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  • Sep 24, 2012, 06:23 PM
    Guinea pig!!
    I took in a Guinea pig that was not being well taken care of. I don't really know much about this animal though. I researched the care of the little guy (food bedding & things) but he/she doesn't seem very happy. Ive had him for about a month and try to handle him as much as possible to get him used to it but its so hard because he keeps biting. And hard! I know they are companion animals but Im worried if I put another piggy in he will fight with it. What should I do? Im looking for any advice on how to make this piggy happier! Thanks :)
  • Sep 24, 2012, 06:28 PM
    No, do not add another guinea pig. Once the animal is in their surroundings, adding a new one is never a good idea.

    As for the biting, sadly, sometimes it's just the way things go with them. You could try feeding it lettuce and carrots and calmly pet it while it's eating these things out of your hand. That may get it used to you.

    One thing though, don't overdo the lettuce. They like it but too much of it is really bad for their digestive system.
  • Sep 24, 2012, 06:55 PM
    Thanks for the info! He just recently started chatter his teeth at people. And then the biting started up more than often. I maybe in over my head with this little guy I never knew how much they are like domestic pets (cats, dogs). He doesn't like to be out of the cage either it seems. It's like he panics when he has roaming space.
  • Sep 24, 2012, 06:58 PM
    Ah, some do and some don't. You said he was mistreated so it's possible he is reacting to that.

    The teeth chattering thing maybe isn't a bad sign though. I had one that would do that quite a bit but it seemed to be just her natural thing to do. She was very loveable and calm.
  • Sep 24, 2012, 07:19 PM
    I read some where that it was a sign they could be mad or upset. This is a first hearing him do it so Im not really sure. He does purr A lot when I stroke him. Some times its like he's vibrating the way he shakea and purrs when I give him a little scratch down his back. :) Im not sure what all happened with the previous owners but the poor guy was living off carrots and grass.. No pellets, hay, other veggies or fruits other than the carrots. His bedding was just a few newspapers thrown in the cage. So Im sure he was ignored most of the time other than children tormenting him. :( When I first took him home he would bite on the cage bars a lot and hard. He seems to have slowed down on that. Usually he will squeak and play but the past few days he's been doing the chatter thing amd then ran over and bit my hand while I was getting his bowl to fill. I have children but try not to really let them have too much interaction because of the history I hear about him but whilw changing his bedding he was out for roam time and literally ran over to my daughter playing on the floor and bit her! He doesn't show fear that's for sure. Lol
  • Sep 24, 2012, 07:30 PM
    If he's chasing people down to bite them, that is not normal. I have never experienced anything like that. At this point, I don't really have much to say that can help you, I'm sorry.

    I did find this though... maybe it will help you.

    Biting Guinea Pigs: What to Do
  • Sep 24, 2012, 07:42 PM

    Originally Posted by ladiebee View Post
    I read some where that it was a sign they could be mad or upset. This is a first hearing him do it so Im not really sure. He does purr ALOT when I stroke him. Some times its like he's vibrating the way he shakea and purrs when I give him alittle scratch down his back. :) Im not sure what all happened with the previous owners but the poor guy was living off of carrots and grass.. No pellets, hay, other veggies or fruits other than the carrots. his bedding was just a few newspapers thrown in the cage. So Im sure he was ignored most of the time other than children tormenting him. :( When I first took him home he would bite on the cage bars alot and hard. He seems to have slowed down on that. Usually he will squeak and play but the past few days hes been doing the chatter thing amd then ran over and bit my hand while I was getting his bowl to fill. I have children but try not to really let them have too much interaction because of the history I hear about him but whilw changing his bedding he was out for roam time and literaly ran over to my daughter playin on the floor and bit her! He dosnt show fear thats for sure. Lol

    Give him some more time to adjust. Make sure he has a proper diet, including alfalfa. When you give him a treat, first put it through the cage without handling it at all. When you finally take it out, use a small towel to wrap it up, so it feels secure. I scolded mine when they bit. It takes time and patience, but guinea pigs can be loads of fun.
  • Sep 24, 2012, 07:48 PM
    Thanks for the link! I think a vet visit will be scheduled tomro just to make sure every thing is OK. I didn't know they could smell so well. Maybe he's mad that I moved a hamster cage into the same room. Not next to him but within the room. Ill let you know how it goes at the vet! Thanks Again! :)
  • Sep 24, 2012, 07:50 PM

    Originally Posted by teacherjenn4 View Post
    Give him some more time to adjust. Make sure he has a proper diet, including alfalfa. When you give him a treat, first put it through the cage without handling it at all. When you finally take it out, use a small towel to wrap it up, so it feels secure. I scolded mine when they bit. It takes time and patience, but guinea pigs can be loads of fun.

    Ok will do! You got that right his squeaks are so freakin cute! Its like he's talking. Lol.
  • Sep 24, 2012, 08:29 PM

    Originally Posted by ladiebee View Post
    Ok will do! You got that right his squeaks are so freakin cute! Its like hes talking. Lol.

    It will be good to do a vet check. Their teeth can get too long due to a poor diet. Our guinea pigs would go crazy when we'd open the vegetable drawer in the fridge. We had three over the years. I miss them, but schools are not happy about pets in the class anymore, so I haven't purchased a new one. Let us know how the vet visit goes.
  • Nov 14, 2012, 02:54 AM
    UK Apple

    Originally Posted by odinn7 View Post
    No, do not add another guinea pig. Once the animal is in their surroundings, adding a new one is never a good idea.

    As for the biting, sadly, sometimes it's just the way things go with them. You could try feeding it lettuce and carrots and calmly pet it while it's eating these things out of your hand. That may get it used to you.

    One thing though, don't overdo the lettuce. They like it but too much of it is really bad for their digestive system.

    Good idea to feed food but please not lettuce as guinea pigs are allergic and ice-burg lettuce could kill him!
  • Nov 14, 2012, 03:01 AM
    UK Apple
    The teeth chattering could just be that he's ajusting but it might also be because they're too long. Guinea pigs with a poor diet often don't wear down their teeth enough because they're not eating as much as they should be. When guinea pig teeth are too long they tend to gnaw on things and gring their teeth. As for the biting if he's been tormented by children in the past then its not too surprising really and he may never calm down completely but with time he may come to trust you. Try giving him more security when you handle him: always use the same towel, always hold him in the same position, always sit/stand in the same place etc. this will help him to know what to expect. Have you tried brushing him? He may hate it but it used to relax my piggys. Hope this may have been of some help.
  • Nov 14, 2012, 05:03 AM

    Originally Posted by UK Apple View Post
    Good idea to feed food but please not lettuce as guinea pigs are allergic and ice-burg lettuce could kill him!

    Never had a guinea pig die from Iceberg lettuce. As long as you don't overdo anything, they are fine. Iceberg lettuce has no nutritional value, and if you feed too much to them, they won't benefit from it... but allergic to it? Proof... I want to see proof. I always used Iceberg as a treat and they loved it. I had a guinea pig live 8 years... it took her 8 years to die from her allergic reaction to Iceberg, did it?

    The fact is, a normal diet is best... but lettuce treats are fine and really loved by them. But like I said, if you overdo it, they get runny "poop" and it plays with their digestive system... that, however, is not what I would consider an allergic reaction.

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