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  • Apr 27, 2012, 08:06 PM
    Keep bending my arms on my back hand spring (tumbling cheer)
    I can do it by myself and I practice on a mattress on the ground so I can perfect it and stuff but I sit back into it and my arms hit the ground and they collapse and my head slightly touches the mattress and I flip over and land on my feet! I keep trying these "blocking shoulders" drills like the handstand and you jump with your hands and hit the floor know any other drills? I used to have a really good back hand spring last year I just re-learned this and I can't find out how to do it. I don't take tumbling classes, I don't plan to I'm self taught. Don't direct me to a spot or coach because I don't need a spot, I won't say I don't need a coach but all I need is this backhandspring. I can do it in perfect form on the trampoline too. Please answer this. If you can't, please direct me to another "answers" site on the web. Preferably cheer related.
  • Apr 27, 2012, 08:31 PM
    **** the world i can never get an answer no matter where i go
  • Apr 27, 2012, 08:34 PM
    You did your best to tell anyone and everyone how to answer, so now no one will answer.

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