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  • Apr 11, 2009, 10:09 PM
    Problems with my Ducane HVAC unit
    Ok... I have been dealing with this problem for sometime and with advice from this forum, I did have someone out here to take a look at it. Too bad that guy was a moron. So I am back with new information to see if someone who knows what they are doing can solve my problem without be having to pay people $100 bucks to make up things.

    Here is my problem:

    When I go to turn on my heat or AC, the thermostat clicks as if it is telling the unit to turn on. But nothing happens. If I turn the fan to on instead of auto (which should run no matter what) the thermostat clicks but nothing happens. If I go in my attic to my Ducane furnace and flip the breaker (a light switch connected to the unit) off for about 30 seconds and flip it back on, everything works great, until the unit switches off again.

    When the repair man was out here the last time, I told him what was going on. He tried to turn on the thermostat and *click* nothing happened... Then he went in the attic and flipped the switch and everything started to work. He said, "Ok problem solved" when I said, "No, when it sits off for a bit, it will not come back on." He replied, "Well that is an intermittent problem that I can not diagnose unless it happens." I said, "It just happened!!" Well, you will have to have me back out when it happens again. And that will be $100 you owe for today and $100 for when we need to come back out!" Within 15 min of him leaving, I tried to switch it back on and *click* same problem. I tried to get him to turn around but he was going to another appointment and would have to schedule me for next week, at $100 inspection fee!" I hate getting hosed by people!!

    So any thoughts on what this could be so I can get it taken care of, by another company the FIRST time they come out?!
  • Apr 12, 2009, 05:29 AM
    How about a exact model number for you furnace? How about a brand and model number for your thermostat?

    I remember your post from the last time. Looks like you got a service person who just does there job no matter what the outcome. Intermittent problems are the worst to figure out since the problem does not show all the time.

    Also does your unit have a circuit board? Is it a gas furnace or a heat pump? Really need more info to get started at this point.
  • Apr 12, 2009, 08:46 AM

    I do not know where to find the model number. I have checked all the writing on the exterior of the door and there is no model number. I have pulled each panel off and looked and there is no model number. The plaque on the outside just states Ducane. It is a gas furnace. I know that all the equipments is 10 Seer. I can find NO information on their site about any 10 seer equipment. I do not know what you mean by circuit board. It has the removable panels on the outside to access the interior electronics. There is a bunch of wires and a small circuit board. I can tell that they wires from the thermostat go into that board. The unit is about 7 years old.

    As a time line, I reset it last night before typing my first post. It ran for about an hour or so, then shut off. It has been off now for about 8 hours and I just tried to turn on the AC and it comes on. So I will try it throughout the day and see if there is a trigger that I can find or how long it needs to stay off before it will not come on again.
  • Apr 12, 2009, 09:22 AM

    Odds are it is a problem with that little circuit board with the t-state wires on it. That would be the only part other then the t-stat that would cause problems in the heat and cool mode both.
  • Apr 12, 2009, 09:25 AM

    The model number on a ducane unit should be on a white sticker on the left side inside the top door of the unit.
  • Apr 12, 2009, 09:34 AM

    I'll check right now... BTW: I forgot to add that the t-stat is a ritetemp programmable unit.
  • Apr 12, 2009, 09:37 AM

    OK I should be on here for a little bit. Do you know if your t-stat has a built in time delay?
  • Apr 12, 2009, 09:40 AM
    Nope, no white sticker other then the wiring diagram on the inside doors of the unit. I pulled off each of the three doors. I looked at the diagram and nothing on there says "model #XXXXXXX, Serial number XXXXXXX".

    I thought about the t-stat being the problem but why would resetting the breaker up on the unit effect the t-stat? If the t-stat is not working, it should be independent of the breaker upstairs, correct. Also, I hear the click from the t-stat telling the unit to turn on. I would figure if I hear that click, the problem is outside the t-stat. But that is just my back-wards logic.
  • Apr 12, 2009, 09:42 AM
    The t-stat is "ritetemp 8022C". I am looking in the manual for anything about a time delay.
  • Apr 12, 2009, 09:49 AM

    The model will be on the furnace its self on the inside left or right, or in your case on the top or bottom. Sense yours is laying down. It is not on the back of the doors. To see if it is the t-stat or not. You can take it off so you can see the wires. Then put a jumper from r to w to see if the heat comes on. A jumper from r to g will see if the fan works and a jumper from r to y will do the ac. This will let us know if the t-state is the problem or the control board.
  • Apr 12, 2009, 10:04 AM

    You are right... You think they could have made that in a better spot. It was upside down on the top, hidden by what I assume is the blower, since mine is laying down. Model number MPGA050B3. I just checked the t-stat again. Turned the fan to "On" and nothing happened... Tried to turn the AC on and nothing happened... So it looks like I am in the problem area again. So as such, I will try to mess with the t-stat to see if it comes on. You say to "jumper the wires", explain what you mean. I should just be able to take a piece of wire and touch it to the wire colors that you mentioned, right?
  • Apr 12, 2009, 10:11 AM

    Yes a piece of wire, or just a pair on needle nose pliers will work. Just make sure not to hit the c terminal. That is a common wire and you may short something out if you bump it. But yes r to w for heat, ( r- g for fan try this first.) and r to y for ac
  • Apr 12, 2009, 10:25 AM

    Ok... Nothing happens when I jumper any of those connections... Not even a spark. I did see something weird. There is an orange wire hooked up (maybe heat pump) but I have no heat pump in the home, just the gas furnace and the ac units outside.
  • Apr 12, 2009, 10:31 AM

    Are you sure your outdoor ac is not a heat pump? Was there a wire on the E terminal, or W2?
  • Apr 12, 2009, 10:31 AM
    I took my downstairs t-stat off to see its wiring and sure enough, no orange wire. I also tested to make sure that I was jumping correctly and it will turn on. I am sure if I reset the breaker up in the attic it will come on but I do not want to do that since it is not working and we can test other stuff. Should I take a volt meter to the r-g wire pair to see if there is any juice there?
  • Apr 12, 2009, 10:33 AM
    I do not have an E or w2... only a w and there is the white wire there. Ya, it is a condenser unit outside. I am 99.9% positive.
  • Apr 12, 2009, 10:35 AM

    Did you do your jumping at the t-stat or at the furnace? Also have you found your circuit board? If you did what you need to do is put the t-stat back on turn it to the fan on position. Then at the contol board in the attic with your volt meter check between the C termanal and the G terminal you should be getting 24-28 volts with the fan on the on position. Do you have the doors off the unit now?
  • Apr 12, 2009, 10:39 AM

    Ok I will try that... Ya I have found where the wires enter the unit in the attic. I have two of the three doors off, the third door seems to have a switch on it that tells if that door is off and (I think) tells the unit not to turn on. That is what I assume, so that door is on right now.

    Ok, I will test at the furnace and let you know... Thanks for all your help so far. Really, I do appreciate it!
  • Apr 12, 2009, 10:41 AM

    No problem I wll wait to see what you find out
  • Apr 12, 2009, 10:41 AM
    Oh you, I did my jumping at the t-stat

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