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  • Mar 23, 2006, 01:17 PM
    Female president
    How come we never have a girl for a president?
  • Mar 23, 2006, 01:51 PM
    Im not going to touch this one with a 10 foot pole! Lol
  • Mar 23, 2006, 02:15 PM
    Girl - this model doesn't come ready to be the leader of a nation. Sort of like our Boy model over here...

    The model your looking for is called Woman - And this model would make a great leader, it's just that this model still hasn't had enough exposure yet as a high quality leader... most people are still accustomed to our other model, Man.


    Really though - It's only a matter of time before there is a female president. As women are seen in leadership roles (particularily in business), US society will become more accepting of voting a female president into office.
  • Mar 23, 2006, 03:35 PM
    Good answer... Im impressed that we actually got a good answer here before some joke about going to war with someone one week out of every month! Lol
  • Mar 23, 2006, 04:06 PM
    Recent thread about female governors

    I linked an article that talked about the number of female governors. Basically said prior to '98 there had been about 15 women at the top state executive position.

    This is important because the governorship is seen as a position that may translate well to the demands of the presidents office. I'm not saying it does or doesn't, but it is an obvious position to look at concerning potential candidates.

    Look at recent history... how many presidents were govs and of those that were not were they simply the VP's from the prior administration?

    GW Bush - gov
    Clinton - gov
    GHW Bush - VP
    Reagan - gov
    Carter - gov
    Ford - VP
    Nixon - VP (Eisenhower)
    Kennedy - senate

    So we have to go back to kennedy (1961) to find someone who wasn't a governor or already in the office as VP of a previous administration.

    So... there's no reason a woman cannot be in the executive office. But recent history seems to suggest that more women in the governorship and VP position could help increase the possibility of that eventual reality.
  • Mar 23, 2006, 05:16 PM
    It's a really thought-provoking question, though... when countries like India and Pakistan, which are supposedly so anti-woman, have had female leaders years ago already, and the United States still hasn't, it really makes one wonder.

    Canada isn't much better. We've had one female prime minister, but she wasn't exactly elected. She took over the position when her successor retired I believe, and she wasn't re-elected.
  • Mar 23, 2006, 05:43 PM
    Simple answer - no one has wanted the job.
  • Mar 24, 2006, 08:19 AM
    You have some good answers so far.
    Hillary Clinton wants the job; just wait and see.
    We haven't had a Woman President, because as yet, no one who picks candidates for the parties believes a Woman could win. They aren't going to pick someone, unless they know they have a chance.
    In America, men voted much sooner that women were allowed to. Later, women won the right to vote. Customs in every country are somewhat different. In America, this custom of accepting both men and women in politics is changing, with new generations. It will happen, and a women will be president sometime. Hillary Clinton is the first in many years with a chance of being nominated from the Democratic Party. Not saying I'm for or against her, just saying her name will definitely keep coming up. Best wishes.
  • Mar 24, 2006, 08:25 AM

    Originally Posted by NeedKarma
    Simple answer - no one has wanted the job.

    I don't agree with this statement.

    Victoria Woodhull would've also found fault. Testified before Congress on suffrage, first female Wall Street broker, first woman to organize a political party, first woman candidate for president of the United States, 1872.

    Pat Schroeder (D-Colo) traveled around the country for much of 1987 before deciding she couldn't raise enough money to be a serious player.

    You need political backing and money to make a legitimate push...
  • Mar 24, 2006, 08:43 AM

    As mentioned in the other link, at least 9 female gov's since 89. Only around 15 in the entire time before that, with 3 not elected but serving as surrogates. So there is a trend of women making progress into political positions that are a springboards for a run at the top office.
  • Mar 24, 2006, 09:03 AM
    Golda meir, indira Gandhi, margaret thatcher.

    All good leaders, maybe the USA need a good woman to break into the boys club! Let's face it, she won't do any worse than some of the more recent office holders.
  • Mar 24, 2006, 11:17 AM

    Originally Posted by DrJizzle
    Good answer.... Im impressed that we actually got a good answer here before some joke about going to war with someone one week out of every month! lol

    I'm glad there was no joke like that either. I don't appreciate jokes about premenstrual dysphoric disorder. It's a very real condition; some women have to take psychiatric drugs and/or hormone therapies just have a somewhat normal life. Although I don't have it that badly myself, I do have a problem with my cycle (called endometriosis) which causes me to have severe pain every month. I have even been on morphine for the pain... it's one of the few drugs that work actually. At age 26 I have seriously considered having a hysterectomy just to alleviate the suffering.

