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  • May 28, 2014, 07:09 AM
    Calorie intake to gain weight right?
    At the moment, my workout routine is as follows:
    Daily 3-5 mile runs
    30-40 min weight training 3 days a week
    Busy lifestyle (walking, daily jobs etc.)

    I am 19, 6 foot 2, and weigh 145 pounds... basically I have a typically runners body, thin with long limbs. At the moment I intake about 2800 calories per day, and even this seems to lead to a small deficit over time. I want to be ripped, as I am very skinny, but how can I achieve this while maintaining my running? I would like to be in the 160 pounds range AT LEAST. If I upped my nutritional intake, would this help me gain some mass (muscle and fat)? What advice would someone with an interest in fitness give? And would a weekly cheat day e.g.. Not eating clean be VERY detrimental?
  • May 28, 2014, 09:23 AM
    A weekly cheat won't be detrimental. Changing your diet to up your nutritional intake may cause mass increase but it is hard to say if that would be fat or muscle.

    Muscles are odd things, they grow and get stronger only after they've been damaged via being over powered. Which is just another way to say that weight training and strength training is the best way to grow muscle mass. If you want bigger arms than more time on the arm machine. Same with legs and other muscles. Also discard the idea of weight and concentrate on a look or measurements. Someone who is the same weight and height as you could be chubby or trim like you. Muscle and fat have a different mass to volume ratio. Figure out what you want to look like and the rest will follow.
  • Oct 8, 2014, 06:59 AM
    I am getting lean everyday no matter what I eat. I gave myself one month rest yet no improvement, please what can I do to get fat?
  • Oct 8, 2014, 07:26 AM
    It could be your metabolism can handle the food that you're eating. If you want to put on weight, as in fat get chubby, the process is simple. Eat a lot and don't get a lot of exercise. The foods you want to eat should still be nutritiously balance, but you need to ingest more calories that don't have nutritious value.

    Why do you want to do this?

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