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  • May 13, 2016, 04:24 PM
    Clindamycin for dental abcess-time frame and dosage
    I've been prescribed Clindamycin 300 mg every 8 hours for 7 days for 2 abcessd, adjacent teeth that started swelling/pain 6 days ago. I'm coming up on 24 hours on scrip with no change. Hard lump at side of lower jaw seems to be rising next to the teeth and moving a bit forward. Still hot to the touch. Should I up the dosage? I'm also using and ice pack and taking Motrin IB 400 mg when the pain returns.

    Several questions-
    -I've seen no pus, discharge or any foul odor, is this unusual?
    -How much longer until I see results?
    -Should I expect the lump to come to a head and burst or shrink in size with no pus leakage? If so, when?
    -Should I take the Clindamycin every 6 hours instead of the prescribed 8 or just wait it out?
    -It seems very taut/hard, any suggestion on how to draw it to a head to hasten it's departure. note- I've no plans to lance it on it's own.

    Age 50 female
    No dentist, medicaid
    1 ER visit
  • May 13, 2016, 05:31 PM
    This is information you will not get here. We do not have dentists, just people who know that what you are doing is foolish.
    Why are you fooling around with a ticking time bomb.


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