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  • Jul 10, 2007, 11:20 PM
    For all of those dating married men
    :eek: Hi Everyone,

    Does anyone else get sick and tired of reading posts on here from women asking for advice on what to do because they are heartbroken and torn that they are dating married men?

    I would like to open this up for all of us who aren't dating married men - and it can become a bit of a standing forum that all of those who are dating married men to refer to when they want advice.

    1. Yes - you are stupid
    2. No - He does not love you
    3. No - he is not going to leave his wife
    4. No - he is probably not going to get a divorce
    5. Yes - if he cheated on his wife, he will probably cheat on you too.

    Can we add all add from here and pray that it will mean we can all stop offering advice to those silly enough to believe what these nasty men say.
  • Jul 11, 2007, 12:34 AM

    Yes! How about three cheers for sweet revenge on all of those nasty men!!
  • Jul 11, 2007, 12:58 AM
    Although I applaud the sentiment of your post I don't really agree with you completely, I think each case needs to be looked at individually... if we could just blanket each question with threads like this... well this site would just be full of vague answers!

    Also, there are men (and women) who are in loveless marriages who do leave their wives (or husbands), get divorced, settle down with girlfriend (or boyfriend) they love and spend the rest of their lives together!

    I don't think all adulterers should be tarred with the same brush!

    Thanks for listening!

  • Jul 11, 2007, 01:00 AM
    Well Three cheers for sweet revenge on the men that do that for the wrong reasons!
  • Jul 11, 2007, 01:01 AM
    Okay, 2 things.

    1) I was living with a married but separated man for five years then discovered that he was cheating on me with his wife! One day he turned around and told me they were getting back together!

    2) The thing to remember is.. If a married man can treat his wife, the mother of his children with so little respect what chance do you (the other woman) have?! "

    Ladies, respect yourselves. No married (or separated) man is going to make you happy. If you do find a separated man, back off until he has all his affairs in order - no pun intended.
  • Jul 11, 2007, 06:37 AM
    I agree with you, adultery just makes me sick
  • Jul 11, 2007, 10:16 AM
    I would just die if my husband did this to me and yes it would kill me if I did it to him. (the guilt alone would tip me over the edge) I posted something similar to this but I didn't call them stupid. I also think that not all situations are the same and sometimes looking into it, you finally realize this. That is why I am a crank sometimes and a love sometimes... Just love the one you are with, especially if you are married. You gain self respect making a marriage work. A lot of it.
  • Jul 11, 2007, 10:52 AM
    As I posted last month to someone else's question

    I'm dating a married man. ((how dumb does that sound!))

    It sounds more pathetic, disgusting, mean, cruel terrible, heartless..... etc

    My X Fiance and I were deeply in love and so happy and because of a girl like you, hell maybe it was you, tore us apart. I HATE CHEATERS! And to be honest you're giving us girls a bad name to which I don't really appreciate and neither do other people I'm sure

    Comments on this post
    Raynefreak agrees: isnt that the f-ing truth

    And I would like to add that this is why men cheat in the first place!! If there weren't any hussies to cheat with then there would be no cheaters in the first place! And women wonder why they are looked at as "objects"... Sad, Sad and very Pathetic
  • Jul 11, 2007, 11:43 AM
    startover22 agrees: That would be a hearless answer if the Hussy had no idea the man was married!!! Be a little nicer cause each story is different!

    What I stated was directly towards hussies; Just as I stated.

    If you didn't know any better or have ANY knowledge that he was married/taken then you are not a hussie, you are just naïve and should get out of it ASAP.

    Sorry for the misconception
  • Jul 11, 2007, 12:11 PM

    I never have understood why people think they can change others. If a man / lady has cheated on their husband / wife how can you honestly think they will not cheat on you. I have been giving advice on this type of site for over 20 years now and the never ending statement of "he / she would never do that to me" OR "its wasn't his / her fault they where pushed into it" OR the best one "it just happened". The bad thing is people believe that B.S. every day. Some from more then one person. I can't count how many times I have received questions that say they have been cheated on in many of their past relationships. Maybe you should start looking at where your finding your Mr. or Mrs. Right at next time.

