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  • Dec 18, 2008, 11:40 AM
    Being Attacked by evil spirits or demons
    Ive been attacked while in bed by evil spirits or demons, unable to speak or move. Hearing things in the Spirit Realm. Sometimes feeling unable to breathe and a feeling a stabbing in my stomach and churning while in this state. One night while laying in bed I was attacked unable to move or speak. I am a born again Christian and my faith in Christ Jesus. When this happened I heard in the Spirit the Lord singing over me, then soon after I heard dreadful screams from hell which I thought would never end. Then again I heard music with no words. Then I'm being attacked again. Then I heard a choir of men singing about heaven and salvation. It was so hard getting out of of this state feeling helpless, but I knew God was with me the whole time. That was the only thing that comforted me, it was so bad I asked the Lord in my mind are you taking me home. Then I finally got out of it, but each time this has happened it has been so hard to get out. The Lord has given me 1 revelation out of the 3 times it has happened. Has this sort of thing ever happened to anyone else?
  • Dec 18, 2008, 12:55 PM

    You should find a good solid Christian to pray over you about this.

    The closest I know that this sounds like is sleep paralysis & the old hag
    The 'Old Hag" Syndrome
  • Dec 18, 2008, 02:20 PM

    I wasn't necessarily say there is nothing spiritual about it.
  • Dec 18, 2008, 03:16 PM

    Originally Posted by N0help4u View Post
    You should find a good solid Christian to pray over you about this.

    The closest I know that this sounds like is sleep paralysis & the old hag
    The 'Old Hag" Syndrome

    Thanks to everyone who posted a answer
  • Dec 19, 2008, 12:40 AM

    I think you did the right thing, staying aware of Jesus's presence, staying in a place of peace and trust throughout the experience. As so many Gospel stories show, Jesus has a way of asking us to, as the Army says, "be all we can be." He tends to push people to discover and expand their limits. So for someone with a spiritual gift like yours. It will not always be easy. Having a gift can be fun. Just today I heard an orthopedic surgeon say how fun it is for him to operate and put broken bones back together. When a gift is fully matured, when God has made you really good at something and you have honored His gift by doing it as well as you can, there is a delight in that. But sometimes the process of training can be scary and hard.

    So, as I said, you are doing it right. God gives you these experiences, and it sounds like you are in a place mentally where you accept that God is giving this to you for a reason, and you are open to God to show you what is necessary. Sometimes the right thing to do is nothing. Sometimes the lesson is that if you are there, and Jesus is with you, then it doesn't matter if you are seeing and hearing heaven, hell, or anything in between. The important part is staying in His presence. Just offer no resistance, let it wash over you and through you, and trust. That's all I can suggest.
  • Dec 19, 2008, 11:23 AM

    Originally Posted by Alder View Post
    I think you did the right thing, staying aware of Jesus's presence, staying in a place of peace and trust throughout the experience. As so many Gospel stories show, Jesus has a way of asking us to, as the Army says, "be all we can be." He tends to push people to discover and expand their limits. So for someone with a spiritual gift like yours. it will not always be easy. Having a gift can be fun. Just today I heard an orthopedic surgeon say how fun it is for him to operate and put broken bones back together. When a gift is fully matured, when God has made you really good at something and you have honored His gift by doing it as well as you can, there is a delight in that. But sometimes the process of training can be scary and hard.

    So, as I said, you are doing it right. God gives you these experiences, and it sounds like you are in a place mentally where you accept that God is giving this to you for a reason, and you are open to God to show you what is necessary. Sometimes the right thing to do is nothing. Sometimes the lesson is that if you are there, and Jesus is with you, then it doesn't matter if you are seeing and hearing heaven, hell, or anything in between. The important part is staying in His presence. Just offer no resistance, let it wash over you and through you, and trust. That's all I can suggest.

    Thanks Alder
  • Dec 26, 2008, 02:16 AM
    I'm a christian too but I've never been attacked by demons but I can tell you that the demons are possibly using songs to make you let down your guard so trust me when I say try to get out of that house and try and send those demons back where they came from
  • May 23, 2009, 10:45 AM
    I had a similar experience, in 1997. I do not feel as though I was under attack. I was trying to be in the presence of God, to ask him what he wanted of me. I was preparing to be a tool for him, in what ever he wanted of me. I was informed earlier that day, in order to contact God, I was to remove all jewelry. I had a St. Kevin medallion, which my son, Kevin had given to me, which I always wore. This necklace meant a lot to me and I really didn't want to take it off. Instead I moved it over to the side of my neck. Then while I was laying down, before I went to sleep, I silently tried calling out to God.

