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  • Jul 15, 2011, 02:59 PM
    Why can some people make jokes, but its so wrong for me to make the same joke?
    I photoshopped a joke in what I thought was good humor but my mother told me that its really not. Like I was being an *** hole for doing it. But a friend saw it and thought its great and so funny. He could make this joke and get away with it but I'm an *** hole for making this joke. I really REALLY don't understand why.

    The photoshop joke [so this guy was holding a baby being all happy faced so I photoshopped out the baby and made it look like the guy was super happy with his beer keg]. My mother said its really bad of me to erase the baby as if I didn't like the baby or something. The joke had nothing to do with the baby so how am I hating the baby?? I really don't understand. How am I being an *** hole? I'm trying to make a joke to make people happy and laugh. No evil intentions. The guy holding the baby would laugh iswell.

    Please explain how this joke is bad and why is it OK for someone else to make this joke but not me?
  • Jul 15, 2011, 03:51 PM

    Everyone has different senses of humor. Your mother's is obviously different from yours and your friends.

    I don't see how your friend seeing the picture you created and laughing at it is him making the same joke and getting away with it, it seems more like just "getting" the joke you made.

    Some people will also find thing that you think are funny to be funny, while others will find them mean, stupid, silly, etc. everyone is entitled to their own opinion. I'm sure you've had to have been in situations where someone else said or did something that they thought would be funny that you disagreed with.
  • Jul 15, 2011, 05:10 PM
    If it's any consolation, from a mom and a grandmom--I thought your joke was funny.
    I'm a jokester too... and sometimes folks laugh, and sometimes they don't.
    That's the risk one takes with humor~sometimes it works and sometimes is doesn't.
    I wouldn't fret about it too much! : D
  • Jul 15, 2011, 05:48 PM

    Perhaps the idea of a child making a big joke of a keg of beer.
    Perhaps they have issues about taking a child to a low level

    No two people will find the same humor funny. Some will find things offensive that others may find funny

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