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  • Oct 6, 2011, 09:36 PM
    College Struggle
    I'm in my second month of college as a freshmen and I'm feeling down and unstable. I'm at a university a few states away from my hometown and I miss my family more than ever, they've always helped support me. I never thought I'd wish to go back to my old town, because I always couldn't wait to get out of there. I've made a few new friends on campus and I meet with them somewhat regularly but I feel like I haven't met enough people that I've wanted to or been able to hang out with people I've met as much as I had hoped. I know, hearing from many people, that it's normal for students to feel out of place and struggle getting used to new surroundings at first but shouldn't I be over this by now?
    I'm struggling in my classes because of all that I'm feeling and I'm not doing anywhere near as well as I had hoped coming here. It feels like it's just, "Go to class, go eat, go back to my dorm and try to study or go to the library and try to study." I just can't seem to follow my own schedule and I lack the motivation to get my work done because I'm constantly questioning myself and feeling envious of the other kids going out every night having fun yet still somehow manage to do well in their classes. I'm afraid to fail but I don't know where to turn.
    The only times I feel happy are when I try to forget everything and enjoy the weather and nature or I'm talking to my few friends (who are not in most of my classes). Then it's back to my room to do work and I feel unhappy and unmotivated again. I just can't seem to get my homework done well and in a timely manner. High school, to me, was nowhere near as hard as this. Everything seems in chaos. I am sick of it and I want to be happy again and work hard and feel good doing it because I have goals set for my future regardless of my hazy idea of what I want to become (I'm not completely sure what I like to do that is both enjoyable and pays well). I just don't know what to do and even if I did, I don't know if I have the courage to break my old habits and change for the better.
  • Oct 7, 2011, 01:58 AM
    Unfortunately, I don't have any advice for you. But I just wanted to let you know, you're not alone. I'm so over school. I hate it. I'm half living out of my car because I got to school, then I'm either on campus all day (8am-10pm) or I got to school and then straight to work. I'm basically only home to sleep most nights. If I get sleep. And it's hard to find motivation to do most of my assignments (I have exactly one class I'm actually interested in and motivated to do well in).

    I know none of that is really helpful to you at all. But sometimes I feel better knowing someone else feels some of what I feel. So hopefully if nothing else, you at least don't feel alone in your struggles.
  • Oct 7, 2011, 03:01 AM
    The main problem with you is, you do not have any Aim,Goal in your life. Simply wasting your parents hard money. Please grow up your are still in d craddle. GO - PLAN YOUR FEATURE AND YOU WILL GET ENERGY.
  • Oct 7, 2011, 01:03 PM
    Your issue is so common that your campus probably has a support group for it. It can be a great deal of help to know that there are others feeling just like you and having the same struggles. Try to find such a group with your campus student services.. meeting people in the same boat is nice, and you can be of motivation to each other as you continue to transition to life away from home while maintaining your grades.
  • Oct 11, 2011, 11:41 PM
    Thank you all for the replies so far. It is good to know that there are other people struggling like me and that I am not alone--even though I do not want others to struggle as well. I will try to find a support group or counselor soon about this issue. I am feeling a little better now after reevaluating myself and realizing that it was because of unhapiness that I am doing so poorly. Sometimes blowing off steam and not trying to work towards your goals is what you need. I'm by no means fully happy and motivated again but I have more hope to get back on track. Justcurious55, like gigss sort of said, you need an aim that you are striving for and you have to like what you are doing in the present and have a goal for the future to feel like you have a purpose. Blowing off some steam going out, for me personally, helps a lot with boosting my confidence back up. I hope it can help you a little too. Keep them coming guys, I want to hear anything constructive. Negative or positive that can help.
  • Oct 12, 2011, 05:29 AM
    Having an aim doesn't do any good if if your aim is outside of school and school is getting in the way. I don't know how this now became about me needing aim suddenly when all I did was try to comfort you.

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