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  • Jul 2, 2007, 07:32 AM
    When guys look at you
    I have had this question for such a long time and I don't want to be silly but I do what to know it badly.

    Dear eveyone here, When guys stare/look at you without saying ANYTHING...

    What would you think and what would you react?

    Honest answers encouraged!;)


    And also guys what do you think when u stare at a lady;)
  • Jul 2, 2007, 07:33 AM
    Wow! what a beautiful lady!
  • Jul 2, 2007, 07:35 AM
    When a guy stares at me without saying ANYTHING, I beat the sh!t out of him.


    P.S.: I'm a guy.

    P.P.S.: A straight guy.

    P.P.P.S.: Straight as in not gay.
  • Jul 2, 2007, 07:44 AM
    When guys stare usually its because they are interested or find you attractive. Although there are other reasons, but these are the main ones.
  • Jul 2, 2007, 07:49 AM

    Originally Posted by pandacooda
    when guys stare usually its because they are interested or find you attractive. Although there are other reasons, but these are the main ones.

    Thank you for telling me that, do u think guys stare at ugly chicks too?:D
  • Jul 2, 2007, 07:53 AM

    Originally Posted by woh337
    do u think guys stare at ugly chicks too?:D

    Guys or gals, we don't usually stare at things we don't like unless there's really something about them that stands out and we can't look elsewhere, but this is rare. :D

    But again, what's ugly to you might not be ugly to someone else.
  • Jul 2, 2007, 07:54 AM
    One question on the same topic:

    Don't you guys feel stupid when you stare at a girl for what seems like forever, she stares back, but you get nervous and look away? HUH??

    Just wondering...
  • Jul 2, 2007, 07:59 AM

    Originally Posted by kristynn
    One question on the same topic:

    Don't you guys feel stupid when you stare at a girl for what seems like forever, she stares back, but you get nervous and look away? HUH???

    Just wondering...

    OK, kristynn, just WHAT do you have against shy guys? I've noticed a pattern here and you appear to be militantly opposed to guys who have social issues. Well I'm here to say I won't stand for it! Shy guys deserve rights, too!

    Awkward, socially inept guys of the world, unite against kristynn! :p
  • Jul 2, 2007, 08:01 AM

    Originally Posted by huno
    OK, kristynn, just WHAT do you have against shy guys? I've noticed a pattern here and you appear to be militantly opposed to guys who have social issues. Well I'm here to say I won't stand for it! Shy guys deserve rights, too!

    Awkward, socially inept guys of the world, unite against kristynn! :p

    So huno, would you tell us what you think when you stare at a chick, and will you stare at ugly chick? By the way, I find you a funny person;)
  • Jul 2, 2007, 08:09 AM

    Originally Posted by woh337
    I have had this question for such a long time and I don't want to be silly but I do what to know it badly.

    Dear eveyone here, When guys stare/look at you without saying ANYTHING...

    what would you think and what would you react?

    Honest answers encouraged!;)


    And also guys what do you think when u stare at a lady;)

    I'm going to attempt to answer your questions, although I might exaggerate a little.

    I think that if you're an attractive lady, they are mesmerized, unable to say anything and temporarily unable to think. :rolleyes:
    How to react to this? I don't know.. Unless you're interested in them, staring back is not the best option because they might be intimidated. Smiling might be the best option if you are interested in them because it might invite them to SAY something.

    Guys, we need your opinions, thoughts, advices, anything... Please share and please STOP staring :D but better SAY or DO something. Thanks! :p
  • Jul 2, 2007, 08:13 AM

    Originally Posted by huno
    OK, kristynn, just WHAT do you have against shy guys? I've noticed a pattern here and you appear to be militantly opposed to guys who have social issues. Well I'm here to say I won't stand for it! Shy guys deserve rights, too!

    Awkward, socially inept guys of the world, unite against kristynn! :p


    SORRY, I have NOTHING against shy guys. They are ADORABLE :p, but challenging yet I like challenge. No offense!
    Yes, there is a pattern, but it only has to deal with one specific guy. The influence is unavoidable. So please don't generalize. :p

    But hey, you did not answer my question! And by the way, I'm kind of shy sometimes, too. :p
  • Jul 2, 2007, 08:14 AM

    Originally Posted by woh337
    So huno, would you tell us what u think when u stare at a chick, and will you stare at ugly chick? btw, I find you a funny person;)

    "Ugly chick?" Man, that's mean. They're not "chicks;" they're "ladies." :p

    When I stare at a girl, it depends.

