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  • Sep 22, 2005, 01:54 AM
    Gender Inequality
    I am from India. I am aware that India is currently facing many internal problems and I would like to make people aware of this and persuade them to unite to fight this problem. The problems are
    1) Increasing Feminism leading to collapse of social infrastructure.
    2) Biased legal system where Laws favour only women.
    3) Media is biased and busy in glorifying women and belittle men.
    Such self-destructive tendencies are on a full-swing which could be catastrophic for the whole of India.
    I would like to persuade people to unite and fight against this inequality that is destroying India.
    How do I go about this ? How should I increase awareness in people ? How do I persuade them to unite and fight ? How do I plan to change the Legal system and Media to remove inequality and feminism ?

    Your suggestion would be highly appreciated.
  • Sep 23, 2005, 04:48 AM
    You are fighting a losing battle.
    India is becoming Western in its industry and attitudes.
    With that will come gender inequality.
    It happens because past sins are always repaid overzealously.
    It's the nature of the beast.

    Good luck:-)
  • Sep 23, 2005, 04:56 AM
    Unfortunately, this is part of something that changes by itself. It will only change when the majority of people realize what is happening. You can get the word out through newspapers, and writing emails to the Media, but you could be fighting a losing battle.
    Best of luck,
  • Sep 23, 2005, 10:31 AM
    Gender Inequality
    The Indian laws are being increasingly misused by women only to torture and harass their helpless innocent husband. Just one false statement and cops would (without investigation) arrest her husband and his whole family (including ailing parents, pregnant women and kids) and put them behind bars. This is leading to many victims committing suicide as they are unable to bear the ordeal. The Government is not doing anything. The Media is busy glorifying women and encourage mockery towards men.
    In such a situation what will a common man do ? He is completely defenseless. To top it all, Government is considering more comprehensive protection for women which will empower women to torture their husband (Legally). Such development needs to be stopped right here, right now.

    I have been trying to increase awareness of this deplorable situation but people seem to be indifferent to this. What should I do ? How can I just sit back and wait to become a victim myself one day ?
  • Sep 24, 2005, 04:15 AM
    You are saying that "Government is considering more comprehensive protection for women which will empower women to torture their husband (Legally)".
    How can you be so sure that this "will" happen? It seems you are very concerned over what you think will come true, not what is actually true.
    Some people think the world will end tomorrow (or some specified date), and that's all they are concerned about. I do hope you aren't putting yourself in this same situation, so concerned about Government actions that you really don't know will come true or not.
    Best wishes,
  • Sep 24, 2005, 07:34 AM
    Gender Inequality
    I am saying about Government actions only on facts. The Indian Government have no common sense. They would conduct a survey in an under-developed and uncivilised villages in India and conclude that women are not given equal economic and/or social opportunities because women in village are still under the blanket of orthodox belief. After concluding that women needs to be empowered, they start a campaign in metropolitican cities where women are in fact independent. Such confusion and chaos can happen only in India. Believing that women are deprived of social opportunities (which still exist in some rural uncivilised village) they seek to bring about a change in metropoltican cities where such campaign is not needed. Because of people living in uncivilised villages where women are not treated equally, the Government plans to empower women throughout the country including metropolitican cities.
    If a woman argues with her husband, it is considered that husband should be wrong and she is doing the right thing. If a man argues with his wife, its an offense and punishable in the court of Law. I am saying this without any exaggaration or prejudice.
    Government's step to empower women is indeed leading men to commit suicide as per the statistics. Feminism had taken over the country and I believe I can't just sit back and wait to become a victim myself one day just like others are now.

