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  • Jan 30, 2006, 03:16 PM
    I need some emancipation...
    My cousin wants to get out of her house (one way or another), and live with her dad. Of course, her parents are divorced. So, should she emancipate or get her dad to go to court? Also, she's 14, soon to turn 15 in July. She says she wants to get out as soon as possible. We live in Georgia, and I'm not sure what the age is when you can emancipate yourself. Also, what process does she have to go through? Thanks.
  • Jan 30, 2006, 04:11 PM
    Instead of going the emancipate route, have her father file for physical custody. At 14, almost 15, the Judge will listen to her wishes and allow her to live with her dad (assuming her dad is an upstanding citizen)
  • Jan 30, 2006, 07:53 PM
    Legal age to move out in GA is 17 but at 17 in GA you still can not sign any legal contracts. ( never understand how a 17 year old can move out but can not legally rent a place to live.

    Under 17 she would have to have her own income and money to be able to ask for emancipation and it is not likely unless she can show cause.

    If he dad wants to, he can re-file in court for temp and latter physical custody. At her age the judge will take this into consideration, but not 100 percent of his ruling, only part of it.

    She should first just ask her mom to let her go live with her dad,
    Then she needs to ask her dad if he will file for custody.

    And it is not going to be fast, it will take several months just to get a hearing and possibly another month or so to get a ruling.

    Also unless mom and dad are in the same school district it is possible the judge would not allow the change during the middle of a school year also.

    And of course what are the reasons, there is an old story that the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence. Is her mom just being a mom? And often those fun weekends with dad are not the same if she actually lived there.
  • Oct 13, 2008, 12:17 AM

    She need to talk to her dad and let her dad handle it from there. THere is nothing she can do accept talk to her parnets about how she feels..

    Hope this helps
  • Oct 13, 2008, 09:12 AM

    Originally Posted by mishelly3 View Post
    she need to talk to her dad and let her dad handle it from there. THere is nothing she can do accept talk to her parnets about how she feels..

    hope this helps

    January 2006 thread - should be closed.

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