    If I'm far away, I am usually thinking "How can I meet this girl?"

    When I'm actually talking to her, then it's "How am I getting under that bra?"

    If she's not wearing a bra, I think "What should I have for lunch after we do it? Maybe Chinese... no, today I feel more like sushi. Maybe a dragon roll... I hope Maria's working today; she's pretty good at making the rolls, not like Carlos, he doesn't press the rice enough... Wait--did I turn off the stove? Dammit, I don't think I did. I need to go home and turn it off. On the way back maybe I can stop by Arigato Sushi. I'll have to phone it in so I can get in and out quickly... do I have their number? No, I have the number for Toriyama, but they're clear across town and their stuff isn't that great anyway... but I don't have time to go in, order, wait for them to make it, and then leave... shoot, what do I do? I wish stoves were computers, then I could write a program to turn it off from my cell phone. Hey, that's probably a great idea... maybe an 'iStove' or something that you can network to your computer and operate from your 'iPhone'... I hope no one steals my idea... better not tell anyone or post it on a forum or something..."

    And THAT'S why a guy will stare and not say anything. We're too busy thinking of what we're going to do after we have sex.

    You wanted honesty, you got honesty. I hope you're happy now. :D


    P.S.: actually, only the first answer was honest. But, just an aside: I've been told I make girls nervous when I talk to them and look into their eyes. I've also been told I have seductive eyes... I didn't even know a guy could HAVE seductive eyes...
  • Jul 2, 2007, 08:18 AM
    You have something in your teeth. Just kidding they think u are attractive.
  • Jul 2, 2007, 08:18 AM
    Ok huno, so then you mean that I'm wrong.

    Actually, you are able to THINK... Really? :D
  • Jul 2, 2007, 08:20 AM

    Originally Posted by kristynn

    SORRY, I have NOTHING against shy guys. They are ADORABLE :p, but challenging yet I like challenge. No offense!
    Yes, there is a pattern, but it only has to deal with one specific guy. The influence is unavoidable. So please don't generalize. :p

    But hey, you did not answer my question!

    But hey, this is woh337's question! :p All right, I'll answer yours, but just this once!

    Well... when I was younger I was indeed SHY (please don't hate me, kristynn... I've changed! Bet this isn't the first time you've heard that. ;)). So, most of the time I was staring and wondering if she liked me. Which was stupid to begin with because how could anyone like me without meeting me? What was especially bad was when I'd look and she'd stare back and I'd turn away... because back then I was so shy I couldn't hold a glance for more than a split-second after I'd been caught.

    It was pure, unadulterated fear and I'm sure a lot of guys who look for a long time are frozen by intimidation.

    Anyway, now that I'm older and wiser I might look and try to figure out how I'm going to meet her. I also look to make sure she looks back. When she looks back, I hold my glance so she KNOWS I'm checking her out. This works very well when I'm trying to figure out if I've got a shot: if she KEEPS looking, I'm in. If she makes a conscious effort to stop looking at me, then I know she's not interested, or that I have to work harder to seduce her... maybe a tighter shirt or something. Sometimes I pretend to drop something in front of her and bend over really slowly and pick it up.


    Originally Posted by kristynn
    Actually, you are able to THINK... Really? :D

    I get a good thought in there every so often, yes. And, you'll be surprised to know, I sometimes spend hours pondering the big questions in life, such as:

    "How did the universe begin?"

    "Could the war in Iraq end peacefully?"

    "Why do girls insist on wearing those giant oversized glasses? They look like flies in tight jeans."
  • Jul 2, 2007, 08:21 AM

    Originally Posted by huno
    "Ugly chick?" Man, that's mean. They're not "chicks;" they're "ladies." :p

    When I stare at a girl, it depends.

    If I'm far away, I am usually thinking "How can I meet this girl?"

    When I'm actually talking to her, then it's "How am I getting under that bra?"