    Need help.
  • Sep 24, 2005, 01:46 PM
    Everything starts in the home. As you see, the women of India have been deprived of their rights for but too long. The surgence of laws that empower them is a new thing & as usual, anything that is new takes the limelight. But it too will go away. But as men, you can help by respecting women & start in your homes. Your mothers for sure did a lot of things for you & treating them with much due respect would be right. Women are not vultures that want to tear men apart so please, look at the problem at both angles before you judge.
  • Sep 24, 2005, 10:46 PM
    Gender Inequality
    I have utmost respect for women not because they are women, but because of their ability to imbibe the power of character into children's. Knowing that women have a unique ability to conserve and protect the Human morals, ethics and culture, I have high expectation/hope that this continues indefinitely. Little did I knew that women have misunderstood the true meaning of Liberation. Instead of exploring their hidden potentials to the maximum, they are busy plotting ways and means to dominate and control men in the society/organisation/home. Man would be more than happy to see his wife helping him in maintaining and improving the financial position of the family. But in India its different. Women in India are losing the power to conserve and protect human morals, ethics and culture. This is leading the younger generation to go astray. Who is responsible ?
    Giving economic and social opportunities to both the gender equally is one thing and giving female gender power to exploit, dominate and make the male gender defenseless is another thing.
    More than 90% of the case filed by women against men for harassment are fake. Yes Fake, and cops and lawyers too agree with this. The woman get away and the man suffers indefinitely. Who is responsible ? I once again repeat, case filed by women are fake.
  • Oct 29, 2005, 10:47 PM
    I'm one of the victim of this law
    Hi, I am one of the innocent victim of gender inequality in India. I live in Canada and got married to a girl in India. She came to Canada and things did not work out well. She went back. After going back, she filed police complaints that I was demanding dowry of hugh amount which was absolutely false. It was a simple case where we both could not get along but the law was misused to harass me. I spent huge amount of money in resolving the case which was totally baseless. The Indian law simply puts anyone, I repeat anyone, who is named in the police report behind bars without any questions or case hearing. How does a decent person feel when he or she is put behind bars. This can include anyone, does not matter what age, even if they are 100 years old. I don't know what can be done to raise the voice and concerns of innocent husbands. A friend of mine has similar story. The girl literally tortured everyone in the house including husband, father and mother-in-law. They were scared that if they protested to the torture, she may file a police complaint. He wants divorce from her but again, is scared to file for it as the law will not support or even listen to him. No where there was any torture or dowry demand from the in-laws or husband.
  • Oct 29, 2005, 11:02 PM
    Join the Army
    I have come across to such cases thousands of times. Thousands of people are silently suffering because of this draconian laws recommended by malicious women organisation in India. Government for the sake of ensuring votebank are supporting and approving ridiculous laws to give women the licence to torture men legally. You can join www. Saveindianfamily. Org where hundreds of members are fighting against this misuse of laws.
    I personally ask people how to counterattack such malpractice. Thousands of family are breaking because of this law. Hundreds of people commit suicide after not able to withstand the mental torture of his wife/daughter-in-law. India being culturally and demographically diverse, the same law is used in rural areas and misused in urban areas. Women organisation craftily hide information of misuse of laws from the Government which shows their malicious intentions to torture men legally.
    Furthermore, women organisation are incessantly recommending completely biased laws where women can control men legally and men will be completely defenseless in the society. We are trying to increase awareness in the public about this law but people of India has no unity amongst them. Join us.
  • Mar 10, 2009, 07:49 PM
    Shame on you for posting such a thing... Seriously, you indian men are still not satisified by inflaming your wives alive, burying your new born baby girls, and slaughtering ethnic minorities women in barbarous way and not feeling the slightest pain or guilt. The government gives little rights to women, so they can move without being raped, defamed, murdered and you screaming your asses off as if they women are going to torture you. Grow up even if any law favors women, YOU SHOULD STILL BE A MAN AND TAKE THAT BEATING!! DO NOT BE AN INDIAN, BE A MAN.
  • Mar 13, 2009, 06:36 AM
  • Mar 14, 2009, 04:15 AM
    Wow, I didn't know that men like you existed in public. Amazing! I nearly chucked my morning coffee laughing here.

    You should come to Canada, and see how things work equally between men and women. It's not perfect, but you can be sure there would be no movement to turn back the clock and have women as second class citizens again.

    Wear padding, everybody carries a hockey stick here. Even women. :p
  • Mar 14, 2009, 08:06 AM


    Originally Posted by Tony2005 View Post
    I have utmost respect for women not because they are women, but because of their ability to imbibe the power of character into children's.

    Men have equal ability to do this.


