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  • Jun 29, 2006, 11:26 AM
    My hair is falling out
    I'm a 22 year old female and my hair is falling out! There is no history of early baldness in my family, and everything else seems normal. I think normally, 50-100 hairs should be falling out, but around 250-300 hairs have been falling out in a day. There are no bald spots, the hairs are coming out equally. I went to the doctor, but she said to take a multi-vitamin and exercise daily, which is good advice, but nothing I did not know already. Anyone know anything specific about this problem, please help! :o
  • Jul 2, 2006, 12:46 AM
    Hi Readyok,
    Sorry to hear about your follicle foibles. There are indeed many possible causes of this condition. Your doctor's recommendation of a multi-vitamin is indeed good advice, and yet, though I'm not a doctor, I am relatively skeptical this is going to turn out to be a ready cure, given the severity of loss you describe. Dietary factors that could influence this condition:
    An excess of vitamin A or a lack of Iron are two possibilities. The most plausible dietary cause of such an extreme loss, that I can think of, would likely be a gross excess of the trace mineral Selenium, but dietary overdoses of Selenium are very rare, and in any case, your fingernails would to fall out as well.
    Inadequate protein in the diet is another possibility. A lack of certain dietary proteins also often go hand in hand with inadequate dietary fat. Vitamins A, D, E and K are all fat or oil soluble. Vitamin E is a natural antifungal, and inadequate Vitamin E in the diet or the ability to absorb such can lead to unhealthy skin and help promote the growth of fungal skin infections. This is another possible cause. You might try washing your hair with tea tree oil shampoo for a while and see if this helps. Tea tree oil is a very potent and safe natural anti-fungal. Nature's Gate is an excellent and highly effective brand available in most whole food markets and any decent health food store. You could follow this up with a good vitamin enhanced conditioner. Try not to overwash your hair though, as the oils you strip out are the body's natural defense, and though conditioner can be somewhat good, it is certainly no replacement.
    Lastly, in the nutritional circle, there is always a chance that Vitamin K could be a round-about factor. Vitamin K is essential to blood clotting, and any deficit of the blood's natural functions could possibly lead to poor nutrition of the scalp, thus leading to poor conditions for hair growth. Vitamin K is largely produced by bacteria in the intestines. Any condition that causes a disruption of the natural balance of intestinal flora could theoretically impair the synthesis of such.
    As far as exercise, I'm not really sure how this would play any major factor, other than the maintenance of overall health, lowering of stress hormones such as cortisol, and getting adequate exposure to sunlight. Sunlight being necssary for the synthesis of Vitamin D, which in turn is necessary for the absorption of Calcium.
    One final dietary factor worth noting under specific conditions is Iodine. Most people get adequate amounts of dietary Iodine in their diet, though if you do not salt your food, or use non-iodized salt, there is always a possibility you are deficient. Iodine is a critical component in the manufacture of thyroid hormones, the thyroid being a major regulator in functions of the endocrine system. The inability to produce sufficient thyroid hormones can lead to a condition known as hypothyroidism. This can occur for various reasons, not necessarily dietary, and can be a relatively common condition, often manifesting in women your age. It is not generally a serious condition, and can be easily treated with pharmaceutical supplementation, given that Iodine is not the factor. This condition definitely has the potential to cause the extreme overall hair loss you describe, and is definitely worth inquiring about or checking into if nothing else seems to help. Particularly if you notice any unusual weight gain, fatigue, or unusually dry skin.
    Other possible, more transient factors include the use of birth control pills, and any relatively recent, more severe illness such as a prolonged case of the flu. Hairs are normally at different stages of growth at any given time. In the case of serious illness, you body would tend to down-regulate more non-essential functions. Within months following the illness, hair may begin to appear to be falling out more than usual, due to more closely synchronized growth cycles following the eventual resumption of such formerly depressed processes.
    The two final common factors that I could think of, would be: Overtreatment of the hair, causing it to break off near, but visibly without, the root. And lastly, a condition know as traction alopecia, which could theoretically occur if you frequently wear your hair in a style such as a ponytail. Pulling the hair back too tightly for prolonged periods, can in some cases cause damage, resulting in the hair subsequently falling out at the root rather than breaking off as would normally be expected.
    Other than cancer treatment or relatively recent childbirth, this is really about all I can come up with at this time. I hope this is of some help in narrowing down some possible causes, though I'd gladly try to answer any other questions you might have. Good luck. Hope things improve soon. Take care. :)
  • Jul 2, 2006, 02:49 AM
    Biotin will surly help, but you should talk to your doctor how many milligrams?