    If she's not wearing a bra, I think "What should I have for lunch after we do it? Maybe Chinese... no, today I feel more like sushi. Maybe a dragon roll... I hope Maria's working today; she's pretty good at making the rolls, not like Carlos, he doesn't press the rice enough... Wait--did I turn off the stove? Dammit, I don't think I did. I need to go home and turn it off. On the way back maybe I can stop by Arigato Sushi. I'll have to phone it in so I can get in and out quickly... do I have their number? No, I have the number for Toriyama, but they're clear across town and their stuff isn't that great anyway... but I don't have time to go in, order, wait for them to make it, and then leave... shoot, what do I do? I wish stoves were computers, then I could write a program to turn it off from my cell phone. Hey, that's probably a great idea... maybe an 'iStove' or something that you can network to your computer and operate from your 'iPhone'... I hope no one steals my idea... better not tell anyone or post it on a forum or something..."

    And THAT'S why a guy will stare and not say anything. We're too busy thinking of what we're going to do after we have sex.

    You wanted honesty, you got honesty. I hope you're happy now. :D


    P.S.: actually, only the first answer was honest. But, just an aside: I've been told I make girls nervous when I talk to them and look into their eyes. I've also been told I have seductive eyes... I didn't even know a guy could HAVE seductive eyes...

    You finally spoke! DO u know you made me laugh in the office right now and people are staring at me! ( that I know why they are staring me? No questions about that!) I like your honesty and you realized that it mean to call someone "ugly chick"! I am still wondering, if you could tell me more about do you stare at ugly ladies too? What would you think about them then?
    Thank you, I wonder if it's okay to say you are da sh!t!;)
  • Jul 2, 2007, 08:28 AM

    Originally Posted by huno
    But hey, this is woh337's question! :p All right, I'll answer yours, but just this once!

    Well... when I was younger I was indeed SHY (please don't hate me, kristynn... I've changed! Bet this isn't the first time you've heard that. ;)). So, most of the time I was staring and wondering if she liked me. Which was stupid to begin with because how could anyone like me without meeting me? What was especially bad was when I'd look and she'd stare back and I'd turn away... because back then I was so shy I couldn't hold a glance for more than a split-second after I'd been caught.

    It was pure, unadulterated fear and I'm sure a lot of guys who look for a long time are frozen by intimidation.

    Anyway, now that I'm older and wiser I might look and try to figure out how I'm going to meet her. I also look to make sure she looks back. When she looks back, I hold my glance so she KNOWS I'm checking her out. This works very well when I'm trying to figure out if I've got a shot: if she KEEPS looking, I'm in. If she makes a conscious effort to stop looking at me, then I know she's not interested, or that I have to work harder to seduce her... maybe a tighter shirt or something. Sometimes I pretend to drop something in front of her and bend over really slowly and pick it up.

    Ahum.. I've seen many guys doing what you were doing and that's unfortunate because it would be so much easier if they could just say a little something. :rolleyes: This is why I have "something" against shy guys (but obviously I don't! :))
    Thanks for sharing! Now, can you please tell us what should we do when this type of situation arises? Maybe to try to help them out a little bit, and be less intimidated and shy (if possible)...
  • Jul 2, 2007, 08:31 AM

    Originally Posted by kristynn
    Ahum.. I've seen many guys doing what you were doing and that's unfortunate because it would be so much easier if they could just say a little something. :rolleyes: This is why I have "something" against shy guys (but obviously I don't! :))
    Thanks for sharing! Now, can you please tell us what should we do when this type of situation arises? Maybe to try to help them out a little bit...

    Come here Kristynn, let's go yelling at them so they can really say something to us. I am feeling the same as you do. And I am so glad that Huno told us about his thought!
  • Jul 2, 2007, 08:33 AM

    Originally Posted by woh337
    Come here Kristynn, let's go yelling at them so they can really say something to us. I am feeling the same as you do. And I am so glad that Huno told us about his thought!!

    Better than yelling at them :p, huno, can you give us a better idea, please? :D
  • Jul 2, 2007, 08:38 AM

    Originally Posted by kristynn
    Better than yelling at them :p, huno, can you give us a better idea, please? :D

    I don't think he can answer this questions,:rolleyes: don't worry too much, come here, stand with me, ready? OKAY, 1,2,3-, what you staring at me about? SOB, say some sh!t!! :D :D :mad:
  • Jul 2, 2007, 08:39 AM

    Originally Posted by huno
    I get a good thought in there every so often, yes. And, you'll be surprised to know, I sometimes spend hours pondering the big questions in life, such as:

    "How did the universe begin?"

