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  • Jul 25, 2009, 08:51 PM
    Waking up to praise God
    Something that I wanted to ask is, How is it that these people who have been away from God for the longest time by living a sinful life suddenly "wake up" and now all of a sudden they're spiritual? How does that happen?
  • Jul 25, 2009, 08:55 PM

    Who are you talking about?

    The Holy Spirit is at work.
  • Jul 25, 2009, 08:56 PM

    Hello again.

    I have a friend. Her name is Starr. She was a stripper. She had a son at an early age. Drugs were also involved in her life. Just bad stuff.

    Anyway.. one day she wakes up and she said she was tried of it all. Tried of the drama. Tired of not being sober. Tired of being tired. She went to church that morning, gave her heart to the Lord. Quit her job. Went to school. Now has a decent job in the medical field and is sober 24/7.

    Simply she was tired of it all.

  • Jul 25, 2009, 08:57 PM

    God is always calling, they finally listen
  • Jul 25, 2009, 08:58 PM

    Good answers, but why a certain time? What makes them so spiritual? Why don't I feel this "spirituality" even though I've done everything right? Am I the one who's getting worn down? Why hasn't the holy spirit called me?
  • Jul 25, 2009, 09:00 PM

    What "certain time"?

    If you don't feel it, maybe you aren't "there." What do you mean by feeling spiritual?
  • Jul 25, 2009, 09:05 PM

    Originally Posted by dincher View Post
    Good answers, but why a certain time? What makes them so spiritual? Why don't I feel this "spirituality" even though I've done everything right? Am I the one who's getting worn down?

    Have you tried:
    •Going to a different church; pastors preach differently, some pastors touch us as others can bore you

    •Going to a religious event; I forgot what this is called but it's when the church gathers and stay up all night and pray and worship the lord. How about going to one of those Benny Hinn conferences, or other evangelists that travel and preach. How about one of those Christian outreaches? They have them in Detroit all the time.

    •Going on a missionary trip with other fellow members of the church; sometimes churches offer this chance to go to Africa, Asia...

    •Reading books about your religion. Why not learn more about the Holy Ghost, learn more about the bible [I'm sure you don't know everything.. ]--- there are many books out there that'll help you to become a better Christian.

    Just a thought.

  • Jul 25, 2009, 09:28 PM

    Originally Posted by dincher View Post
    Good answers, but why a certain time? What makes them so spiritual? Why don't I feel this "spirituality" even though I've done everything right? Am I the one who's getting worn down? Why hasn't the holy spirit called me?

    I'd say, once a person learns to be righteous for one's self and others, learns the joy in doing so, rather than being righteous solely out of religious obligation, they begin to feel the "spirituality" your speaking of.

    Having a clear and pristine understanding of why you believe and do the things you do is very important for personal development.
  • Jul 26, 2009, 05:38 AM

    Why certain times?
    Because that is the time for them
    Ecc says about everything having a time and a season and a purpose.
  • Jul 26, 2009, 06:00 AM
    I'll answer your question based on a Calvinist perspective. According to the doctrine of election, God has pre-ordained all things, including those whom he will save. As it is recorded in the scriptures (sorry, I don't remember the exact book, chapter and verse and I don't have the software to quick look it up), God has said "I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy." This suggests that God chooses people arbitrarily. Also in the same general passage reference is made to God saying "...Jacob whom I have loved and Esau whom I have hated." Now, Jacob and Esau were twins, born to Issac, the son of Abraham. Esau was born first, followed by Jacob who had his hand on Esau's heel. Jacob, in God's providence, became the father of the 12 "tribes" of Israel (Jacob's name was changed by God to Israel.) Reuben was the oldest and Benjamin was the youngest. Joseph was the second youngest and Jacob's personal favorite (recall the story of the coat of many colors?) and Judah was the "chosen" one as Jesus was descended from Judah. So, through Abraham, then Issac, then Jacob, then Judah and right on down through Jesus (the whole genealogy is outlined in the scriptures if you're interested), God has ordained the salvation of those whom he's chosen. Now, this is manifested in different ways for each individual, which brings us to your actual question. Some people will suddenly "see the light", as you've said, in mid-life. Others are born into devoutly religious families and grow up with it, never giving it a second thought. Still others may wane back and forth for a while, then find their niche. It simply depends on what means God uses to reach each particular person, those whom he chooses to reach.

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