    If a person is in a loveless relationship then get out before you start the new relationship.

  • Jul 11, 2007, 01:07 PM
    I am not dating a married man, not dating at all. Lol. But once, when I was 22, I met a guy who never told me he was married. We dated for three months and I honestly never had clue one. We saw each other a few times a week and my weekends off. Never slept over - I worked nights so I did not put two and two togather. I had told him from the first date this was not going to be a sexual relationship until there was a wedding. So that eliminated that element. One night his best friend came over and asked me if he was there and I said no, I did not expect him. He asked if he could wait and I said no, I was about to get ready for work. Then he sat down and told me that my boyfriend was already married. He told me he had to tell me, could not stand to see his friend doing the double life thing.
    What a shock! You could have knocked over with a feather. I went to work that night thinking how I could justify murder. He called me at work and asked me to meet him for breakfast, which I did. As we were sitting there, drinking coffee, I told him what I found out. He did not deny any of it. Gave me the song and dance about unhappy and not in love and all that razzle. I got up from the table, coffee cup in hand, and poured it on his lap. Walked out. Changed my phone number and that was that.
    Women deserve more respect from themselves than to put up with a guy who is never going to be accessible.
  • Jul 11, 2007, 01:44 PM
    This could be it...

    You take a mortal man,
    And put him in control
    Watch him become a god,
    Watch peoples heads aroll

    Just like the pied piper
    Led rats through the streets
    We dance like marionettes,
    Swaying to the symphony...
    Of destruction

    Acting like a robot,
    Its metal brain corrodes.
    You try to take its pulse,
    Before the head explodes.


    The earth starts to rumble
    World powers fall
    Awarring for the heavens,
    A peaceful man stands tall

    Reminds me of married men cheating...

    And all the dumb women that fall for their cunning ways ;)
  • Jul 11, 2007, 01:58 PM
    Hmmmmmmm that was pretty strong and raw. Liked it though! Thanks for sharing. Let's all remember that every situation does vary.
  • Jul 11, 2007, 02:29 PM
    It's megadeth, has to be strong a raw :)

    it kind of does remind me of it though.. how a man gains total control, and then looses it all in the end anyway... even if every situation is different, I'm talking about the ones that happen exactly like she explained above ^_^
  • Jul 11, 2007, 02:33 PM
    I hate to let everyone know but I at first thought it was Anthrax. Yes I used to love that kind of music but my son was born 13 years ago and I stopped listening to it. My favaorite was Danzig, I still melt when I hear it. Anyway that would be a whole other post so as you were saying. Men can have no control over me like that. I wish it the same for all of us women. And as for Victoria, thanks for clearing it up. I appreciate it!
  • Jul 11, 2007, 02:41 PM
    AHH anthrax... I did actually like their remake of "im the man" twas funny...

    But yes... that is megadeth's best song...
  • Jul 11, 2007, 04:39 PM
    I know we seem to justify it by saying that 'every situation is different'


    If it was an acceptable behaviour - why would it be in the 10 commandments of things NOT to do... Though shall NOT commit adultry.

    I agree that marriages can come to an end... but NEVER should it be because of a third party... if it's over, let it be over, but let it be over for the right reasons... another woman, or another man, influencing your decision to end a marriage is not right in my books... and it just makes me cranky that it happens

    I feel that it happens because in today's society people lack respect for each other - and without respect, how can love grow?
  • Jul 11, 2007, 04:45 PM
    That is not what I was saying Pook, I agree with you completely. We have a lack of respect in this day and age. I am teaching my children differently and living my life well too!
  • Jul 18, 2007, 10:07 PM
    I get so tired of hearing each situation is different. Cheating is cheating unless you honestly don't know that the other is married.
  • Jul 19, 2007, 12:27 AM

    Originally Posted by tobeamiss
    I get so tired of hearing each situation is different.

    Why? Every situation IS different!