    "Could the war in Iraq end peacefully?"

    "Why do girls insist on wearing those giant oversized glasses? They look like flies in tight jeans."

    OK, I see. I was only asking because I've seen guys who seem that their brains turn to mush just because they stare too much. It makes me feel bad actually, but I'm glad to know they're still able to function (think) normally when they stare. :D

    P.S. Again, I'm only exaggerating a little...
  • Jul 2, 2007, 08:41 AM

    Originally Posted by woh337

    It IS frustrating sometimes... :rolleyes:
  • Jul 2, 2007, 08:42 AM
    So... does that mean you are with me at the yelling part?? ;)
    Where is Huno? I already start missing him... :P
  • Jul 2, 2007, 08:44 AM

    Originally Posted by woh337
    so... does that mean u r with me at the yelling part???;)
    where is Huno??I already start missing him...:P

    Don't worry! He'll be back before late! ;)

    I think we scared him or he became shy like he used to be :D
  • Jul 2, 2007, 08:49 AM

    Originally Posted by kristynn
    Don't worry! He'll be back before late! ;)

    I think we scared him or he became shy like he used to be :D

    Lol, that's awesome if we did scare him back to what he used to be. I heard he has seductive eyes:rolleyes: ;) hey honestly, are there many guys staring at you? And who are those guys mainly ? ;)
  • Jul 2, 2007, 09:13 AM
    Okay, coming back, everyone, any answers to it?
  • Jul 2, 2007, 09:25 AM

    Originally Posted by woh337
    hey honestly, are there many guys staring at you? and who are those guys mainly ? ;)

    There are some. Mainly guys I've never talked to but that I often see around...

    It's annoying sometimes. :rolleyes:
  • Jul 2, 2007, 10:06 AM
    It can be funny sometimes too, and it is not something you can ask around why guys stare at me or what not! I bet you must be a pretty girl;) It sometimes confuses me if that is because I am good looking or because of any other reason...
  • Jul 2, 2007, 10:36 AM

    Originally Posted by woh337
    It sometimes confuses me if that is b/c I am good looking or b/c of any other reason...

    Let's keep it very simple: if they stare at you, it's because first and foremost you're nice to look at! :p All the others reasons follow...

    And I guess you're just like me. They stare, OK, let's say that in my head, simply put, it's kind of... I guess I'm nice to look at or he just likes staring at me, but when they are so daring, you wonder, hell, you wanna talk to me or what? If so, why don't you just come upfront and talk to me? I don't bite, you know? :p but then you notice them constantly staring and nothing more, and you don't know what to believe anymore. Sometimes, I end up feeling bad myself. Not very often I go talk to them because when I do, they are shy and/or intimidated and I feel bad to make them feel that way.
  • Jul 2, 2007, 10:44 AM

    Originally Posted by kristynn
    Let's keep it very simple: if they stare at you, it's because first and foremost you're nice to look at! :p All the others reasons follow...

    And I guess you're just like me. They stare, OK, let's say that in my head, simply put, it's kinda ... I guess I'm nice to look at or he just likes staring at me, but when they are so daring, you wonder, hell, you wanna talk to me or what? If so, why don't you just come upfront and talk to me? I don't bite, you know? :p but then you notice them constantly staring and nothing more, and you don't know what to believe anymore.

    Exactly, I will be very happy to talk to them, any of them! The thing is some people would stare at me for a whole semester sitting on the other side of classroom. I mean... come on, it does confuse me! A whole semester, I mean... geez... would u please say something?:confused:
  • Jul 2, 2007, 10:51 AM

    Originally Posted by woh337
    where is Huno??I already start missing him...:P

    I went to the gym; can't seduce women if I'm fat and ugly, right? :D



    Originally Posted by kristynn
    Now, can you please tell us what should we do when this type of situation arises? Maybe to try to help them out a little bit, and be less intimidated and shy (if possible)...

    Well YES--help them. Make it obvious that you're interested.

    Better yet--be the one to approach them. Believe me, shy guys spend a lot of time wishing, praying, hoping that the girl would just start the conversation. I think what stops a lot of guys from approaching girls is not knowing how to start the conversation, and of being afraid to look stupid when they do think of something.