    First I felt the feeling of levitation. I was laying on my couch in the living room, but this is sometimes where I slept. Then from out of nowhere, two sets of yellow glowing eyes, in the blackness of the night, came racing towards me. I was in fear, but just before they got to me, they immediately came to a halt, centimeters from my face. I was somewhat panic stricken and then they were gone.
    Following this, I believe I saw a vision of hell. There was moaning , and pain, and I felt every thing I ever did wrong, and all who I had possible ever hurt in life, I felt so much pain and sorrow. I felt it all, It was awful, and seemed never ending, this seemed to go on forever. I never really thought I was really any kind of a bad person prior to this vision of hell.
    This all happened while I lay there awake and like I said it seemed to be such a forever feeling about it all. Then I heard our dog, snoop, piddling on our kitchen on the garbage pail, which snapped me out of this state of feeling. When I got up to let the dog out, I saw that he was peacefully asleep on in the living room.? In any event, this whole ordeal frightened me so I told my neighbor Michael. He took me to see a priest at the church I had went to every Sunday as a child. ( This ordeal took place when I was 35) I really hadn't attended church regularly since I was about 17.
    I told the priest what happened, and he said some people do see demons, mostly women. He said they are always around us, and only people more in touch, can see them. He said I was a good person, and apparently am blessed by God as well, for the two demons I saw were unable to reach me, as I had a circle of holiness all around me, which protected me, which is the reason the demons I saw racing towards me had to stop, The priest said they couldn't get to me, as I had a shield of protection that they could not get through.

    He told my friend and I to hold hands with him and say a prayer, we did, during this prayer, he prayed that I be protected from all evil, and during the prayer, I saw a empty field of green, with one single tree. I was under the tree, this was a warm beautiful day, sunny and I felt as though I was a child under the tree, warm and safe, After the prayer, the priest asked me If I had any visions during the prayer. So I told him yes I did and told him my vision. He again assured me that I was very close to God, and that God is in me protecting me.
    That's about it, I read what happened to you, and wanted to share what happened to me. I hope this helps you.
    God Bless You,
  • May 29, 2009, 07:48 PM
    I see you have had the battle for your soul. It's different for everyone but when it happens it's a bit scary, but you realized that god was by your side throug out this whole ordeal. People think that when you give your life over to god that, that is end not to say that your are one of those people. Rest assured god is always in control and he will never leave nor forsake you as you can see he won the battle. As for the demons you saw you have a spirtual gift one that isn't given to many people and one that can be somewhat scary at first , but if you learn to use it think of how awesome you can be. Being able to see what others can't is truly amazing so ask god to help you with your gift. You yourself don't have the power to get rid of demons my suggestion is to pray and ask god what to do and ask him to give you an understanding on how to ward them off. As for the music with no words before satan was cast out of heaven he was in charge of music so he could be trying to use that against you as well. Maybe god was warding satan off with his own weapon of music or maybe you have another gift the ability to sing and he wants you to join the choir. Keep the faith stay prayed up, because the devil sure is busy amen.
  • Jun 9, 2009, 01:45 AM
    What it seems like to me is actually a out of body experience the term we use in the metaphysical community is astral projection it seems like you went to heaven stood close to hell. I have had the same experience of being held down not being able to speak pr move. You were awoken suddently out of your sleep it was late at night past 12 and you fought itt with all of your strength okay the reason wny I know this isn't a demonoc attack or attack by a spirit is because I've had a similer experience and when I started developing my psychic gifts an angel who name I believe started with an s put some type of protection around me so I couldn't be hurt by demonic forces or evil spirits so after I fought off the first experience I regained control after a few minutes. Which I am shure you did too maybe god was trying to show you how different your path ends up baised on your choices he knows your trying to do the right thing but maybe he wanted to give you a push if it continues ask him to communicate to you in a different way. I am 16 and I have only had two of these experiences in my life
  • Aug 15, 2009, 07:22 AM

