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  • Jun 27, 2005, 05:18 AM
    Can anyone advise/help?
    Hi, my husband and I have been trying to fall pregnant for a few months now... my last period was on the 3 June lasting 6days, then on the 23 June till now, I've been getting dark brown discharge :eek: (I've never had this before ever since I started my period)... my period is not for another 2 weeks and when this brown discharge started I was feeling nauseous and tired, but I don't think I'm pregnant or am I :confused:... I really don't know what's happening... has anyone experience this? Or can tell me what's happening? Is it my period messed up? I'm too scared to go and have it checked out.. I hate docs... don't know what to do :(
  • Jun 29, 2005, 03:35 PM
    Well your going to want to wait till your expected period to take a home pregnancy test but the best thing to do is contact your ob and tell them what is going on... good chance you may be pregnant hun... dont get your hopes up but it sounds like it... fatigue and nausea are good signs of pregnancy but don't let that fool you because a lot of women when trying to have a baby want it so bad that their body brings on these false symptoms and you think you may be but your not... but I think you may be good luck
  • Jun 30, 2005, 04:59 AM
    Thanks... my husband took me to the docs but they were all fully booked for the next few weeks... so what we have decided to do is wait for my next period and see what happens then we'll go from there... what you think? I know what you mean by when one trying to get pregnant then things starts to happen then you automatically think that this is it.. but it's all in our minds... like me feeling fatigue and nausea not knowing if it's real or in the mind... also I don't have a regular doc that I go to.. actually I don't go to see doc for don't know how long already... so don't have record with any doc as I seldom go and visit them... so I think I'll wait for few more days as my period is suppose to due and then go from there.. I'm just so scared on didn't know what was happening to me and my cycle because all of a sudden having that dark discharge... right now my most concern was why I had those dark discharge... as I never had them before... anyway thanks so much for your reply... I'll wait for my next period and see what happens next :)
  • Jun 30, 2005, 03:56 PM
    Well its important now more than ever to find a doc you like and stick with it... not only is your body about to go through a lot of changes if you are but you don't want to see just anyone... you want someone you can trust and where you know you'll be taken care of... not only that but you'll be going on quite a few visits to the doc... not only during but after you have the baby... its very important to make sure you have an annual once a year... some women don't like the idea of other people looking at them but guess what... when you have a baby and go into labor EVERYONE is going to see you spread eagle and it gets to a point where you don't mind anymore... when I had my son I had 4 diff nurses that looked at me before and after to check swelling etc... not including when I had him and the docs and nurses were in the room... you may as well get over being bashful because all your privacy is about to go out the window... pick a good stable doc.. youll need it.. and good luck
  • Jun 30, 2005, 11:28 PM
    Thanks for your advise, I'll take into account when I go to the docs... thank you so much for your advised it means so much to mean having someone to explain things that I had no idea about... I felt so dumb not knowing what was happening with me and what my body was doing... anyway.. thanks.. and let you know after I go to the docs and let you know if I'm pregnant or not.. once again THANKS :)
  • Jul 1, 2005, 07:35 AM
    No problem and good luck
  • Jul 3, 2005, 08:46 PM
    Hi lickemlolly

    I did the test yesterday.. it came up negative :(... isn't too early to have done the test?

