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  • Apr 13, 2022, 07:53 AM
    Gotta love Texas

    A bus from Texas arrived in Washington, D.C. Wednesday morning, transporting dozens of illegal immigrants as part of Texas Gov. Greg Abbott’s new plan to counter federal immigration policies during an ongoing border crisis.
    Abbott announced last week that he was directing the Texas Division of Emergency Management (TDEM) to transport migrants released from federal custody in Texas to the nation’s capital and other locations outside his state.
    I feel sorry for the immigrants, but they all volunteered for this so they know what they are getting into. But they need to get these liberal dems who love this idea so much to start housing them in their personal homes.
  • Apr 13, 2022, 09:13 AM
    Yes, I agree. We (both liberal dems and repubs) did that during the Vietnam conflict -- churches in my town "adopted" refugee families, found them homes and jobs, taught them English, tutored their kids to better integrate in area schools (I was a math tutor!), and happily watched them become valuable members of society. One family opened what turned out to be a very popular Vietnamese restaurant. We were so proud of all our refugees!

    Let's do that with Ukraine refugees!
  • Apr 13, 2022, 09:25 AM
    I'm all for it. We need to help REFUGEES, but illegal immigrants are a different story. We need to control our borders.
  • Apr 13, 2022, 09:39 AM

    Originally Posted by jlisenbe View Post
    I'm all for it. We need to help REFUGEES, but illegal immigrants are a different story. We need to control our borders.

    So let's get a lot more kind and well-trained immigration/refugee processors down to the southern border!!! Let's thin out the hoards!
  • Apr 13, 2022, 09:59 AM
    I think that's a good idea, but the problem is not that we are critically short of personnel to process requests. The problem is that the border is basically wide open and Biden has made it clear he intends to do nothing to stop the flood of illegal immigration and has, in fact, encouraged it.

    Build the wall. And before you object that people can tunnel under walls, bear in mind that nothing is perfect, but the wall would increase the difficulty level of entering illegally by a hundred fold and would cut the numbers by a huge percentage.
  • Apr 13, 2022, 10:12 AM
    Training personnel isn't a long process. And it can be done in stages, even at the border. Establish lots more checkpoints along the border. Inform incoming people as to possible US destinations, living places, and connect them to US citizens who have volunteered to help the immigrants/refugees get settled. Work out a plan with the illegals.
  • Apr 13, 2022, 10:28 AM
    Illegals are crossing at the rate of about 2 million a year, and that's just the ones we "encounter". What do you suggest we do with the ones who just say, "Sorry, but we are entering your country with or without your agreement?" Should we let them in or turn them back? If you suggest we turn them back, how should that be done?
  • Apr 13, 2022, 10:40 AM
    Give illegals the opportunity to become legal.

    A wall doesn't work and is a waste of money. It can be gotten over or under or around. Spend that money on something useful.

    What makes them "illegal"?
  • Apr 13, 2022, 11:46 AM
    Name a wall that isn’t working.

    I bet you lock your door at night. Not a perfect solution, but much better than doing nothing.

    what makes them illegal? Really?? You really don't know what makes an action "illegal"? Wow.

    Why didn't you answer this?


    What do you suggest we do with the ones who just say, "Sorry, but we are entering your country with or without your agreement?" Should we let them in or turn them back? If you suggest we turn them back, how should that be done?


    Give illegals the opportunity to become legal.
    And you are really not aware that such an opportunity/process already exists?
  • Apr 13, 2022, 12:21 PM

    Originally Posted by jlisenbe View Post
    Name a wall that isn’t working.

    None of the southern border walls have worked so far.

    And you are really not aware that such an opportunity/process already exists?
    And such a golden, well-publicized opportunity it is!


    What do you suggest we do with the ones who just say, "Sorry, but we are entering your country with or without your agreement?" Should we let them in or turn them back? If you suggest we turn them back, how should that be done?
    There are several very effective ways.
  • Apr 13, 2022, 01:52 PM

    churches in my town "adopted" refugee families
    These are not refugees . There is a process for refugees to enter the country that does not include bum rushing the border .

    Let's do that with Ukraine refugees!
    I agree but they should also follow the rules requesting asylum and being granted it before entering

    Let's thin out the hoards!
    Finally using appropriate terminology

    A wall doesn't work and is a waste of money. It can be gotten over or under or around. Spend that money on something useful.

