You simply register to use the site facilities and that is all. NO rights are conferred.
  • Aug 7, 2008, 05:16 AM

    Originally Posted by Dr Nancy Malik
    As far as legal issues are concerned, Prescribing medicines on internet without taking full case history is not illegal in India unless the physician is being paid for it.

    And I have not violated any copy right because I have copied myself not others, and from my machine.

    If you can prescribe allopathic medicines on the site like aspirin, etc, why not homeopathic medicine? Homeopathic medicines are available over the counter in India.

    It's unfair on the part of admin to remove post without informing.

    And above all I have not advertised about myself, but homeopathy. And I have every right to do it.

    You're not posting only in India. What is available over the counter in India is pretty much moot here. What's the point of posting what is available over the counter in India unless you specifically state "Available only in India."

    I know you've copied yourself - that's why I don't understand your comment about how much time it takes you to post. You simply cut and paste from YOUR other postings on other Boards.

    You HAVE been informed, yet you continue to argue.

    If you are not publicizing yourself take all your personal info out of your profile and off your website - including all the other sites where you post - and post generically when someone asks a question. Again, asking and then answering your own question defeats the purpose of this board.

    And, no, you don't have "every right to do it" (referring to your postings) on this or any other privately owned board. I don't know why you would think you do.
  • Aug 7, 2008, 05:31 AM
    I will do some defense here, can't believe this, but Homeopthy in the US, is not done by prescriptions, all of the homepathic mixtures are all available over the counter at many drug stores and at a lot of the health food stores. Most people who practice in Homepthy in the US do so as consultants or as health educators and do so without any medical license or certifications. They do not use the words "treat" or use the wods prescribe, they use words like inform, holistic health and other things.

    I have several friends who do this and there is nothing illegal about it in the US and it is not drugs but merely suppliments as done in the US.

    There is little differnece in this than someone telling me to take vit C for a cold.

    I will note that as long as they do not "treat" but merely observe and educate the person on how to be healthy, the recommending of these items are perfectly legal in the US
  • Aug 7, 2008, 05:42 AM

    Originally Posted by Fr_Chuck
    I will do some defense here, can't beleive this, but Homeopthy in the US, is not done by prescriptions, all of the homepathic mixtures are all available over the counter at many drug stores and at alot of the health food stores. Most people who practice in Homepthy in the US do so as consultants or as health educators and do so without any medical license or certifications. They do not use the words "treat" or use the wods prescribe, they use words like inform, holistic health and other things.

    I have several friends who do this and there is nothing illegal about it in the US and it is not drugs but merely suppliments as done in the US.

    There is little differnece in this than someone telling me to take vit C for a cold.

    I will note that as long as they do not "treat" but merely observe and educate the person on how to be healthy, the recommending of these items are perfectly legal in the US

    I absolutely agree - lots of people recommend items, including employees of health food stores.

    In this case, though, if you read through what was posted it is very much in the nature of diagnosing and prescribing.

    I don't know that my comments really are necessary, though, because the basic problem is the self promotion.

    I don't see a problem if someone asks a question and it is answered by someone else.
  • Aug 7, 2008, 10:13 AM
    Dr Nancy Malik
    1.Let me tell you outright I am not going to answer my own questions. I did so earlier because I was not aware that you can't answer your own questions. The moment I came to know I immediately stopped.

    2. Internet is not anybody's place.

    3. Okay I will post "Avaliable only in India"

    4. I am not arguing. I am just clearing every doubts.

    5. All those who have registered at your site and have any web links in the profile, then by your defination, they are also promiting themselves. Why are you taking me for a ride then?

    6. Regular full time medical training for a minimum period of 5 1/2 years (BHMS) is absolutely necessary for becoming qualified to practice homeopathy in India. And to do M.D. in homeopathy further, you have to spend three more years after BHMS. Obviously a physician will diagnose and prescribe medicines, and this is what precisely I have done.
  • Aug 7, 2008, 10:16 AM

    Originally Posted by Dr Nancy Malik
    1.Let me tell you outright I am not going to answer my own questions. I did so earlier because I was not aware that you can't answer your own questions. The moment I came to know I immediately stopped.

    2. Internet is not anybody's place.

    3. Okay I will post "Avaliable only in India"

    4. I am not arguing. I am just clearing every doubts.

    5. All those who have registered at your site and have any web links in the profile, then by your defination, they are also promiting themselves. Why are you taking me for a ride then?

    6. Regular full time medical training for a minimum period of 5 1/2 years (BHMS) is absolutely necessary for becoming qualified to practice homeopathy in India. And to do M.D. in homeopathy further, you have to spend three more years after BHMS. Obviously a physician will diagnose and prescribe medicines, and this is what precisely I have done.

    I'll let a moderator handle the rest of this but you are a Medical Doctor with a medical degree and that is why you use the title "Dr."?

    (I have no idea what BHMS is.)
  • Aug 7, 2008, 10:24 AM

    Originally Posted by Dr Nancy Malik
    1.Let me tell you outright I am not going to answer my own questions. I did so earlier because I was not aware that you can't answer your own questions. The moment I came to know I immediately stopped.

    2. Internet is not anybody's place.

    1. I still don't understand what your purpose was in positng a question then answering it.

    2. I'm not sure if I would put it like that, but the WEB is not the Internet. This is a common misconception. In fact, the WEB is a subset of the Internet, comprised of a network of HTTP servers that use the Internet for communication.

    Those HTTP servers, are not, for the most part, public. The vast majority of them are owned by companies or individuals. Sites that are accessible from the WEB are also owned by companies and individuals. The owner of a site can dictate who can use their site and under what conditions. It's the same is if someone owns a store or restaurant. They have the right to refuse service to anyone.
  • Aug 7, 2008, 10:47 AM
    Rather than continuing this pointless thread, as it clearly isn't getting anywhere fast, I am closing it.
    We could continue arguing the finer points of internet etiquette, medical law and other general subjects all night.

    If you wish to continue then feel free to PM me.

    >Thread Closed<

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