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  • Jun 5, 2007, 10:34 AM
    jas per
    She left me
    We had been together for two years but after the first year I was really messed up, it was nothing to do with her she was always brilliant and she loved me more then anything I was always there for her and she was there for me but when I did need her for some stupid reason I went to somebody else and ended up cheating on her after that she found out and left me. She always begged me back but I rejected her and said it just wouldn't work even though I still absolutely loved her I just couldn't forgive myself for what I had done. After a couple of months I realised I was wrong and that I would never hurt her again so we got back together after this she felt so messed up she kissed someone else and text him for a short while I found out and forgave her but after that I was constantly paranoid and never trusted her and she was always strange with me. A month ago she left me and last week I saw her kissing someone else in a club. I know we are over but I can't believe she has done this so quick. I love her so much and I know exactly how to be the old me I was when we fell in love but I think it may be too late and that I have hurt her too much! I spoke to her the other day and she said she still loved me but just thinks too much has happenend and said the guy she kissed was a friend and he was out with his girlfriend but who holds someone and kisses them on the lips in front of there girlfriend? What should I do??
  • Jun 5, 2007, 11:24 AM
    You really need to sit her down and tell her that you are greatly sorry for the pain you have caused her and that you are still in love with her.
  • Jun 5, 2007, 11:39 AM
    jas per
    I've tried and I explained why I did what I did and that I only had myself to blame, she knows I love her more then anything and she said she knows that I'm truly sorry for what I did but she said she just doesn't think she will ever forgive me. She still loves me and she told me who knows what could happen in the future but then in the next breath said she doesn't want me to get false hope though because she just can't see us anymore? I'm finding it all really confusing?
  • Jun 5, 2007, 11:42 AM
    It's time to move on my friend... Sadest part of our life. We live and learn and we will be okay! Just hang in there... Don't get desperate, trust me it doesn't work at all.
  • Jun 5, 2007, 11:55 AM
    jas per
    It's time to move on

    This is what everyone tells me but I just can't move on we've had so many great times together and I used to make her so happy and now she just wants to block all of that out of her mind and leave it. She told me we can be friends but just not yet because all I'll do is try to get her back. I can't help but think she is seeing someone else and that's how she can manage to forget about me because she's getting attention from someone else. Am I just been paranoid or what? I feel like a nutcase!?
  • Jun 5, 2007, 12:03 PM
    I feel exactly like you... You just have to join a gym and find new girls... all you can do now... If she doesn't want you then screw her! Go get what you deserve! I know you tell yourself its your fault and that you shouldn't have done the mistake in the first place... I understand that. But it happened... It's just not meant to be. I feel the same way... I made a mistake too in the beginning... I fixed it but then new problems come up... Either way it wouldn't work, no matter what. It can be your fault or her fault... What will be will be. So don't blame it on yourself... It's a part of life. We just can't do our other girls wrong.
  • Jun 5, 2007, 12:13 PM
    jas per
    Cheers mate suppose your right just wish I could show her I'm a good person and not someone else
  • Jun 5, 2007, 12:21 PM
    Tell me about it! How can they just leave? Did we not mean anything? I can't grasp the concept!!
  • Jun 5, 2007, 12:31 PM
    Either can I, maybe that's why I am still having trouble moving on. I know it's for the best we are not together but I come home to a lonely house and say how can you throw 5 damn years away. I mean I treated like a queen almost all the time. I didn't do anything wrong to her.
  • Jun 5, 2007, 12:35 PM
    I hear you! Forget them! They are not worth it! I'm so mad right now! How can they do this to us?? AGH!!
  • Jun 5, 2007, 12:39 PM

    Originally Posted by jas per
    we had been together for two years but after the first year i was really messed up, it was nothing to do with her she was always brilliant and she loved me more then anything i was always there for her and she was there for me but when i did need her for some stupid reason i went to somebody else and ended up cheating on her after that she found out and left me. she always begged me back but i rejected her and said it just wouldnt work even though i still absolutely loved her i just couldnt forgive myself for what I had done. after a couple of months i realised i was wrong and that i would never hurt her again so we got back together after this she felt so messed up she kissed someone else and text him for a short while i found out and forgave her but after that i was constantly paranoid and never trusted her and she was always strange with me. a month ago she left me and last week i saw her kissing someone else in a club. i know we are over but i can't believe she has done this so quick. i love her so much and i know exactly how to be the old me i was when we fell in love but i think it may be too late and that i have hurt her too much! i spoke 2 her the other day and she said she still loved me but just thinks too much has happenend and said the guy she kissed was a friend and he was out with his gf but who holds someone and kisses them on the lips in front of there gf? what should i do???

    I think there is a lot of growing up to be done!
  • Jun 5, 2007, 12:50 PM

    Originally Posted by emopunk7
    I hear you! Forget them! They are not worth it! I'm so mad right now! How can they do this to us??? AGH!!!

    For me the 3rd month hate and anger went away. Now it's just thinking of all the good time we had and what we are missing out on rite now and the fun things we would be doing this summer and just missing her all the time. I still can't believe she's gone again, but I no I have got to move forward and that is what I am trying to do despite how she still is playing head games. I just miss and love her so much.
  • Jun 5, 2007, 12:55 PM
    SAB... DO u have AIM?
  • Jun 5, 2007, 12:57 PM

    Originally Posted by emopunk7
    SAB...DO u have AIM?

  • Jun 5, 2007, 01:08 PM
    I wish my ex girlfriend wasn't so jealous... I'm thinking now and that is the main problem... She was really jealous! Everything and anything. It would be fine if it was jealousy but it was crazy obsessed jealousy! We had both agreed that we were obsessed one day... Wonder if that means anything?

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