    It's attitudes like this that actually prevent women from taking leadership roles. I was watching a foreign film made in Afganistan the other night, about a young woman who wanted to be the president of Afganistan. Funny, the same "joke" that you mentioned was used by some Afghani men in the film.

    Besides that, the whole going to war part of the joke doesn't matter anyway, because the United States has been at war for 3 years anyhow! And there's not a woman in charge.
  • Mar 24, 2006, 03:01 PM
    I do hope either the Democratic or the Republican Party will nominate a women for President for the next Presidential election. It's getting time.
  • Mar 24, 2006, 08:00 PM
    Prince Edward Island elected Canada’s first female Premier in 1993.

    While there had been other female Premiers in other provinces before that, none of them were elected (kind of like PM Kim Campbell)
  • Mar 26, 2006, 11:12 AM
    Oh that's interesting about PEI... I wasn't aware of that. What party did she belong to? We also had a female leader of the NDP Party for a while too, but the NDP don't have much of a chance of being elected federally. It is encouraging though to see more women running as MPs. We have quite a few around here, from all different political parties, who have been very successful. One woman, who is Conservative, has won in her riding at least twice already, and she's very well respected here.

    I have thought about running myself in the future, when the children are older and don't need me so much. However, I'm more interested in running as a school board trustee, for city council, or as an MLA, rather than federally.
  • Mar 26, 2006, 11:33 AM
    Of course in the US, women were not even allowed to vote for many years, so they were not involved in the political process for the entire time of our nation.

    Since then it has been a slow growth.

    Sadly most of the possible canidates on either dem or repub parties are too right or two left. There is not a good middle of the road canidate that could really draw the american public.

    Also with the dirty fighting of the elections, any and all of their past will be found or made up if nothing is found, so many will not want to put theirself though that either
  • Mar 26, 2006, 01:50 PM

    Originally Posted by orange
    Oh that's interesting about PEI... I wasn't aware of that. What party did she belong to? We also had a female leader of the NDP Party for a while too, but the NDP don't have much of a chance of being elected federally. It is encouraging though to see more women running as MPs. We have quite a few around here, from all different political parties, who have been very successful. One woman, who is Conservative, has won in her riding at least twice already, and she's very well respected here.

    I have thought about running myself in the future, when the children are older and don't need me so much. However, I'm more interested in running as a school board trustee, for city council, or as an MLA, rather than federally.

    Catherine Callbeck - PEI Premier 1993-1996, LIBERAL all the way (she also served 1 term federally as a Liberal in 88)

    Running as an MLA would be cool...

    Running federally would mean you have to be away from your family. My MP has a whole family here and she spends most of her time in Ottawa... I don't know how I could ever do that...
  • Mar 26, 2006, 05:06 PM
    Growing up, one of my friend's dads was an MP. The family owned 2 houses: one here and one in Ottawa. The kids went to Ottawa a lot for visits, etc. At the time I thought it sounded kind of cool, but you're right... it must be hard on the family in general.
  • Apr 6, 2006, 05:42 PM
    It is rather strange that men should seem to hold a monopoly on the presidency in the USA. Especially when countries where the men are supposed to be too macho-minded to let women lead have had women presidents.

    Mireya Moscoso Panama President September 1, 1999-September 1, 2004

    Michelle Bachelet Chile President March 11, 2006-incumbent

    Violeta Chamorro Nicaragua President April 25, 1990-January 10, 1997

    Isabel Martínez de Perón Argentina President July 1, 1974-March 24, 1976

    Lidia Gueiler Bolivia Interim President November 17, 1979-July 18, 1980

    Sila María Calderón Serra (born September 23, 1942) was the seventh Democratically elected Governor of Puerto Rico from 2001 to 2005.
  • Apr 6, 2006, 06:29 PM

    Originally Posted by Starman
    It is rather strange that men should seem to hold a monopoly on the presidency in the USA. Especially when countries where the men are supposed to be too macho-minded to let women lead have had women presidents.

    Mireya Moscoso Panama President September 1, 1999-September 1, 2004

    Michelle Bachelet Chile President March 11, 2006-incumbent

    Violeta Chamorro Nicaragua President April 25, 1990-January 10, 1997

    Isabel Martínez de Perón Argentina President July 1, 1974-March 24, 1976

    Lidia Gueiler Bolivia Interim President November 17, 1979-July 18, 1980

    Sila María Calderón Serra (born September 23, 1942) was the seventh Democratically elected Governor of Puerto Rico from 2001 to 2005.

    Don't go forgetting Candian Prime Minister Kim Campbell from June 25, 1993 - November 4, 1993.

    And, British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher from May 4, 1979 - November 28, 1990.

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