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  • Jul 2, 2012, 03:49 PM
    Consuelo Montoy
    Coop needs a facelift, can't I require it be painted and upgraded?
    I agreed that my tenant could have chickens. He put a dilapidated chicken coop on the property. I'm willing to pay for the paint and have asked that it be painted. He says he doesn't have to make it look pretty, that it just has to be structurally sound. His words were, "You have no control over what the structure looks like, you agreed I could have chickens. It just has to be safe. I don't have to make it look pretty." My questions is this: don't I have control over what is placed on my property?
  • Jul 2, 2012, 03:55 PM
    AK lawyer

    Originally Posted by Consuelo Montoy View Post
    I agreed that my tenant could have chickens. He put a dilapidated chicken coup on the property. I'm willing to pay for the paint and have asked that it be painted. He says he doesn't have to make it look pretty, that it just has to be structurally sound. His words were, "You have no control over what the structure looks like, you agreed I could have chickens. It just has to be safe. I don't have to make it look pretty." My questions is this: don't I have control over what is placed on my property?

    Does your tenant have a written lease?
    • If so, what does it say on the subject?
    • If not, your tenant is a tenant-at-will. Tell him that he will paint it to your satisfaction or leave.
    Give him the required notice, and if he hasn't complied with your wishes at the end of that time, and hasn't moved out, sue him for eviction.

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