    The funny thing is yesterday, I was putting on my pants and I was unable to fit in it... fell bloated like when I'm about to get my period like that... if I'm pregnant still shouldn't be showing yet right? And yesterday and today I'm constantly hungry like just ate not long then hungry again.. these are not signs of pregnancy right? :confused:
  • Jul 4, 2005, 04:22 AM
    No you wouldn't be showing.. pants don't start fitting tight until about the 3rd month or 4th... if it came out negative and you still think you are the best thing to do is wait a couple of days and then try it again... if it is still negative then make an appointment to see your doctor tell them you have missed your period and have taken hpt but it came out negative and you want to make sure everything is OK...
  • Jul 4, 2005, 10:02 PM
    OK thanks.. I'll wait and see... then go from there... I'm starting to get some pain now and then at my lower back... and you know when you are about to get your period you get those lower pain at the abdomon.. I'm getting them now and then also.. are these signs also? I'm sorry to bother you with all these questions... as I don't know because this will be my first if it's +ive... how long normally before taking the test?
  • Jul 5, 2005, 03:56 AM
    Back pains don't usually come till much later in the pregnancy unless you are doing stressful work in which then at the end of the day you would really be feeling it but here are the classic signs of pregnancy or at least they were for me... breast tendernes(they really hurt)gut wrenching hunger that made me almost nauseous in the mornings.. you may notice soreness right under your ribs.. this is due to your lungs being constantly expanded because of taking in more oxygen for the baby... you will be extremely tired almost as if you can never get enough sleep... youll want to nap all day.. and there may be a couple others I just can't think of them right now... seems like you are very anxious so relax... no sense in getting yourself worked up about it... I know its hard because you want it bad I remember when I tried for my first.. I thought I was pregnant every time we had sex however when I finally was for sure I knew within a week that I was... let me just say its an unforgettable feeling and its unique.. same went for the second baby.. after you do it once you never forget how it feels so you will know when it happens again... but if you have questions let me know... dont mind answering
  • Jul 5, 2005, 07:51 AM
    Thank you so much... I'll give it until it's 2 week miss then I'll do the test.. I don't want to be disapointed... like you said I'm very anxious with this one.. been trying for a while now and if it is... my husband and I will be so trilled :p
    Will let you know the result either way thanks again
  • Jul 5, 2005, 11:59 AM
    OK but know that you do not have to wait that long.. a week at max but if nothing call the doc and again good luck
  • Jul 6, 2005, 11:03 PM
    lickemlolly... if say I didn't fall pg the test comes out -tive... then what happened that week with that dark brown discharge I was having for so many days? Remember back to my first message... I said that my last period was 3rd of June then on the 23rd I had a blood clot like discharge then on that Saturday I started to have those dark brown discharge and it didn't stop until 30th... was going to see doc but they were all fully booked for the next few weeks so my hubby and I decided we'll have to see what happens... now my af is 4 days late... I'm just so confused... never have I ever experieced such thing before :confused:
    Thanks again for your support.. will let you know the out come asap
  • Jul 7, 2005, 07:34 AM
    Could have been from implantation or could be from miscarriage or something else.. clots usually mean period or miscarriage... but you need to see the doc like now...
  • Jul 7, 2005, 03:25 PM
    You I know... normally how long does implantation last? Should be only 1 day only right? And I read that it's pinky colour one... I know that miscarriage is on the heavy bleeding right?. I didn't get any of that... but everyone's pregnant systoms are different right? Some may get sick others don't... some get it early and others won't know until 3-4mths down the track right?
    I'll wait few more days then do another test... then let you know asap
  • Jul 8, 2005, 04:34 AM
    Yeah implantation usually is pinkish or redish.. but symptoms may range anywhere from a week after to a month or 2 after... like I said... I knew the first time after just 2 weeks.. the second one I knew after only a week... so it depends on your body but even though I never got morning sickness my syptoms were very strong... esp when it came to fatigue... felt like I never got enough sleep...
  • Jul 8, 2005, 10:58 PM
    Hmmm... you said one thing before now you saying another :confused:
  • Jul 12, 2005, 03:03 PM
    Not sure what you mean but I do know this... it could be implantation there is no totally ruling out that possibility just stating that I highly doubt it... what you need to do is again see the doc... I promise that will answer all your questions.. sorry it took so long to get back... havent been on in a while.
  • Jul 12, 2005, 05:39 PM
    Take action
    I am afraid of the doctors even though I am discharging brown stuff and blood and maybe my baby is at risk if I am pregnant listen to yourself you need to go, and see a doctor if he is booked up go some other place. Come on lady time is not on your side go to the emergency room ,wow why don't you take care of yourself no I am not going to the doctors right now I think I will just wait and sit here for a month or so and post maybe some one will give me the right answers come on lady wake up take immediate action that's my advice ,and I am not being mean don't misunderstand me I love you as a sister and I don't want to see you or your baby hurt
  • Jul 12, 2005, 07:02 PM
    Please listen
    Dear "scared of doctor" you should maybe think about getting pregnant if you aren't already pregnant. You will have to see a doctor so many times before you deliver. You could be pregnant, you could have a infection (possibly a serious one if followed by nausea and tiredness) or you could have a sexually transmitted disease. You have to go to the doctor if you are serious about having a baby. And if you find out you are not pregnant, do some research on just how many doctor visits are involved in pregnancy.

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