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  • Nov 28, 2012, 12:06 AM
    Still single: what am I doing wrong?
    I am in my early 20s and am a senior in college. I've only dated once in my life and that was in high school. As the first born and growing up in a family with no greater education than 2 years in college (because my mom gave birth to me), I am dedicated to my studies. I developed a strong personality over the years of my life because of events that happened.

    My friends and people around it describe it as a strong admirable sense of character. I'm more outspoken when I see something wrong happening, I do not let people easily walk over me, and I somehow became an expert in love to my girlfriends and warned them when I could tell the guy they were dating wanted more than what they truly said they did.

    But, I am known for my smile. People say I have a wonderful personality to go with my smile. So I figured I am a decent person. I say to myself that I need to focus on studies and that dating is out of the question. However, if a decent guy were to approach me, I would not reject him without reason. I am open-minded. The only guys that have ever approached me in my entire adult life up till now was late 20-30year olds or married men who wanted to just "hang". Of course I say no to these men. I have NEVER been asked out by a guy around my age who seemed to truly know me first without thinking other things in mind.

    I do not go partying a lot and so my friend tells me that I do not let single decent guys know I'm single. Others say that when I'm by myself in class, I can be intimidating. Am I suppose to smile the entire class period?

    I'm not used to dating or know what to do on a date. I'm not begging for a relationship now, I am just afraid that whatever I am doing now will continue in the future and when I am older and in grad school or after I finish my degree... will anyone approach me at all. My friends meet guys through parties or class. I have friends in class, but mostly girls.

    What am I doing wrong or should I wait for the right guy to come? I really need advice.

    Thank You
  • Nov 28, 2012, 12:32 AM
    Why are you waiting for guys to approach you? If you see a worthy, unattached guy hanging about, ask him out for coffee and pie or lunch.

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