    Knowing that women have a unique ability to conserve and protect the Human morals, ethics and culture, I have high expectation/hope that this continues indefinitely.
    As it should be for women and men.


    Little did I knew that women have misunderstood the true meaning of Liberation. Instead of exploring their hidden potentials to the maximum, they are busy plotting ways and means to dominate and control men in the society/organisation/home.
    Maybe some women are carrying some bitterness and need to get this out of their system. And, it's quite possible that some women have not been completely dominated and have no qualms. Guess it depends on how well each individual woman was respected in the past.


    Man would be more than happy to see his wife helping him in maintaining and improving the financial position of the family. But in India its different. Women in India are losing the power to conserve and protect human morals, ethics and culture. This is leading the younger generation to go astray. Who is responsible ?

    A child has two parents. Each parent is responsible for instilling morals, ethics,and wisdom to their child or children. Why is that so hard to grasp?


    Giving economic and social opportunities to both the gender equally is one thing and giving female gender power to exploit, dominate and make the male gender defenseless is another thing.
    Who is giving the female gender the power to exploit, dominate, and make the male gender defenseless? The male government?


    QUOTE]More than 90% of the case filed by women against men for harassment are fake. Yes Fake, and cops and lawyers too agree with this.
    Are you trying to tell me that a perfectly behaved gentlemen is going about his business, giving everyone the same proper respect and the woman, just out of the blue is filing a "fake" harassment charge on this innocent man. And male cops and male lawyers are just taking her word for it and prosecuting the man?

    The woman get away and the man suffers indefinitely. Who is responsible ? I once again repeat, case filed by women are fake.
    Why do you think the women are out to get the men and the gov. is going along with it? I say if your wife, girlfriend, employee, whatever has no reason to file anything against you, then they wouldn't. Are you afraid someone is going to come after you? Is there any reason someone would need to "get back at you?". If not, then you have nothing to worry about.
  • Apr 5, 2009, 04:36 AM

    What a baised way to look at women...

    Go check the records how many women are burnt alive, raped, misused, abused and disrespected in India...

    Its high time India should wake up and do something for them

    Most of the women don't even seek the help of law after suffering all this because of the social stigma...

    From where in India are you?? Which state?
  • May 31, 2009, 05:19 PM
    Wow... imagine an India where a woman can actually be the guide of her own life... where she isn't expected to throw herself upon her husband's funeral pyre... pretty radical, huh? I suggest you get used to the idea.
  • May 31, 2009, 05:23 PM

    Originally Posted by Tony2005 View Post
    I am from India. I am aware that India is currently facing many internal problems and I would like to make people aware of this and persuade them to unite to fight this problem. The problems are
    1) Increasing Feminism leading to collapse of social infrastructure.
    2) Biased legal system where Laws favour only women.
    3) Media is biased and busy in glorifying women and belittle men.
    Such self-destructive tendencies are on a full-swing which could be catastrophic for the whole of India.
    I would like to persuade people to unite and fight against this inequality that is destroying India.
    How do I go about this ? How should I increase awareness in people ? How do I persuade them to unite and fight ? How do I plan to change the Legal system and Media to remove inequality and feminism ?

    Your suggestion would be highly appreciated.

    I suggest you look to your neighbor, Pakistan... although you're sworn enemies, many of them have the same attitude as you. Amazing, isn't it?
  • Jun 5, 2009, 11:32 AM

    Have more respect for women.
    Where would we be without many famous women?

    Mother Teresa
    Marie Curie
    Clara Burton
    Helen Keller
    Jane Goodall
    Margaret Thatcher
    Shirley Temple Black
  • Jun 6, 2009, 08:40 AM

    tomder55 agrees: Lizzie Borden Bonnie Parker Salome Jezebel Tokyo Rose Typhoid Mary The Black Widow Mata Hari

    Yeah I wonder where we would be without
    Pol pott
    Al Gore
    Bernardine Dohrn
    The Zodiac killer
    And many others
  • Mar 6, 2010, 05:26 PM
    [email protected]
    With that will come gender inequality.

    Where is there gender equality? Tell me please, because I cannot seem to find equality anywhere in the world

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