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  • Oct 5, 2014, 05:27 AM
    I srayed outdoor hornet spray in my bedroom!
    My home was recently infested with honeybees in the ceiling of my bedroom. This is an addition with a flat rubber roof. My son removed the boxing alongside the end of the house where the bees were & used a powdered insecticide along with hornet spray. That was yesterday. This morning bees were coming out of hiding places into the room. I panicked & sprayed the outdoor spray around the doors & windows. I also sprayed the air in the room. The area is closed off from the rest of the house. I then called my son & realized I made a terrible mistake! What do I do? I opened the windows. Thanks
  • Oct 5, 2014, 05:49 AM
    You will have to wait this one out. From your description your son applied a repellant to the bees' exit and chased them into the interior. Opening the windows to allow them another exit was a good idea. It will take several days for them all to leave. After they have left you will have to deal with cleaning the room, including removing the abandoned nest from the ceiling, as the honey in the nest can melt and pretty much destroy your ceiling.

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