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  • Jul 24, 2012, 10:45 AM
    I'm 200 pounds and 14
    I'm not exactly 200 but 193 and 5'4 (not beautiful). I have 1 month and a half to lose weight before school.
    People that I know that have lost a lot of weight say that if I eat no carbs I will lose a lot of weight quickly, because they have tried it. I have a program called Turbo Fire and will use that daily and the gym daily, I've done it before but quit because off school(I never got burnt out). I really focusing on my stomach and arms. I really want to be like all the skinny girls, but mostly be comfortable in my skin and be able to dress like I want. I know everyone has there insecurities but I want to have fewer.
  • Jul 24, 2012, 11:40 AM
    Nothing is going to happen that fast, any weight lost that fast will come back with more even quicker.

    You are over weight, I would start with my doctor to ensure I am OK to start a good program.

    Then a balanced diet, not one of those silly unhealthy fad diets.

    Then over the next year you can set realistic goals.

    No fast foods, no junk foods, balanced meals, lots of exercise
  • Jul 24, 2012, 11:43 AM
    BIKE BIKE BIKE. TRUST ME. If you don't have one... purchase one! Remove the seat and ride EVERYWHERE. It will work out your arms, biceps, abs, legs, quads, delts, basically everything. And what you actually want to do is keep the carbs coming in but make sure you BURN more carbs than you take in. So regulate. Make sure you increase your protein intake too.
    Walk, jump rope, when your in class try to flex your abs for as long as you can. Just simple stuff will get you where you want to be.
  • Jul 24, 2012, 01:02 PM

    Originally Posted by MrTurner View Post
    BIKE BIKE BIKE. TRUST ME. If you dont have one... purchase one! Remove the seat and ride EVERYWHERE. It will work out your arms, biceps, abs, legs, quads, delts, basically everything. And what you actually want to do is keep the carbs coming in but make sure you BURN more carbs than you take in. So regulate. Make sure you increase your protein intake too.
    Walk, jump rope, when your in class try to flex your abs for as long as you can. Just simple stuff will get you where you want to be.

    Thank You, someone actually stole my chained up bike but I will be purcasing one shorty!
  • Jul 24, 2012, 01:03 PM

    Originally Posted by Fr_Chuck View Post
    Nothing is going to happen that fast, any weight lost that fast will come back with more even quicker.

    You are over weight, I would start with my doctor to ensure I am ok to start a good program.

    Then a balanced diet, not one of those silly unhealthy fad diets.

    Then over the next year you can set realistic goals.

    no fast foods, no junk foods, balanced meals, lots of exercise

    Thank you, I've been junk food and fastfood free for a while, and exercising

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