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  • Jun 18, 2009, 11:56 PM
    I keep seeing a black shadow & I need to know what it means
    I'm 16 years old and about a year and a half ago, in October, I started to see a black shadow. The shadow is the figure of a tall man wearing a top hat. The first time I saw it, I was in the car taking my friend home. The shadow walked in front of the car as he tipped his hat. I freaked out because it had startled me, but nobody else in the car had seen it.

    A month or two later (late November/early December), I was in class and just happened to be looking out of the window. I saw the figure again as he was walking by and my heart started racing. The shadow was tipping his hat again. I looked away, and looked back and the shadow was gone.

    A few months after that incident (around February), I was walking out of my mom's room and I saw the shadow man walking down my stairs. He was literally two feet in front of me, but he kept walking down the stairs. Again, he had been tipping his top hat. I called for my mom and told her what I saw, but explained that I thought I might just be seeing things. Our dogs were outside and neither my brother nor my dad was home. We also checked all of the doors in our house and they were locked.

    In April of that year, my grandmother passed away. I talked to my Native American friend about what I had seen and she told me that the shadow could have been quite literally the "shadow of death", warning me that my grandmother was going to pass away.

    I didn't see the shadow for nearly a year. Last month, I had a strong feeling that I was about to see it again. I drew a picture of the shadow and showed it to my mom. We talked about it and I realized that I'm not scared of the shadow, however, after I see it my heart starts racing and I seem to become more alert.

    I saw the shadow again two weeks ago. Now I really am starting to get scared, even though the shadow has never hurt me and it always tips its hat at me, which is supposed to be a sign of respect.

    Does anybody know what might be causing me to see this shadow and how I should handle it?
  • Jun 19, 2009, 09:11 PM

    This can also be your guardian's said that we all one.I would not be afraid of it.I think it's around to look over you.
  • Jun 19, 2009, 09:50 PM

    It really could be a number of things, it really depends who you asking and what you want to believe. It could be a "guardian angel", a "demon", a "lost soul", a "ghost"-- the list goes on.

    Now what do you want to do? Do you want to get "rid" of it or do you want to know why it's following you or both?

    Now you have even more options.

    You can:
    -talk to a pastor or priest
    -seek a psychic or medium for help
    -cleanse your home and yourself

    Hope I helped.

  • Jun 20, 2009, 12:00 PM

    Don't be afraid and observe when the shadow happens. Does it happen before something good happens or bad? Does it tell you something?
  • Jun 20, 2009, 05:34 PM

    You said that it tips its hat.

    THAT is shadow people!
    They wear fedora hats.

    Shadow People
  • Jun 26, 2009, 04:50 PM

    The shadow could maybe be a past relative or someone who used to reside where your house lies. If it is always being courteous by tipping its hat then it should do you no harm. It might just be doing its daily routine from when he was alive. I know its scary but there is nothing to fear
  • Jun 27, 2009, 04:45 AM

    Your obviously quite sensitive to spirit. It could be a somebody who used to live around there and just visiting the place again and as your sensitive you are seeing him, as people have already said 'tipping his hat' he's being respectful, courteous and probably from another time where they used to do that. So is just saying hello. Could also be a guide of yours too,seeing as you keep on seeing him. Try talking to him next time and saying hello back. Nothing to be afraid of,doesn't want to do you any harm.
  • Jun 29, 2009, 11:59 AM

    Thanks everybody for your responses :) We are the first owners of the house I live in so I doubt that it's the ghost of somebody who used to live here.

    I mentioned how my Native American friend said the shadow could've been warning me that my grandma was going to die. Well, four days ago, my best friend's dad passed away. I haven't seen the shadow since then, so I'm thinking that the shadow is related to death.
  • Jun 29, 2009, 01:06 PM

    It most likely was that then.
    It could be shadow people but I have never heard of them forewarning.