    What about a man who is constantly beating and abusing his wife, another man comes along and offers to take her away, to save her from this terrible life.

    Are you seriously saying she should say
    "Well, wait up, I'll get a divorce first THEN we can have a relationship!"

    Nah, I don't think so!

    I agree that a lot of people in extra-marital affairs are in the wrong, hell I've even told them so on this forum before! I just don't think we should blanket EVERYONE with the same stereotype!

    Imagine if someone who has real problems, on the brink of a breakdown, logs onto this site for help, and this is the first thread he/she sees? I wouldn't want to be the one responsible for tipping them over the edge!
  • Jul 19, 2007, 02:14 PM
    That's exactly what I'm saying...
    If someone is in an bad marriage, be it beatings or mental abuse, get out and then have your affair. Just because you're unhappy in your marriage doesn't mean that it would be right for you to have an affair. Even if prince charming showed up on your doorstep to 'rescue' you. If he's a decent man, he'll wait. Furthermore, if this thread tipped anyone over the edge, then they need therapy and shouldn't have come in here for advice in the first place. The women who come in here heartbroken over their lover being married are only coming here for justification. Everyone who comes in here knows right from wrong. Don't you agree?
  • Jul 19, 2007, 10:58 PM

    Everyone who comes in here knows right from wrong. Don't you agree?
    Knowing and doing, are two different things and sometimes we just get caught up with feeling good, whether its right or wrong. There will always be those who do wrong, but have no skills or courage to do better, and you never really know where they come from, or why they do what they do.
    Having said that, some of these mistresses know full well what they do, and don't care, and there are those that are hurting already, and what their doing is hurting them more. To those I can give honest advice, and sympathy and support. To those others I will give then honest, no matter how it is perceived.
  • Jul 19, 2007, 11:07 PM
    So true. And pook_myster is my hero for making this thread. I can't stand when women try to ruin marriages, what are those called: Homewreckers. They don't want advice (though they usually post for advice) but they seek reason, an good reason at that, to justify what they are doing. I hate it, but I do sympathize for the delusional women who are being fooled by men who "want it all".
  • Jul 20, 2007, 10:02 AM
    Well I have to say this is a very interesting thread. I do agree with what most of you are saying. It is so difficult to be patient and understanding of those with such a lack of self control or moral fiber. Unfortunately, we are all unique, as our perceptions and experiences are as well. WE cannot put all situations in one category, even if our perspective of it is the same. Once we realize that without prejudice and judgment, comes true compassion and insight. Yes, cheating is wrong. YEs it is ALWAYS wrong. Our understand of that is part of our social and intellectual maturity. Not everyone has that. Not everyone on here has such clear cut beliefs and values to look towards when making such important decisions, that have such detrimental consequences. (AT least in the US)We are in a society that believes in instant gratification. We want things and we want them now. Whether it be a technological gadget, or a new outfit. We charge, we overspend, we overeat and everything is in excess. Many People don't have their focus on doing what is right, they are focused on what feels good in the moment. Why should sex be any different. I am not justifying it, just trying to bring insight to make people more patient on this subject. Many people cheat because they crave the physical interaction, they don't feel satisfied in their current relationships. Some people cheat because they are selfish, home wreckers who simply do not care about hurting others. Then there are those who cheat because their lives are unbearable, due to physical or phsycological abuse and this is a release for them. The reasons vary from person to person. I believe our job on here is to lead people to the right choices. Open their eyes to something that may be crystal clear to us, but to them it is hazy and distorted. Maybe they never learned about having self control, not acting on impulse, or giving the life skills to have an appropriate relationship. The advice we can offer can maybe bring some clarity into their lives. Some people will want to feel justified in their affair, some may actually want to understand why its wrong, some may change their mind and stop. We have no control over that. However, being open to hearing it, makes us that much more equipped to giving the answers they need to hear . We can be objective, and still disagree with their lifestyle. I would never ruin my marriage or anyone else's for sex, but that doesn't mean I can't try to understand and learn why someone else would. Our reality only lies in our perception of it.
  • Jul 20, 2007, 11:35 AM

    I have not read EVERY comment in this dicussion so if someone has said this already I apologize...