    What makes them "illegal"?
    Of course walls work . 100% or nothing is a false criteria . People in East Germany stopped crossing the border into West Germany when the Berlin walll was built .
    What makes them illegal ? The law
  • Apr 13, 2022, 02:37 PM

    None of the southern border walls have worked so far.
    How do you know that? Do you really think that open ground is about the same deterrent as a wall?


    And such a golden, well-publicized opportunity it is!


    There are several very effective ways.
    Name one. I don't know why you are so reluctant to answer these questions other than, besides a wall, there are no answers.


    "What do you suggest we do with the ones who just say, "Sorry, but we are entering your country with or without your agreement?" Should we let them in or turn them back? If you suggest we turn them back, how should that be done?"
  • Apr 13, 2022, 02:48 PM

    There are several very effective ways.
    deportation works best and sends a message that it is not worth the very high risk taken to cross the Darien Gap .
  • Apr 13, 2022, 02:52 PM

    Originally Posted by tomder55 View Post
    These are not refugees .

    Yes, during the Vietnam War they were fleeing their country with only the clothes on their backs.

    Of course walls work . People in East Germany stopped crossing the border into West Germany when the Berlin walll was built .
    Walls we have built on the southern border can be scaled, tunneled under, gone around. The Berlin Wall worked because it had manned guard towers -- and more.

    From Wikipedia: "The top of the wall was lined with a smooth pipe, intended to make it more difficult to scale. The Wall was reinforced by mesh fencing, signal fencing, anti-vehicle trenches, barbed wire, dogs on long lines, "beds of nails" (also known as "Stalin's Carpet") under balconies hanging over the "death strip", over 116 watchtowers,[78] and 20 bunkers with hundreds of guards."

    What makes them illegal ? The law
    What does that law say? And are there ways to satisfy it and become a legal immigrant?
  • Apr 13, 2022, 03:18 PM
    Vietnam refugees were fleeing war . The illegal border crossers are seeking better economic opportunities .There is a world of differences .

    Vietnam refugees were legally admitted after the Indochina Migration and Refugee Assistance Act passed in 1975 by Congress . They did not bum rush the border .They were invited .

    Today Vietnam immigrants are not refugees . They apply for green cards and are mostly sponsored by family members . That is the legal way . If a nation does not have an enforceable border then it is not a country .

    Of course there are legal ways for immigrants to enter the country .
    How to Enter the United States | USAGov
  • Apr 13, 2022, 03:31 PM

    Originally Posted by tomder55 View Post
    Vietnam refugees were fleeing war . The illegal border crossers are seeking better economic opportunities .There is a world of differences .

    Would you go to another country to find better economic opportunities if you lived in a sh*thole country?

    Vietnam refugees were legally admitted after the Indochina Migration and Refugee Assistance Act passed in 1975 by Congress . They did not bum rush the border .They were invited .
    And supported by American citizens.

    Btw, even teens have been shown to be able to scale the southern wall. We need more border crossings and personnel.
  • Apr 13, 2022, 03:42 PM
    It has been shown repeatedly that thieves can get around door locks and yet people continue to lock their doors since they understand that a locked door provides a great deal more security than an open one.

    You still haven’t answered the million dollar question. What do you do if they won’t turn back?
  • Apr 13, 2022, 04:01 PM

    Would you go to another country to find better economic opportunities if you lived in a sh*thole country?
    That was Trump language . There is no sh*thole country . There are sh*thole governments in nations I would oppose .


    Vietnam refugees were legally admitted after the Indochina Migration and Refugee Assistance Act passed in 1975 by Congress . They did not bum rush the border .They were invited .

    And supported by American citizens

    not universally but that is besides the point.


    Btw, even teens have been shown to be able to scale the southern wall. We need more border crossings and personnel.
    Yes some can do so . It is still a deterrence . It is nonsense to argue that the exception rules .
  • Apr 13, 2022, 04:04 PM

    It is nonsense to argue that the exception rules .
    Exactly correct. To think that open ground presents about the same difficulty as a wall is just a hard to understand line of reasoning .
  • Apr 13, 2022, 04:25 PM

    Originally Posted by jlisenbe View Post
    Exactly correct. To think that open ground presents about the same difficulty as a wall is just a hard to understand line of reasoning .

    But then, only a few hundred miles were badly master-minded and built. Big whoop.

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