    Originally Posted by bringslight27 View Post
    Ive been attacked while in bed by evil spirits or demons, unable to speak or move. Hearing things in the Spirit Realm. Sometimes feeling unable to breathe and a feeling a stabbing in my stomach and churning while in this state. One night while laying in bed i was attacked unable to move or speak. I am a born again Christian and my faith in Christ Jesus. When this happened i heard in the Spirit the Lord singing over me, then soon after i heard dreadful screams from hell which i thought would never end. Then again i heard music with no words. Then im being attacked again. Then i heard a choir of men singing about heaven and salvation. It was so hard getting outta of this state feeling helpless, but i knew God was with me the whole time. That was the only thing that comforted me, it was so bad i asked the Lord in my mind are you taking me home. Then i finally got out of it, but each time this has happened it has been so hard to get out. The Lord has given me 1 revelation out of the 3 times it has happened. Has this sort of thing ever happened to anyone else??

    It is called sleep paraisis and yes almost every night. The prescense of incredible evil is always there, it is an attack . Take not of what is happening in the episode. Anoint your entire house with oil casting out the demons. Every window and every window , every door, play soft worship music in your home at all times. Examine the people who are coming into your home. Do you have someone constantly giving you gifts? Dispose of those gifts, hide scripture in your door jams. It is real. We do not battle against flesh and blood
  • Aug 19, 2009, 03:25 AM
    Let me start from the top.. I was awaken around 5:00 am this morning from... what I thought was a horrible nightmare about a spirit.. the dream seemed so real.. let me begin to tell you about it and the spirit was lurking and watching me the entire time.. I was somewhere with my friends.. and I told them that I really wanted to leave because I didn't feel safe.. but none of them felt what I did. But somehow I was in my bed and I ended up waking up because I saw a spirit so I woke up screaming my mothers name running into her room.. there I decided to give my life to Christ again... and I opened up my soul so God could come in and while still asleep I heard the sound of the wind blowing in my room, which woke me and I realized I was having a true battle over my soul again.. this is the 4th time id say in a matter of 4 months.. It doesn't always happen in the night. . this is actually the first time its has always been during the day and it has never come into my dream before. I think the spirit is gaining more power and really wants to take over my soul.. each time I become paralyzed, and my speech is gone... I only have my thought process and a tru battle within.. I just don't know what to do...

    And BringsLight27 I totally believe you this isn't Hagsleep, or any other thing people want to use a logical explination for its real and also very terrifying.. I wish I could help you but I don't know why this is happening to me myself.. I was up searching for answers when I came across this.. ill pray for you and mayb you could do the same for me
  • Sep 3, 2009, 10:56 PM
    I used to think I was alone in being attacked by dark powers but as the years passed I came across other Christians who had copped it in their sleep.
    My first event happened one night when I was sleeping in our house in Queensland, Australia. Its as if The Lord suddenly openned my mind and I saw this black slug-like being with the most bright silver eyes fly in through the closed verandah glass window, as if the window wasn't there. The next moment the creature was pushing me down into the mattress and trying to smother me.
    Three times I had to force myself up out of bed and resist it. It then disappeared. This happened again several times after I became a born Again Christian and each time I had to use the name of Jesus to command them to leave.
    On other occasions I had them bite me and scare me awake.
    I attributed this to the fact that, by this time, I was a born again Christian writer with a bit of power to expose satan and he was trying to frighten me off. He didn't. I later went on to gather many visions and prophecies about an invader to Australia and put them on blogs for The Lord.
    My main blog is at What will become of Australia by Jack Burrell
    I now longer get many attacks and its only the occasional Christian I think who will suffer them. Always use the Name of Jesus.
  • Sep 12, 2009, 08:06 PM
    Hi, I have been having these episodes for years. I am 35 years old now, and haven't had one in a few years, but my first experience happened when I was 19 years old. It was in the day and I went to lay down for a quick nap. I was COMPLETELY awake and lying on my back when I felt my body become completely paralyzed, screaming in my ears were sounds of several demonic voices. I could not tell what they were saying, but I knew it was evil. I can't say how long this lasted, but when the demons finally released I was left with an intense fear of which I had never felt.