    I was talking to buddy of mine the other day when he mentioned that he had fallen in love with and started dating a married women unknowingly and it broke his heart to find out about it after sever months. So I would like to say for the record that this can and will happen to men as well, and I feel no less sorry for them as I do towards us girls...
  • Jul 20, 2007, 02:13 PM
    I just think it's disgusting when 'homewreckers' want sympathy. This is the main topic of this thread. Not about those that need love so badly, or a quick fix to their relationship problems. But those that knowingly seek out to destroy someone's marriage and then when things don't go their way, and the person doesn't leave their spouse for them, they go looking for support and justification. Boo hoo.

    And... I agree... "stop offering advice to those silly enough to believe what these nasty men say."
  • Jul 21, 2007, 08:13 PM
    Yes - I am very sick and tired of reading such posts. And I rarely respond to them, only because I know that I'd just be parroting every other reasonable and sensible person who's already responded to such a post. It always take two to cheat ; both the married person and the person who accepts the indignity of being a sideshow. Maybe they somehow naively believe that things will eventually work out. I also find it rather interesting, as this thread suggests, that it's always single women struggling with the issue of cheating with married men. You almost never hear stories of the opposite scenario, of single men cheating with married women. Either way, it's a dumb thing to do and amounts to emotional and moral suicide.
  • Jul 22, 2007, 01:33 PM
    Lol, you guys are silly!

    Look, anyone cheating on their wife is in the wrong, and anyone stupid enough to believe that they actually love you is also in the wrong, unless you don't know they have a wife... now, for the people going through a divorce, that's fine... you are no longer WITH your wife, but I would suggest KNOWING that you love you wife before matramony, because something like this could happen to you, and yes, girls cheat too...
  • Jul 22, 2007, 03:02 PM

    Originally Posted by iAMfromHuntersBar

    Are you seriously saying she should say
    "Well, wait up, I'll get a divorce first THEN we can have a relationship!"

    Um... yeah - That's EXACTLY what I am saying!
  • Jul 25, 2007, 07:23 AM
    Right On Pook!! Thank God!
  • Jul 25, 2007, 07:40 AM
    You people amaze me with your close mindedness.

    Here are a couple of situations for you:

    My sister, a good woman who did everything she could to make her marriage last, counseling--the whole nine yard--is in the middle of a divorce. A VERY nasty divorce. The divorce proceedings have thus far lasted 2 years, with at LEAST another year of negotiating before things get final. The main reason it's taking so long? They have 5 kids, and both want full custody of them. My sister left when he lost his temper and beat her bloody. She waited until he left for work, packed a bag for each of the kids, grabbed her purse, and ran like hell.

    2 years is a LONG time, especially when your relationship was dead long before then. My sister started spending time with groups of friends she'd had before marriage, and found that a male friend of hers was very supportive. She didn't leave her marriage for this other guy, and she's still technically married to her husband. After 2 years of renewed friendship (she's known this new guy since she was 12), they've started dating.

    Technically, she's cheating on her husband. Will you condemn her because all cheating is cheating?

    2nd scenario:

    Before my husband and I were married, we'd been living together. At one point in time, he got wrapped up in a computer game, and I felt for several months that I was taken for granted. No sex, no thank you for dinner, no help with housework, no going out... I was just another body in the house. No matter what I tried, I couldn't get my relationship back on track. Another guy came into this situation and swept me off my feet, giving me attention, and compliments, and making me feel sexy for the first time in a very long time. One thing led to another, and we ended up in bed. I regretted it the minute it was done, and told my boyfriend about it. It nearly destroyed our relationship, but we were both willing to fight for it, and he's never EVER taken me for granted again.

    People are HUMAN. They make mistakes. It's as much (or MORE) the married person's fault as it is the person who is strung along by them.