  • Jul 2, 2006, 05:52 AM
    Hi, read,
    Personally, I would consult with another Doctor, maybe even with a Dermotologist, or a Specialist in this area.
    There must be good medical reasons for this to be happening, and it could be associated with something your current doctor knows nothing about. Getting another opinion is always good, if it does nothing but confirm the first opinion.
    I do wish you the best, and good luck.
  • Aug 11, 2006, 06:37 AM
    I have that exact problem with my hair too.. no baldness in my family nor am I showing bald spots but the hair comes out so much its unreal.. its everywheres in my house. I've tried shampoos and tea shampoos I don't know how to stop it
  • Aug 25, 2006, 11:34 AM

    Originally Posted by readyok
    [F]I'm a 22 year old female and my hair is falling out! There is no history of early baldness in my family, and everything else seems normal. I think normally, 50-100 hairs should be falling out, but around 250-300 hairs have been falling out in a day. There are no bald spots, the hairs are coming out equally. I went to the doctor, but she said to take a multi-vitamin and exercise daily, which is good advice, but nothing I did not know already. Anyone know anything specific about this problem, please help! :o

    Subject: Hair falling out; hair loss for no apparent reason

    Hi Readyok,

    I have seen sudden hair loss in many individuals with an overloaded immune system from delayed food and chemical allergies. When the individuals discovered the foods/chemicals causing the delayed allergies--and eliminate said from their diet/environment, the hair loss usually stops. The offending foods/chemicals are discovered via a simple blood test and then eliminated from the diet/environment for a period.

    A few questions:
    1) Have you recently been exposed to any chemicals in your environment such as paint fumes; carpet fumes; fumes/smell from a new car; exposure to chemicals from a new job; started using fabric softener or bleach in you clothes/bedding; gas fumes from a stove/oven or heating system?

    2) Have you moved into a new living environment recently?

    3) Been recently exposed to mold in your living environment or work environment?

    4) Started using perfume; changed your perfume recently?

    5) Recently been placed on medication(s).

    6) Recently had a medical procedure causing you to be anesthetized?

    7) Recently given birth?

    8) Do you have a yeast infection?

    9) Do you know if you have candida albicans (yeast overgrowth) with symptoms such as itchy skin in groin or anis area; rash around mouth; consistent rash on other areas of skin?

    10) Do you consume dairy products (milk, cheese, yogurt, etc.)?

    11) Drinking water/other liquids from a plastic bottle?

    12) Recently purchased a new bed?

    13) Recently been exposed to insecticides or fumigation?

    14) Recently had dental work?

    15) Recently dyed your hair?

    16) What other chronic symptoms--if any--do you have, i.e. headaches; constipation; indigestion; arthritis; PMS (if a woman); depression; tiredness; joint pain; hyperactive; inability to focus.

    17) Do you have any diseases such as diabetes (type I or type II; asthma; etc.

    Let me know the answers to the above and I may be able to provide you with a path to a possible solution.

  • Sep 1, 2006, 07:43 PM
    Are you on any type of medication? Different types of medications can cause hair loss.
  • Sep 4, 2006, 06:36 PM
    fed up
    Ask your doctor to check your hormone levels. They can be responsible for many problems.
  • Sep 5, 2006, 08:37 AM
    Hi, I'm new here, but I had the same problem and the Doctors check me for thyroid problems and I needed medication. It helped with my problem for years but I notice I am beginning to fine a lots of hair in my sink and shower, so I think I need another blood test to see if my medication needs to be stronger. The doctor has up the strength of it several time for me. So you may need to have your thyroid check out. This was my solution. I hope you fine yours soon. Good luck.
  • Sep 9, 2006, 08:21 AM

    Originally Posted by Thomas1970
    As far as exercise, I'm not really sure how this would play any major factor, other than the maintainence of overall health, lowering of stress hormones such as cortisol, and getting adequate exposure to sunlight. Sunlight being necssary for the synthesis of Vitamin D, which in turn is necessary for the absorption of Calcium.