    Fast-forward to age 27. Since that first episode I never had another one until I started dating a new guy. Until recently it never occurred to me that he may have been the reason why these demons started to torture me again. One night we were in my kitchen and he said he saw something out of the corner of his eye and said it was probably a ghost. He then began to tell me stories of how he could "go to the other side" meaning he can go to hell. Lying in bed that night he told me there was a demon sitting in the corner of my room just staring at us, he proceeded to describe to me what this thing looked like. This kind of scared me, but I just went to sleep anyway and blew it off as if he were just trying to scare me. The next day, my boyfriend went into my room, I went to try to find him and the door was locked. I knocked on the door but he wouldn't answer, I started to get worried and started pounding on the door and yelling for him to open it. After about 10 minutes of me pounding on the door and screaming for him to open it, he finally opened the door and had a bloody nose. I asked him what was going on and he told me he "went to the other side" Well, that was it for me, I knew this guy was evil and broke up with him. Don't ask me why I didn't break up with him sooner; I was just at a very vulnerable time in my life.

    After our relationship ended is when the terrors began. Demons and I say DEMONS because I KNOW they were evil presences that started to paralyze me at night. I can't count how many times these occurrences happened because it got to a point where I knew the demons were in my room and then a few minutes later it would take over my body. I was always fully awake and conscious when these attacks would take place, but it was always when I was lying down and relaxed. I would know something was in my room because I felt several times something jumping onto the foot of my bed and then walking around on my bed. At first I thought it was my cat, but my cat was nowhere in the room as soon as I would feel the demon walking on my bed it would take over my body and paralyze me, I could feel my skin in my arms rippling as if it was physically entering into my body. I would get a feeling of extreme terror. I had other nights where I felt as if the demon would pick me up out of my bed and throw me on the floor or throw me against the wall. I had another night where I felt the demon's breath in my ear and it made a loud chewing sound. You can think I'm crazy, but this is all real, I know it wasn't a dream. I didn't know what was going on during all of this, but I knew it was something evil.

    I started doing my research and found several similar stories. I am a Christian, but during these times of attack, I was not living as a Christian should live, this is why I think that I was fair game to these demons. I do not believe for one minute that these episodes can be chalked up as "sleep paralysis" or "night terrors" NO, there is a real spiritual world out there that we cannot see, and it is everywhere and it is very real. I finally got the nerve up to tell my mother, who is also a Christian, she told me to start praying or call out to Jesus the next time this happens. Sure enough a few days later I had another attack, at first I tried to call out the name of Jesus, but it was hard, I just kept trying to say it, but could not move my lips, so I just started to think it. Suddenly I heard in a demonic voice of someone saying "Jesus" in an evil dark voice as if they were mocking me, suddenly the paralysis stopped and I felt the evil no more. I started to pray and felt peace. It happened again a few more times, but each time I knew that I had the power of Jesus now to get me through it, when I would feel the attacks starting to come on, and for some reason, I knew they were coming because I could feel their presence in my room, I would just start to pray or praise Jesus' name. Someone please tell me that if these aren't demons, why is the name of Jesus so powerful over this? I think calling these demon possessions “sleep paralysis” or “night terror” are just scientist's and non-believer's way of explaining this away. There is no way that ANYONE could ever convince me that these attacks were by none other than from Satan himself. Please wake up; this is a call and a battle for your soul. Please repent to Jesus and call for his name or these demons will have your soul for eternity and I'm sure in hell it feels a lot worse than this. I'm proud and thrilled to say since I've started to live a more Godly life and got out of the sin I was living in, these demonic possessions have stopped all together, no I am not perfect and do not claim to be, but I am choosing to put Jesus first in my life now.. I just wanted to give my story because I believe that JESUS is the only way out of this. Through Jesus you do have the power over these demons, they cannot stand the sound of his precious name. Even if you don't believe just try saying Jesus' name in your head or praying to Jesus, these demons don't stand a chance and you will be free from it, what do you have to lose?

