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  • Oct 31, 2019, 01:27 PM
    It's Official! Impeachment Begins!
    Trump will soon be the 3rd president in American history to be impeached. Finally!

    Based on Mueller's report detailing ten counts of obstruction of justice and Trump's own appointees/employees testifying about his contact with the foreign government of Ukraine and its president where he sought that country's influence in defeating his political opponent ex-VP Joe Biden, it's a slam dunk.

    His conviction depends on the Republicans in the Senate. Will they kowtow to the Trump cult to save their arses, or will they finally stand up and be counted and honor the oath they took to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States?

    I'm not optimistic, but wonders will never cease.
  • Oct 31, 2019, 02:28 PM
    wishfull thinking
  • Oct 31, 2019, 02:28 PM
    Athos: Not to douse the fire with water BUT: Don't expect Trump to leave Office because you can bet it will not clear the Republicans held Senate. Also, more likely than not, the Impeachment proceeding will drive up Trump's popularity, much like it did for Clinton and he will win a Second Term.....It will probably mean, too, that the Republicans will take back the House. However, I understand the motivation: Democrats are doing this because they believe in it and their beliefs are based on principles and in defense of the Constitution, which they took an oath to uphold: I think they understand that some things are bigger and more important than your political career and they feel it an honor to be part of the Impeachment Process.
  • Oct 31, 2019, 05:09 PM
    Chances are repubs will never remove the dufus, but at least it's a chance to expose the lying cheater for what he is and if the people get riled enough they may pressure the congress as it was with Nixon, or vote the fool out! Be embarrassing if it's a close vote in the senate, or the repubs lose the senate.

    Dems are doing the right thing though I feel, regardless of the outcome. Sad it came to this too.
  • Oct 31, 2019, 05:46 PM
    Talaniman: I hope it doesn't take 20 years for the country to recover from this rerun of the 1973-'74 Nixon Impeachment process threat.....and I am not entirely sure that the country recovered after those 20 years: The whole process is a spectacle that brings the country down in the world's eyes, emboldens our adversaries, and will embitter roughly 50% of the population. I know that the voting public at large will become very jaded in their view of politicians, in general, as they did in the threatened Impeachment '73-'74 timeframe. Radical elements will use the Impeachment Process as launch point to promote MORE radical ideals and actions. The country is in for a long period of darkness that we may never recover from for many years. However, if Trump has truly been identifies as the "cancer" on the U.S. that everyone claims he is, well, then, he should be Impeached based on principle.
  • Oct 31, 2019, 05:56 PM
    That is what the process is about. The dufus didn't learn from dodge the Nueller Report bullet, that was enough for me, so he only has himself to blame for this latest scandal, and for sure if he escapes this one too, no doubt the fool will try something even more outrageous. We'll see though.
  • Oct 31, 2019, 06:11 PM
    So a another kangaroo court convenes in the open, Trump was wise to pull back in Syria, he can't fight a war overseas and one on the home front at the same time, but this is also what comes of not having term limits on politicians, some become too powerful
  • Oct 31, 2019, 06:56 PM
    Paraclete: What are you referring to in terms of term limits: The POTUS does have term limits......Who are you speaking of here?
  • Nov 1, 2019, 08:30 AM

    Originally Posted by paraclete View Post
    So a another kangaroo court convenes in the open, Trump was wise to pull back in Syria, he can't fight a war overseas and one on the home front at the same time, but this is also what comes of not having term limits on politicians, some become too powerful

    We fight in court now Clete instead of in the streets or with Armies on our own soil with our fellow citizens and the kangaroos are in the zoo.

    I have no idea about the term limits for any politician other than POTUS, which is two terms and out, but all other government term of service is up to the locals and states. If that's what you meant, we can talk! I think that's more a finance issue to be honest.
  • Nov 1, 2019, 03:26 PM

    Originally Posted by talaniman View Post
    We fight in court now Clete instead of in the streets or with Armies on our own soil with our fellow citizens and the kangaroos are in the zoo.

    I have no idea about the term limits for any politician other than POTUS, which is two terms and out, but all other government term of service is up to the locals and states. If that's what you meant, we can talk! I think that's more a finance issue to be honest.

    Hi Tal, I was referring to the House and the Senate and any government for that matter. If time is short there will be more focus on getting something done instead of just obstructing My kangaroos are no in the zoo and they have no place in court
  • Nov 1, 2019, 03:50 PM
    They know they can never impeach him, they just want to keep this farce up long enough to tamper with the election.

    They know that they have no chance to win in 2020 against one of the best Presidents ever, so they just want to tarnish him with one plan after another
  • Nov 1, 2019, 04:42 PM

    Originally Posted by paraclete View Post
    Hi Tal, I was referring to the House and the Senate and any government for that matter. If time is short there will be more focus on getting something done instead of just obstructing My kangaroos are no in the zoo and they have no place in court

    Some don't think time is short, nor is obstructing the other party in power a bad thing. Long have I railed on the elites corrupting the peoples government with their money to achieve what the want. I don't see term limits solving that problem because the elites will just corrupt the new guys and hire the old ones to get what they want...which is MOMONEY incase you didn't know along with the power of influence and CONTROL of the money.