    Obesity is a leading cause of diffuse hair loss in women. Fat binds up estrogen - allowing testerone (yes, women have some floating around too) to act unopposed as it does in men. The physician might having been suggesting weight loss (through exercise) in a subtle way... See a dermatologist.
  • Sep 29, 2006, 11:13 PM
    I am 21 and I am 110 pounds and I am dramatically losing my hair, I eat lots of protein and take vitmams and work out three times a week, I already have very little hair and it is falling out from the very root. The clear tip even comes out with it. I cry so much I don't know what it is and what I can do. Someone help!:(
  • Sep 30, 2006, 06:13 AM
    Is it falling out in clumps / spotty areas - are is it falling out all over? Does it affect your eyebrows and eyelashes? If it is spotty, you may what doctors call alopecia areata - not exactly a specific disease but a term describing hair falling out in localized areas (ie. 'areata'). If the process is spread all over and affecting the eyelashes and eyebrows - it is call alopecia totalis. There are many causes which can include vitamin difficiences, certain medications, certain methods of hair processing (perms, weaves, etc.), hormonal abnormalities and even some diseases like lupus. Many times the cause can't be determined and it may be related to some type of an auto-immune process affecting the hair. Stress may play a role. Make sure you are not pulling it out yourself - known as Trichotillomania. Ask a friend, family member, co-worker to watch you to see if you are - often people are unaware they are doing it. These cases represent a nervous condition and may respond to a therapist and medication. I recommend you get an appointment with a dermatologist ASAP to begin a workup on your hair loss. The sooner you seek treatment - the less hair you will have lost and likely it will respond to treatment more rapidly. Good luck
  • Oct 17, 2006, 07:18 PM
    I have had the very same thing happen to me! Very scary! I went on rogaine for women and it stopped falling out within about a month. I am no down from about 200 hairs a day to just about 30 (I can count them now). My hair has been very long all my life and it was quite devastating. I understand.
  • Oct 17, 2006, 08:12 PM
    My suggestion is to go off any new medications your using if any, your 22 so you should know what allergies you have. If your doing some type of partying stop. It seems like you never had this problem. Pay attention to what you have been doing differently in the past year. Ultimately nobody can really help unless if you go through a long list of doctors start putting the puzzle together by taking different things out of your life, and trying different methods suggested.
  • Oct 18, 2006, 06:33 AM
    fed up
    I know of a young girl that had the same problem. She was diagnosed with Poly cystic ovarian syndrome when she was trying to conceive. I think her hair was falling out because of a hormone imbalance. She has since had a child and is expecting her second child within the month. I haven't heard her complaining about hair lose in a while.
  • Oct 19, 2006, 05:41 AM
    Can I just say I thought the answer from Qand A was brilliant. How can I find out more?
  • Jun 26, 2007, 08:08 PM
    I am also a relatively young woman who is having a problem with prematurely thinning hair. I don't know what to do, I am at the end of my rope. I have just turned 30 years old and I noticed the "see-through" hair at the top my head around the beginning of the year. It seems to have happened rather quickly, I mean I've been progressively getting thinner since 25 but at a normal rate. When I noticed back in February that you could see through to my scalp and since then, it seems to have happened overnight (falling out that is). I always had great thick hair, my pride, and I'm too young for this to be happening. I already know that I have a high free testosterone level because around the age of 25 I went to an endrocrinologist to find out about my hirsutism. I thought I may have PCOS, I knew something was wrong because of hair growth where it shouldn't be, but I never followed through with the matter. But, I did have lab work done and I was told that I had high testosterone at the time, and that I may even have problems with male pattern baldness. Back then I didn't have that problem, but now I do, and I am going crazy. I have finally made an appointment with a doctor to check my hormones again, but does anybody have any suggestions in the meantime to help me out? I recently purchased some nioxin shampoo, conditioner and scalp treatment to see if that will help. Does anybody have any experience with it and does it work? I really feel isolated and upset about this manner, I love my hair and I don't know what to do! :(
  • Jun 26, 2007, 10:07 PM
    A naturopath may be able to help with a hair mineral analysis/blood analysis check. There may be a heavy metal component that is causing you problems.
  • Nov 5, 2007, 10:49 PM
    My hair is falling out also. And after searching on the internet I do know why.
    It is because I am iron deficient.
    Try giving blood, and if they tell you your blood is not good enough then you will know the cause too.
  • Jan 5, 2008, 10:35 AM
    Hello you guys.
    I finally found out what to do!! I am so excited and happy I found out how to keep my hari from falling out.
    I am a 31 year old female and the reason why my hair stays in now is because I listen to Abraham Hicks.
    No joke.
    Go to YouTube and listen to her.
    It will change your vibration enough and your hari will stay in.
    You have to think constantly for the first few day- I love my hair and I appreciate how it stays in, I love how healthy it is, etc.