    Even though you are the first to live in a house ghosts can still be there because they are not limited to material things such as buildings. I have heard of people burning down haunted houses and rebuilding and the ghosts were still there.
  • Feb 21, 2011, 03:09 PM
    I sense when people are going to pass away. I will just oddly start thinking of them, I see shadows on occasions. In December I started seeing a shadow around my office, the odd thing about the shadow was I could look at his right arm and see flesh color around his wrist and then it appeared that he was wearing some type of a red bracelet. Driving home later in the week he was sitting in the passenger seat of my car. When I got home he was actually sitting on the hood of my car and jumped off. My best friend called me on the phone and told me her husband had passed away on December 17th. She had separated from him in November, she was devastated. It was awful because it was almost as if someone was telling me he was going to pass.
  • Jul 18, 2011, 07:07 AM
    iv'e seen one too that's why I was looking up on Google but this one was wired completely black and walking up to me.. my fried saw it too and she pointed it out because I've seen it before and tlk her about it.. then again with another friend... im freaked out and scared to go outside because its right in front of me usually at night
  • Dec 4, 2011, 02:17 PM
    Its possible that it is your guardian angel. Because if your seeing it every once in a while, that means its watching over you and protecting you. I believe that you can have a guardian angel and protects you from harm.
  • Dec 27, 2011, 10:10 PM
    Sounds like he s nothithing but a big sweetheart to me.
  • Feb 14, 2012, 07:42 PM
    I also have a similar experience

    I have seen this hadowy figure but with a pointy hoodie like a big robe or something on the lines of that I've seen it outside my window but looked like it was actually inside of it about 3 am the dog wouldn't leave the front door and knew it was outside, also seen it twice at work one at the burned down old building peeking out of one of the windows this was like 7;30 in the morning.

    Then another time at work down one of the isles I can't help but feeling that this thing whatever it is has been following me for some years, as when I was fifteen I moved out of my old house in wales where I saw a young girl at my bedroom door and after that very strange stuff started to happen in the house like a chair coming from under the dining room table like 3 feet, I caked my pants . Then running down the stairs very very loud bangs then would run upstairs nothing would be out of place. Can anyone shed any light as to what this is.

    I haven't seen the shadow recently maybe 8 months or more but keep on feeling I'm being watched and can see it dart quickly like its tryna hide from me seeing it or am I just going crazy?

    Please don't take the piss because I'm actually being genuine its no hoax no lies or bull****

    %100 truthfull
  • Mar 13, 2012, 04:17 PM
    When my wife came home from church tonight 9.oopm and dark, she was walking alone, only 5 minutes from the house. While she was walking she was suddenly aware that there were two shadows. Her own and another. She did not hear any footsteps and when she turned round quickly there was no one there. As she kept walking this shadow shape appeared again, and she quickly hurried home. On telling me this when she came in, I have recorded it for your interest. What inspires me is that I am fascinated by the unexplained, and if there is such things they obviously have no substance in our universe and in a way transparent to what we do. Maybe time for them is quicker, therefore we only see them in short burst then they fade. I believe, my wife as she has recently had major heart surgery and sometimes these traumas do effect us in an interchangeable way. Therefore, she can tune into their presence but only for a short time. I would love to know there chanel, would love to speak to them for answers unknown.
  • Apr 3, 2012, 10:17 PM
    Hey guys, I wrote this post 3 years ago. I haven't seen the shadow since, so maybe it was my guardian angel just showing me that he was watching over me during a really rough time in my life. I appreciate all of the insight!

    @Bradyjuice, maybe the shadow/spirit is also trying to watch over you- even though it is scary it could be trying to comfort you. Sometimes I still feel as though I am being watched although I haven't seen the shadow since this post years ago, but sometimes my dog barks into my empty bedroom or bathroom until I reassure him. I'm no longer afraid when I feel that a presence is near and I have really turned to my faith as a sort of protection from evil spirits so I think whatever is attached to me is good and pure.
  • Jul 1, 2012, 10:07 PM
    Im having this problem now! :(
  • Jul 1, 2012, 10:09 PM

    Originally Posted by toonkyle12 View Post
    Im having this problem now! :(

    I can hear ghost winds blow through the house at night and then it's there looking at me
  • Jul 2, 2012, 04:45 PM
    Toonkyle - feel free to repost this as a new thread. We can better address your issue then.
  • Jul 8, 2012, 08:59 PM
    This relates to me so much I am forteen my step grandpa was paralized and bed riddin he was always telling me that he kept seeing a man in front of him and he can't do anything about it he said he seen these black figures looking in the window at him then one day he passed away now I am seeing them in my basment me and my step mom have talked to phscics and I can strongley tell you what you are seeing it is death what this shadow does is it stays and shows its self to who ever and it gets them comportable so he van take them to heaven I'm not crazy I am seeing these shadows

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