    Roos here are in zoo's or preserves...zoo's without cages. Courts are for justice and redress of grievances and the battleground for enemies. We have evolved somewhat.


    Originally Posted by Fr_Chuck View Post
    They know they can never impeach him, they just want to keep this farce up long enough to tamper with the election.

    Hello Charles, been a while. I think if Vlad can interfere in the election and get away with it, then so should the citizens.


    They know that they have no chance to win in 2020 against one of the best Presidents ever, so they just want to tarnish him with one plan after another
    LOL, disagree with "best" label but tarnishing a guy with his own words and antics is fair game don't you think?
  • Nov 1, 2019, 10:20 PM
    Paraclete & Talaniman: You know, I don't bet, BUT, if I did, I would bet that if ALL of The House and ALL of The Senate were to have their finances FLORENSICALLY EXAMINED, we would be WITHOUT ANY CONGRESSMEN OR SENATORS because they (every Repub, Demo, or, even, Libertarian) are guilty as hell of making money/profit/benefitting in some form or another off their government job....EVERY SINGLE ONE! AND YOU KNOW I AM RIGHT!
  • Nov 2, 2019, 01:48 AM
    Of course you're right, but some are greedier than others, but what would you expect in a country where money makes the world go round.
  • Nov 2, 2019, 05:16 AM

    Originally Posted by Vacuum7 View Post
    Paraclete & Talaniman: You know, I don't bet, BUT, if I did, I would bet that if ALL of The House and ALL of The Senate were to have their finances FLORENSICALLY EXAMINED, we would be WITHOUT ANY CONGRESSMEN OR SENATORS because they (every Repub, Demo, or, even, Libertarian) are guilty as hell of making money/profit/benefitting in some form or another off their government job....EVERY SINGLE ONE! AND YOU KNOW I AM RIGHT!

    Seriously, I don't know if you are right, you think there is not one honest person among them. If that is so, then let Trump rule
  • Nov 5, 2019, 03:43 PM
    Well Sonland has changed his testimony again and the GOPS have changed it's defense from no quid, to quid but it's not impeachable. More transcripts to be released.
  • Nov 5, 2019, 04:31 PM
    Trump is sinking deeper and deeper. His "own" are now testifying to what he actually said and intended re Ukraine. And it ain't good.

    Soon Giulianni will flip as the noose tightens around his neck. Rudy's loyalty is limited when he gets indicted.

    Pompeo and Barr are next. Pompeo has lied about Ukraine and never lifted a finger to help his own people in State. He wants out and wants back in in Kansas, but Kansas doesn't want him. "Oh, the web they weave..."

    Barr is keeping his head down as the nation begins to understand what a crook he is. Be patient, AG Barr. Your turn will be sooner than you think.
  • Nov 5, 2019, 10:01 PM
    Athos: No one can testify about what "Trump intended", not possible. You can replace the name "Trump" with any other person's name in the world and another person still cannot testify as to what another person "intended".

    The whole Impeachment process appears to really be academic. Definitely, the House is doing what they think is right for justice but the Senate won't back it up.

    The S&P Index hit an all time high the other day.....the Dow and Nasdaq hit new records for the second straight day today: This kind of momentum is incredible leverage for Trump's reelection efforts.

    What you/we are all going to witness come November. '20, is a contest between an one group on one side holding out that they Impeached a POTUS and one group on the other side showing what they've done for the economy: We'll see who the American People any rate, no matter who wins, it will be unprecedented!
  • Nov 5, 2019, 11:20 PM

    Originally Posted by Vacuum7 View Post
    Athos: No one can testify about what "Trump intended", not possible.

    Of course, they can. Trump has said to the people testifying EXACTLY what he intended! Where do you get the idea it's not possible?


    The S&P Index hit an all time high the other day.....the Dow and Nasdaq hit new records for the second straight day today:
    Trump's base hasn't a clue what the capital markets are. Except maybe for the farmers who are going bankrupt because of Trump's idiotic tariffs.
  • Nov 6, 2019, 12:14 AM
    The dufus is being impeached for bribing a foreign nation to investigate his political foe. Obstruction of justice may be an included offense. He may also have done the same thing with the previous president of Ukraine in 2017.

    You still want to argue intent? His intent was personal gain and to get away with it like any nefarious criminal. You don't need intent to prove a criminal act, or a high crime and misdemeanor...and often the cover up is worse than the crime. Is it enough to sway the senate before an election? Sure they can convict him and not remove the dufus from office. Moscow Mitch has said so, already and repubs are already saying it's not so bad!

    That's their story so far.

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