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  • Feb 17, 2018, 11:24 AM
    The Mueller indictments
    Inspector Clouseau brought down a bakers dozen of indictments yesterday against Ruskies working out of St Petersburg .(taking bets right now on the chances of ever getting those charged onto US soil).The charge is that they dressed up like American snowflakes in pajamas, in their mother's basement ,and covertly set up front groups on social media to organize rallies for and against candidates Trump and Evita . This is deja vu all over again . It's like we are in the Cold War Again .It's like some KGB guy is running Russia . Oh wait that's right ...there is a KGB dude running Russia.

    This is not collusion . It is called desinformatsyia .

    Also wondering if any of these are the same Ruskies the emperor expelled Dec 2016 ??

    Quick show of hands . How many people here changed their vote because of a Facebook or Twitter ad ?
  • Feb 17, 2018, 12:36 PM
    We have no way of knowing what minds were changed if any, but what of the next election? Or LOCAL elections. I take heed when someone shows me what they are capable of, whether it worked or not. The only question is now that we are aware of yet another lie by the Dufus in chief concerning the witch hunt stuff, what will he do about it?

    Will he be a tough guy to Vlad, or will he keep being a WUSS? Will he keep lying about this being a witch hunt? Or call for an end to the investigation because Mueller found the "witches"!

    You can bet Mueller ain't done yet! He no doubt is investigating Russian hacking and following the dirty money of the criminals. MO' POPCONE!!!!
  • Feb 17, 2018, 01:33 PM
    umm as far as I can tell it was the emperor who was playing poodle to Putie . I clearly heard him on open mike tell Medvedev that he would be more flexible after the election of 2012 . In fact I recall him mocking Mittens when he suggested that Russia was our greatest geopolitical threat . As far as I can tell he cooperated with Russia in Syria allowing them to get a foot hold in the ME they hadn't had since the days of Nasser . Did you not see the emperor's Ukraine policy of appeasement ? Did the emperor and Evita not collude to sell American uranium to Russia ?

    Most of Mueller's indictments are based on well known facts from 2014 before Trump even entered the race .The question then becomes why didn't the emperor move on them before the campaign began ? The only conclusion I can come up with is the one that 2 FBI lovers came up with . They wanted an insurance policy against a Trump win ;something to pin on him when he entered the White House . The American people are footing the bill for this foolishness. If Putie was trying to make the American political process look foolish he could've saved himself some money and assets .The emperor has polluted the political and justice systems beyond recognition .
  • Feb 18, 2018, 03:47 PM
    Trump has seized this a lifeline, he can clearly point to people linked to a Russian oligarch, but the trail leads back to Putin
  • Feb 18, 2018, 08:44 PM

    Originally Posted by tomder55 View Post
    umm as far as I can tell it was the emperor who was playing poodle to Putie . I clearly heard him on open mike tell Medvedev that he would be more flexible after the election of 2012 . In fact I recall him mocking Mittens when he suggested that Russia was our greatest geopolitical threat . As far as I can tell he cooperated with Russia in Syria allowing them to get a foot hold in the ME they hadn't had since the days of Nasser . Did you not see the emperor's Ukraine policy of appeasement ? Did the emperor and Evita not collude to sell American uranium to Russia ?

    Most of Mueller's indictments are based on well known facts from 2014 before Trump even entered the race .The question then becomes why didn't the emperor move on them before the campaign began ? The only conclusion I can come up with is the one that 2 FBI lovers came up with . They wanted an insurance policy against a Trump win ;something to pin on him when he entered the White House . The American people are footing the bill for this foolishness. If Putie was trying to make the American political process look foolish he could've saved himself some money and assets .The emperor has polluted the political and justice systems beyond recognition .

    Your facts are way off Mueller's indictments are from FACTS that occurred in 2016. They found out this operation began in 2014, and the scope was unknown until recently.
  • Feb 19, 2018, 09:05 AM
    2 years before Trump announced . The question remains ...the emperor did nothing about Russian "interference " until AFTER the election results were in. Why was that ?
    I have a running theory . The Ruskies wanted to create chaos . So they peddled anti-Trump stuff to the Clintonistas who brought what Comey called salacious and unverified information to the FISA court to spy on the Trump campaign . They got snookered by the Ruskies . At the same time the Ruskies though clowns like Snowjob and Julian Assange hacked the more vulnerable ,because clear protocols were being violated and ignored ,emails from Evita's and the DNC's computers and cell phones . They then tried to peddle this stuff to herr Donald's campaign. They played both sides for the fools and chumps they are . The difference between the 2 sides is that the emperor gave the Clintoons access to the intel and justice agencies of the nation . This Twitter and Facebook Russian effort is more reminiscent of the gang that can't shoot straight and beneath the capabilities of the Ruskies . I think it was a diversion. Does anyone think there were a significant number of people who were undecided going into the fall of 2016 ? Please ! And how many of them get their major news feeds from Facebook or Twitter ?
  • Feb 19, 2018, 02:12 PM
    I have a theory too. Trump owes Russian banks, and oligarchs and Vlad wants him to pay up with interest.
  • Feb 19, 2018, 02:32 PM
    It's as good a theory as any, the KBG was good at these tactics, so it would be out of the Vlad playbook. This makes Trump the Manchurian candidate
  • Feb 19, 2018, 03:02 PM
    nah the Manchurian candidate was groomed for the position. Trump will serve his term and still not understand what being President means .
  • Feb 20, 2018, 04:21 AM
    We may have to start calling The Dufus, Trump The Chump.
  • Feb 20, 2018, 06:03 AM
    I'm going back to Dump
  • Feb 20, 2018, 08:55 AM
    Breaking NEWS..
    Another one bites the dust!