    Just remember---karma works. The condemnation you feel for someone whose situation you judge without attempting to understand will come back to you, when someone condemns you for a decision you make to try to be happy in your own life.
  • Jul 25, 2007, 08:01 AM
    Synnen, thanks a million for sharing your experiences in this thread. Your post has just added a huge weight to what I was trying to put across.

    People are far too happy sitting in their bubble, labelling people as black and white without any consideration for the grey areas real-life throws up.


    Originally Posted by Synnen
    People are HUMAN. They make mistakes.

    Never a truer word spoken!


    Originally Posted by The big J.C.
    Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.

  • Jul 25, 2007, 09:39 AM
    Yes, we all make mistakes and yes we deserve chances to be forgiven depending on said mistake. The extent of a mistake is what makes it bad or unforgivable.
  • Jul 25, 2007, 11:49 AM
    Whatever the situation is, learn from it. That is what I say, if you truly aren't sorry for it then you aren't growing like you should be. Jumans do make mistakes, I have made my share. I am not sure I know anyone that hasn't. Hugs to you all, Start
  • Jul 25, 2007, 12:39 PM

    Originally Posted by victoria_mitchell
    My X Fiance and I were deeply in love and so happy and because of a girl like you, hell maybe it was you, tore us apart.

    Am I the only one who thinks that if somebody's happy in a relationship, they don't run off with some random hussie? And if somebody's unhappy but committed in a relationship, they try to work on the relationship and still don't run off with some random hussie.
  • Jul 25, 2007, 01:05 PM

    The marriage was over because she'd left him and had filed for divorce. I don't consider that cheating. The only thing that was left was the paperwork to finalize it.

    And as for your cheating on your boyfriend, you weren't married, so no vows were broken. Before you get married is exactly the time to find yourself and work out issues you might have so that you won't feel the need to cheat when you are married.
  • Jul 25, 2007, 01:15 PM
    Synnen, et al. Seeing someone two years into a heated divorce is not cheating. No trust is broken, and the vows have long since been broken by him when he beat her, so she is no longer obligated to remain faithful. She's moving on with her life, simple as that.

    You owned up to your mistake and worked to save your relationship. It's finding love and forgiveness after infidelity, which is a good thing.

    What the OP is talking about are women with no sense of dignity who post to complain that the sleaze bags they are sleeping with behind wives' backs aren't leaving their wives or are cheating on with a third woman. These posters come across as vapid and selfish. It's very hard to offer the sympathy they seek given that we generally have a hard time wishing homewreckers well.

    Now if a woman or man posted that s/he had made a mistake and had a one night stand, realized the mistake, and was desperate to fix the marriage, I am pretty sure the members of this board would offer sympathy and advice. i.e. get counseling, tell, don't tell, never give up hope, leave, or whatever the advice may be based on the facts.
  • Jul 25, 2007, 04:52 PM

    Originally Posted by Pook_Myster
    :eek: Hi Everyone,

    Does anyone else get sick and tired of reading posts on here from women asking for advice on what to do because they are heartbroken and torn that they are dating married men?

    I would like to open this up for all of us who aren't dating married men - and it can become a bit of a standing forum that all of those who are dating married men to refer to when they want advice.

    1. Yes - you are stupid
    2. No - He does not love you
    3. No - he is not going to leave his wife
    4. No - he is probably not going to get a divorce
    5. Yes - if he cheated on his wife, he will probably cheat on you too.

    Can we add all add from here and pray that it will mean we can all stop offering advice to those silly enough to believe what these nasty men say.

    I understand that somebody can get sick and tired of reading such messages and letter. So, don't read. I would also recommend to check your own closet and your husband closet for hidden skeletons. Sorry.
  • May 4, 2008, 07:49 AM
    Every situation is different with its own circumstances... sometimes life at home is just so miserable that TWO married people find solace in each other...
  • May 4, 2008, 08:20 AM

    Every situation is different with its own circumstances... sometimes life at home is just so miserable that TWO married people find solace in each other...
    That doesn't make cheating right. Deal with why the home is so miserable, and change that, before you go swapping body fluid with a stranger. DUH!!!!!.

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