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  • Jul 11, 2013, 07:50 AM
    Lowering creatinine level
    What is the best herbal medicine to lower creatinine level?
  • Jul 11, 2013, 08:22 AM
    Why do you feel you need to lower it?

    Creatine -
  • Jul 11, 2013, 11:09 AM
    Creatine is organic acid in a physical body (simplified explanation).

    I think OP means creatinine related to kidney function. High levels of creatinine mean reduced kidney function leading to renal failure.

    OP needs to tell us which one he means but I suspect it is CREATININE. Answer would depend on what the level is.
  • Jul 11, 2013, 11:21 AM

    Originally Posted by tickle View Post
    Creatine is organic acid in a physical body (simplified explanation).

    I think OP means creatinine related to kidney function. High levels of creatinine mean reduced kidney function leading to renal failure.

    OP needs to tell us which one he means but I suspect it is CREATININE. Answer would depend on what the level is.

    You need to cut out coffee, tea, red meat, white bread, sugar alcoholic beverages.

    It isn't herbal remedies you need but eating healthy to lower creatinine levels.
  • Jul 11, 2013, 11:41 AM
    That's what I was thinking too... it being an indicator of other things going on in the body. Mine was out of wack for over a year after my last surgery.
  • Jul 11, 2013, 02:43 PM
    Chamomile tea brew yourself and don't add sugar. I think lemon is good too. You need to watch your potassium and phosphate levels
  • Jul 11, 2013, 02:52 PM

    Originally Posted by N0help4u View Post
    Chamomile tea brew yourself and don't add sugar. I think lemon is good too. You need to watch your potassium and phosphate levels

    Yes, potassium and posphate levels means no red meat, but only way to control this is by regular blood tests which I hope the OP is having done with his doctor.
  • Sep 22, 2014, 02:57 AM
    Vegetarian diet
    Avoid creatine supplements
    Avoid strenuous physical activity
    Nettle leaf tea: drink 1 to 2 cups a day. Nettle leaf tea is a simple yet powerful kidney tonic that can improve kidney function and reduce serum creatinine levels.
    Chitosan: Chitosan maybe be better known for weight management, but believe it or not it has another trick up its sleeve. Chitosan supplementation in clinical studies reduced urea, creatinine and cholesterol levels in the blood, and increased haemoglobin production in patients with chronic kidney disease. I recommend a dosage of 1000-4000mg a day.

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