    Whenever a girl would start one with me, things became a lot easier and I'd open up. But it was that initial step that really kept me from moving forward.

    Now, if the guy continues to be shy afterwards then he's just hopeless and you should move on. But I think most will be okay after the first meeting. So give them a helping hand. Prove to them that girls are not to be feared. Once they get past that initial barrier shy guys can open up.
  • Jul 2, 2007, 10:52 AM

    Originally Posted by woh337
    Exactly, I will be very happy to talk to them, any of them! The thing is some ppl would stare at me for a whole semester sitting on the other side of classroom. I mean...come on, it does confuse me! A whole semester, I mean...geez...would u please say something?:confused:

    My conclusion is that they wouldn't say anything. :(

    In this case, YOU have to do something.
  • Jul 2, 2007, 10:54 AM

    Originally Posted by huno
    can't seduce women if I'm fat and ugly, right? :D

    That's OK. You still have those "seductive eyes" of yours, don't you? :D We're not all so demanding...

    Welcome back! :p
  • Jul 2, 2007, 10:55 AM

    Originally Posted by woh337
    Exactly, I will be very happy to talk to them, any of them! The thing is some ppl would stare at me for a whole semester sitting on the other side of classroom. I mean...come on, it does confuse me! A whole semester, I mean...geez...would u please say something?:confused:

    Hahah... poor guys... yes, they are probably intimidated.

    These days I think it's perfectly acceptable for girls to walk up to guys and initiate. This is the 21st century... it's time we all lived as equals!

    Now before you all accuse me of running away again, I'm going to take a shower and have lunch. :p
  • Jul 2, 2007, 10:58 AM

    Originally Posted by kristynn
    That's OK. You still have those "seductive eyes" of yours, don't you :D We're not all so demanding...

    What good are seductive eyes if I have a repulsive body? Girls don't just look at my eyes, they eyeball me like a ravenous wolf eyeballs a sheep.

    You should see the way these girls leer at me. It's frightening. :(

    Hey, I do have a question: this girl I met recently did comment on my eyes. She keeps going on about them. But one day she said she really wanted to try putting eye liner on me... she said it'd make my eyes look nicer. Um... do guys ever do that? That just sounds weird.


    Welcome back! :p
    Thanks, it's good to be back. :) But now I'm out again... for now. ;)
  • Jul 2, 2007, 11:05 AM

    Originally Posted by huno
    What good are seductive eyes if I have a repulsive body? Girls don't just look at my eyes, they eyeball me like a ravenous wolf eyeballs a sheep.

    I know, I know... Then you're saying you're really chubby? :p


    Originally Posted by huno
    Hey, I do have a question: this girl I met recently did comment on my eyes. She keeps going on about them. But one day she said she really wanted to try putting eye liner on me... she said it'd make my eyes look nicer. Um.... do guys ever do that? That just sounds weird.

    That's a weird thing to say but she might be fantasizing about you :p or maybe she's a crazy makeup artist and would loooove to see those eyes of yours with a touch of eyeliner. Ask her! Only she knows! Don't be shy!
  • Jul 2, 2007, 12:29 PM
    Hey you guys were talking to each other without me? Ey,ey, ey... seductive eye, welcome back, hugs! ;)
  • Jul 2, 2007, 12:52 PM

    And also guys what do you think when u stare at a lady;)
    Trying to make eye contact to see if she returns my smile, when I was young and single. I stare now because I'm a dirty old man and can get away with it. HEHEHEHEHE!!
  • Jul 2, 2007, 01:01 PM

    Originally Posted by talaniman
    Trying to make eye contact to see if she returns my smile, when I was young and single. I stare now because I'm a dirty old man and can get away with it. HEHEHEHEHE!!!

    Dang, are you a man? ( I didn' mean to offend you). :eek: I thought you are an old woman! Well, I am impressed by all the comments you have made to many posts, :) you rock like whoa!! :p
  • Jul 2, 2007, 01:03 PM

    Originally Posted by talaniman
    Trying to make eye contact to see if she returns my smile, when I was young and single. I stare now because I'm a dirty old man and can get away with it. HEHEHEHEHE!!!


    We've got a problem here. Nowadays, they stare, but they never (or almost never) smile. Too shy, I guess.

    See? What now? :cool::confused:

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