    Write me an email if you are still having problems, seriously it works!!
  • Sep 20, 2009, 11:02 PM

    Originally Posted by QandA View Post
    Subject: Hair falling out; hair loss for no apparent reason

    Hi Readyok,

    I have seen sudden hair loss in many individuals with an overloaded immune system from delayed food and chemical allergies. When the individuals discovered the foods/chemicals causing the delayed allergies--and eliminate said from their diet/environment, the hair loss usually stops. The offending foods/chemicals are discovered via a simple blood test and then eliminated from the diet/environment for a period of time.

    A few questions:
    1) Have you recently been exposed to any chemicals in your environment such as paint fumes; carpet fumes; fumes/smell from a new car; exposure to chemicals from a new job; started using fabric softener or bleach in you clothes/bedding; gas fumes from a stove/oven or heating system?

    2) Have you moved into a new living environment recently?

    3) Been recently exposed to mold in your living environment or work environment?

    4) Started using perfume; changed your perfume recently?

    5) Recently been placed on medication(s).

    6) Recently had a medical procedure causing you to be anesthetized?

    7) Recently given birth?

    8) Do you have a yeast infection?

    9) Do you know if you have candida albicans (yeast overgrowth) with symptoms such as itchy skin in groin or anis area; rash around mouth; consistent rash on other areas of skin?

    10) Do you consume dairy products (milk, cheese, yogurt, etc.)?

    11) Drinking water/other liquids from a plastic bottle?

    12) Recently purchased a new bed?

    13) Recently been exposed to insecticides or fumigation?

    14) Recently had dental work?

    15) Recently dyed your hair?

    16) What other chronic symptoms--if any--do you have, i.e., headaches; constipation; indigestion; arthritis; PMS (if a woman); depression; tiredness; joint pain; hyperactive; inability to focus.

    17) Do you have any diseases such as diabetes (type I or type II; asthma; etc.

    Let me know the answers to the above and I may be able to provide you with a path to a possible solution.


    I have the same problem with my hair loss. I am 23 years old, and my hair has been falling out a lot. No bald spots but when I shower I have to clean out the drain before I finish and when I brush my hair I usually I have to clean out the brush once or twice before I finish. When I touch my hair in any way, I get about 5-10 hairs on my hand, sometimes more. I am not on medication or anything, but I gave birth to my son about 4 months ago. I also suffer from depression, headaches, tiredness, heartburn, heavy and painful menstrual cycles, and cramps in my pelvic area after having intercourse. I have a doctor's appointment set up for later this month and they put me on the wait list so I may get to be seen sooner, but my hair is so thin now. I'm really sad about it and I'm afraid that I will be almost bald by the time I get to see the doctor. I don't know what to do. If you have any suggestions, please please please share. I'm desperate!! I already plan to ask my doctor to check my hormones because, I read on WebMd that it could be that I don't produce enough of a certain hormone, but there is not history of female baldness in my family.
  • Sep 27, 2009, 04:58 PM

