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  • Aug 25, 2006, 01:45 PM
    Penis bump
    All right so like many other of zillions of forums on the internet. I am going to ask for some help like all the others did...
    So I woke up 2 days ago and was in the bathroom before I was going to shower and I noticed a large bump on the right side of my penis shaft... Iam a 17 year old male - virgin, no oral sex either.. not even a kiss.. whatever the point is this thing has been there 2 days and its swolen looking like the skin is Puffed up and it's a large round thing under the skin it hurts when I apply any type of pressure on it... This thing is a bit awkard I don't quite understand where it came from.. the surface is smooth, there's no white dot on it or anything its just a large swelling part its round and actually if I become erect it seems to get bigger as well... it concerns me greatly but before I jump to any conclusions and go to a doctor I just wanted to hear some opinions
    Please + Thank You
  • Oct 20, 2006, 03:34 PM
    I have something very similar and I am a virgin as well, any one know what it is.
  • Apr 19, 2007, 05:25 PM

    Originally Posted by Cam77
    Alright so like many other of zillions of forums on the internet. I am going to ask for some help like all the others did...
    So I woke up 2 days ago and was in the bathroom before i was goign to shower and i noticed a large bump on the right side of my penis shaft... Iam a 17 year old male - virgin, no oral sex either.. not even a kiss.. whatever the point is this thing has been ther 2 days and its swolen looking like the skin is Puffed up and its a large round thing under the skin it hurts when i apply any type of pressure on it ... This thing is a bit awkard i dont quite understand where it came from .. the surface is smooth, theres no white dot on it or anything its just a large swelling part its round and actually if i become erect it seems to get bigger aswell... it concerns me greatly but before i jump to any conclusions and go to a doctor i just wanted to hear some opinions
    Please + Thank You

    I got the same thing and it just occurred and I have no clue what to do
  • Nov 29, 2007, 10:07 PM

    Originally Posted by Cam77
    Alright so like many other of zillions of forums on the internet. I am going to ask for some help like all the others did...
    So I woke up 2 days ago and was in the bathroom before i was goign to shower and i noticed a large bump on the right side of my penis shaft... Iam a 17 year old male - virgin, no oral sex either.. not even a kiss.. whatever the point is this thing has been ther 2 days and its swolen looking like the skin is Puffed up and its a large round thing under the skin it hurts when i apply any type of pressure on it ... This thing is a bit awkard i dont quite understand where it came from .. the surface is smooth, theres no white dot on it or anything its just a large swelling part its round and actually if i become erect it seems to get bigger aswell... it concerns me greatly but before i jump to any conclusions and go to a doctor i just wanted to hear some opinions
    Please + Thank You

    I'm having the same problem someone please email me at [email protected] with an answer.
  • Jul 24, 2010, 01:10 AM
    Some kind of acne infection or ingrown hair?? I had some pretty big zitts down in my reagion before as a teen. Thought it was something worse but NO just acne!
  • Apr 24, 2011, 12:41 AM
    I think that it's just acne or ingrown hair or something. I mean I have the same problem. It looks so ugly and I'm a virgin so I was confused as hell about it. You're not alone, and I'm glad I realized I'm not alone either. But I shave a lot so maybe that could be a factor there to cause the irritation maybe?
  • Nov 3, 2011, 10:13 AM
    Hey guys, I've also had this a few times and it just turned out to be a spot.
    Not very nice but nothing to worry about it will go down. If you squeeze it
    Will more than likely just get bigger and take longer to go down, they hardly
    Ever seem to come to a head so I probably wouldn't squeeze.

    Obviously if you are still worried or it doesn't go away see a doc.

    Cheers. Hope I helped
  • Mar 17, 2013, 08:34 PM
    Very nice vagina

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