    U.S. prosecutors in the office of special counsel Robert S. Mueller III said the case involving Alex Van der Zwaan was related to former Trump 2016 presidential campaign manager Paul Manafort.

  • Feb 20, 2018, 10:32 AM
    Flynn update :

    A motion by Michael Flynn to withdraw his guilty plea based on government misconduct is likely in the works.Friday, Judge Emmet Sullivan issued an order in United States v. Flynn directing Robert Mueller’s team to provide Flynn’s attorneys “any exculpatory evidence.”

    The order stresses that if Mueller has such evidence but believes it is not “material” and therefore that Flynn is not entitled to disclosure of it, Mueller must show the evidence to the court so that Judge Sullivan may decide whether to mandate its disclosure.

    This is why the judge delayed Flynn's sentencing . I have already on a number of times pointed out how Flynn got railroaded by Mueller .

    If there is anything in this information witheld from Flynn and his lawyers that the Flynn team is not aware of ;it could be grounds for Flynn to reverse his plea . Sullivan’s order supersedes the plea agreement that Flynn was muscled into signing ;that included Flynn waiving rights to "any further discovery or disclosures of information not already provided” .
  • Feb 20, 2018, 10:44 AM
    Interesting and we will see how Mueller reacts to the judges proclamation.
  • Feb 20, 2018, 08:24 PM
    There is really noting to see here, it is a smokescreen
  • Feb 21, 2018, 08:57 AM
    Yes it is . We are supposed to believe that Ruskie bots and pajama boys are going to take down our system. Meanwhile in 2015 the Chinese hacked into the US government OPM targeting the records of over 20 million Americans . That news was met by a collective yawn because it happened during the emperor's watch .

    The left is unhinged . On one hand they say that Trump is mentally unstable .Then they say he should have a strong response to Ruskie pajama boys .
  • Feb 21, 2018, 02:13 PM

    Originally Posted by tomder55 View Post
    ... they say that Trump is mentally unstable .Then they say he should have a strong response to Ruskie pajama boys .

    Of course, he's mentally unstable. Is there any doubt? Where have you been during the last year and the previous year's candidacy? His lack of response to Putin and friends indicates at best, he's a woos - at worst, he's committed treason.

    Being blackmailed by Russia is not new. He's already been successfully blackmailed by two women due to his sexual excesses. He uses his lawyers as bagmen to keep his hands clean. But it didn't work this time, did it?
  • Feb 24, 2018, 04:49 PM
    Breaking NEWS..
    The dems memo has been released and you can read it here.
  • Feb 24, 2018, 06:21 PM
    What took them so long to release this ? I could've used a black magic marker over anything worth reading also.
    On one hand they say that the dossier wasn't used to obtain the FISA warrant yet they are defending it as a valid source for obtaining a FISA warrant. So which is it?

    Why doesn't Schiff memo address Rosenstein statements in the Nunes memo that if it weren't for the dossier they wouldn't been able to get warrant?
    Schiff fails to explain why, if evidence of Page’s past activities was so compelling, then why was the dossier used in the FISA application at all, much less formed the “bulk” of the Page FISA application. Dep Director FBI Andrew McCabe testified that they would not have gone for the FISA warrants without the dossier .In fact the Schiff memo downplays the significance of the Steele dossier and then goes into details about the steps used to verify it ....all contrary to what Comey and McCabe have testified. In fact Comey is on record as calling the dossier salacious and unverified .

    Page 4 ;the FBI independently verified parts of the dossier ;but that part is completely blacked out of the Schiff memo. What it DOES verify is the claim Trump made that he was being spied on when he claimed it and a year before that.
    The House Repubs issued a point by point rebuttal if you want to read it .
  • Feb 25, 2018, 03:12 AM
    In about one month or so Inspector General Horowitz will release his report, which the Democrats initiated because of Comeys actions towards Evita , and things should take a very different direction and interpretation.

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