    Are you taking any nicotine replacements? Such as the gum, lozenge or patch?
  • Oct 22, 2009, 11:22 AM

    Hi! Im new here too but need to tell you to check out your thyroid levels and be sure your not anemic because I had that problem to .go get checked and good luck.
  • Nov 6, 2009, 04:37 AM

    I am a 34 year old woman and used to have the most beautiful hair. Then one day it just started to fall out and didn't stop for a year. It is one of the most nightmarish experiences of my life! I tried many different things but nothing worked. My aunt said that she heard folic acid helps, but I was skeptical by that time and shrugged it off. A few weeks later, curiosity got the better of me and I tried it. It took about 3 weeks to kick in and it works! My hair has not only stopped falling out, it is returning to it's previous thickness! Please try it, I take 10mg a day. I know it's high, but I feel no side affects. I think my hair will soon as beautiful as it used to be!
  • Nov 16, 2009, 08:47 PM
    I also have this problem~! I am 23 and my hair is everywhere on everything! I have been to the doctor. I was tested for thyroid, complete blood count and a comp metabolic panel. Everything came back OK... but I have psoriasis on my scalp like my mother and so the doctor didn't even think it would be anything else. Which irked me. The problem I have with the diagnosis is that I have never had any problems with it that people normally have with psoriasis. I mean I can feel a few places on my scalp but it didn't itch or flake or burn or anything that all the shampoos for it say that's what they treat. Now that I have been using t-gel like the doc said and applying a topical steroid, my head itches much more, I feel more places on my head, it hurts my scalp if I let the bristles touch when I brush it, and I don't see any improvement!! I do dye my hair it is naturally blonde I dye it dark brown, but it is not permanent hair dye, I use natural instincts which is supposed to be better for your hair(doesnt have ammonia or harsh chemicals used in permanent hair dye) but still the dye seemed like a more logical diagnosis since I have never had any problems with the psoriasis. Doc says she does not think it is from the dye. I went back to the doctor she said the same thing she said before... but she said she would refer me to a dermatologist if I wanted her to. But from what I have read I would more likely need to see a trichologist? Any help would be much appreciated.
  • Dec 4, 2009, 11:16 AM
    My grandmother is having this problem, and has frequent yeast infections. Could this have something to do with it?
  • Apr 10, 2010, 01:03 PM
    my friend had a similar problem and she bought some herbam medicines from here: it helped her, hope it will help her too
  • Apr 10, 2010, 01:04 PM

    A friend of mine had a similar problem and she bought some herbal medicines from here: Buy online generic Propecia (Finasteride) / Hair Care / Prescription it helped her,hope it will help you too!
  • Apr 10, 2010, 01:05 PM

    I'm sorry for posting two times.I'm kind of new tot his thing..
  • Feb 1, 2011, 01:27 PM
    I have the Same PROBLEM :(!! But mine are falling out by 10's or 20's. I have no history of baldness in my family... I can't understand why it's happening :s.
  • Mar 18, 2012, 07:28 AM
    I have had the same symptoms over the last year and a half with excessive hair loss. I have seen gps, dermatologists, endocrinologists and all my blood work has come back normal for hormones, thyroid etc.
    Once again while I was researching why this could be happening I came across a website by doctor Hull who has found that drinking diet coke/ Pepsi max can lead to hair loss. The ingredient aspartame which has phenylaline in it can cause headaches, hair loss and so many different things. She says to stop your intake of all food and drinks with Aspartame in it and your hair should stop falling out in a few weeks and start growing back in 6 weeks - and yes it works.
  • Sep 28, 2012, 03:25 AM

    I am 23 and have been losing TONS of hair! All evenly, but the hair is everywhere and when I shower it freaks me out. I went to the doctor this week and they did blood work. Blood counts were normal and my thyroid results were "beautiful." She suggested a food allergy - but how am I supposed to know what that is! Alergic to what... I also live in an extremely humid environment so mold is everywhere I'm sure. But, I've lived in this climate for a year and the hair loss just started a few months ago and got heavy in the last two weeks. I think I should see a dermatologist next but this is FREAKING ME OUT!

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