    “Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of his might. Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil. For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places. Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand firm. Stand therefore, having fastened on the belt of truth, and having put on the breastplate of righteousness, and, as shoes for your feet, having put on the readiness given by the gospel of peace. In all circumstances take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming darts of the evil one; and take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God, praying at all times in the Spirit, with all prayer and supplication. To that end keep alert with all perseverance, making supplication for all the saints,”
    —Ephesians 6:10-18
  • Sep 18, 2009, 08:05 PM
    I to have the same thing happen to me since I was 13... I am now 30. When I am about to fall asleep a demon or demons attack me. I can hardly breath. I can't speak or move at all. I have to call out to Jesus in my mind. This last it seems forever and I finally come out of it. Sometimes it will slam me back down and do it again. Other times I'm so use to it I know better and will jump out of bed before it happens again and pray. Sometimes I even feel myself come out of my body. Now I'm not sure if I really do. I don't want to sound crazy. I'm very confused to this day. I use to be a very, very strong women of God. Now I'm a weak, weak christian who strays away often and lives in condemnation. I'm scared and I know the time is near. I know what to do but, can't seem to do it.
  • Sep 25, 2009, 02:00 PM
    I had horrific "nightmares" which you describe hear. I was in a phase in which I was giving my life over to the Lord. I already believed, but had been living a life He would have never wanted. My pastor told me to tell these demons to leave me alone... leave my house and leave my dreams. I would wake my husband with my screams. It's just time to give yourself completely back to God and be patient. I felt I was being tested, but my faith held true. I am still going through the motions of getting rid of my demons. I heard one leaving my room and felt it pass through me one night when I opened our bedroom door. I was too scared to take a shower or look in the mirror after that. You must be strong and continually ask that you BE LEFT ALONE. You are God's child and no longer belong to the demon who haunts you.
    I kept dreaming that I was dreaming that I was dreaming. Each time I was "awake", I was never awake. I felt like I was being held down and couldn't speak. I would try to wake my husband when I thought I was awake but still actually dreaming... the demon's voice would become my own as I thought I was waking my husband to ask for his help. It is YOUR TIME to give yourself and your demon doesn't want to let you go. Do not get discouraged as He will not forsake you in your journey.
  • Oct 13, 2009, 08:47 AM
    The same thing happened to me twice, I was in bed both times it happened! The weight of something started in my feet then up my legs and then I was pressed into my bed and my chest felt constricted that I couldn't breathe. After this, I couldn't speak at ALL!! My thoughts were NO LONGER my own. All at once my mind was filled with horrific thoughts of God that were NOT my own, and the voices inside that I heard were horrible!! These voices sounded like ear peirceing , screeches, and they were yelling out horrible things against God and Jesus. And those voices that were screeching are sounds YOU WILL NEVER FORGET!! This lasted what seemed to be hours, I am not quite sure how long, but soon in my thoughts I was able to just get out His name "God" I kept repeating this over and over again through those terrible screeching voices then eventually I was able to get out Jesus then Jesus help me! Finally the weight on my body and chest started to lift then the screeching voices stopped and I was left with a chill all over and the after-math of it ,which I prayed through! And YES I AM A CHRISTIAN AND SAVED BY MY LORD JESUS AND MY FATHER GOD!! I just know how scared I felt the first and second time, and I will always remember those voices and all of it opened my eyes up that evil does find its way in to you , you have to be as close to God as you can and your faith in Him!!
  • Oct 15, 2009, 10:57 AM
    Wow I thought that this didn't happen to anyone else I have the same dreams and I can't move or sleep feeling helpless and it seems so real I can't sleep at night. And all I know is when I say the lords name in my head it goes away but its crazy all I do is pray. I'm a reborn christian as well and my family has demons and I can't move out but I pray everyday that the lord finds a way out for me soon its so scary I get paranoid at night. Guys I will pray for you please pray for me 2 my names gissell
  • Oct 16, 2009, 01:12 PM

    Hello everyone,
    My faith is not christianity, but all faiths are all the same, there is god and we all pray to that being in one way or another.
    Being christian or muslim or hindu has nothing to do with god, it is just a sec people decide to call themselves. Religion is a teaching...
    So as it is a teaching, look into not only the sect your were born into, but other sects on these situation, and you will be surprised of what yo find.

    Remember people say the devil tests us, well I say nothing happens without the power and will of god, as that is what all religions teach, god I almighty, so I say god is who is testing our faith...
    All people in the world have these problems, god says thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven, heaven hell and earth are not far apart in a certain understanding...
    With all this, when you are attacked you are not doing something you are supposed, ie: praying, singing, breathing, or meditating.

    I say meditation as when you pray you ask for what yo want, but when you meditate your are told how to get what you prayed for...
    Meditate as much as you pray, and "revelations" will be told to you from your ishq dewta (garduian angel)... and you will be surprised at the simple thing yo can do to help yourself to protect yourself before during and after going to sleep.

    digishell, greatjob in realizing what was going on and looking towards the almighty, and not just remaining in a standstill of uncertainty...
  • Oct 26, 2009, 10:25 PM
    As a teen this happened to me many times. I saw a dark figure at the bottom of my bed. Then I felt it on top of me and I couldn't move or speak. In my head, I prayed and prayed until it went away. This did not stop happening until my mother hung a crucifix on my wall.

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