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  • Feb 14, 2013, 10:31 AM
    What is wrong with the world?
    Plain and simple. I just want to hear at least one problem major or minor it doesn't matter. It could be opinion, personal or fact. Just interested in feedback.

    Except me using acronyms; I couldn't and wouldn't use profanity in a question.

  • Feb 14, 2013, 10:35 AM
    What are you looking for?

    Etc; etc
  • Feb 14, 2013, 10:36 AM
    I see a lot of good in my little part of the world.
  • Feb 14, 2013, 10:36 AM
    No yellow mustard in China, I mean why not?
  • Feb 14, 2013, 10:53 AM

    Originally Posted by Fr_Chuck View Post
    No yellow mustard in China, I mean why not?

    And corn on the pizza!

    To the OP... as was already mentioned... there is good in the world too. The bad seems to be more obvious but if you look, you will see good as well.
  • Feb 14, 2013, 11:43 AM
    No problems or complaints here!
  • Feb 14, 2013, 12:07 PM

    Originally Posted by Wondergirl View Post
    No problems or complaints here!

    God, Jesus and even aliens have problems. I should've refined my question.
  • Feb 14, 2013, 12:13 PM

    Originally Posted by Username_Chris View Post
    God, Jesus and even aliens have problems. I should've refined my question.

    Sorry. I am "the glass is full to overflowing" kind of person. And what is wrong with that? Why on earth are you fomenting trouble and discontent?
  • Feb 14, 2013, 12:29 PM

    Originally Posted by Wondergirl View Post
    Sorry. I am "the glass is full to overflowing" kind of person. And what is wrong with that? Why on earth are you fomenting trouble and discontent?

    I'm a researcher. My job is to annoy people. Especially the ones that tell the minimum lie. Well, it's not my exact job but it's part of the criteria. I was also to insult you but I'm too nice a guy, plus this site doesn't even post some of what I've written. If I do now then they'll take drastic measures.

    Damn wankers.
  • Feb 14, 2013, 12:31 PM
    Why are you so compelled to annoy/insult people?
  • Feb 14, 2013, 12:37 PM

    Originally Posted by Username_Chris View Post
    I'm a researcher. My job is to annoy people. Especially the ones that tell the minimum lie. Well, it's not my exact job but it's part of the criteria. I was also to insult you but I'm too nice a guy, plus this site doesn't even post some of what I've written. If I do now then they'll take drastic measures.

    Damn wankers.

    Some of your replies were not acceptable to this forum therefore some were removed by the moderators. I guess you figured that out. We are not all prudes but do have standards we adhere to. Watch your choice of words and stick around, you do write well and appear to be relatively intelligent.
  • Feb 14, 2013, 12:37 PM

    Originally Posted by NeedKarma View Post
    Why are you so compelled to annoy/insult people?

    I'm not compelled. It's a paying job with great benefits and a better understanding of the darker elements we contain. Please, man, I don't insult for personal gain or offense, it's more of a get it kind of thing, you know? And don't ask stupid questions anymore. You annoy me.

    Thanks, and God Bless.
  • Feb 14, 2013, 12:40 PM
    No problems here in my part of the world either. However I am looking forward to fish and chips for supper but if it isn't halibut, then there will be a problem.
  • Feb 14, 2013, 12:41 PM

    Originally Posted by Username_Chris View Post
    I'm a researcher.

    I've been one too, for 30-plus years.

    I was also to insult you
    And I even said something nice about you. Guess THAT will stop!
  • Feb 14, 2013, 12:42 PM

    Originally Posted by tickle View Post
    Some of your replies were not acceptable to this forum therefore some were removed by the moderators. I guess you figured that out. We are not all prudes but do have standards we adhere to. Watch your choice of words and stick around, you do write well and appear to be relatively intelligent.

    Yeah, I figure you were one of the workers around here. I do apologize but not with a sorry, more of a... pardon my words. I'm fairly new to this site so I am going to have to adjust, as we all do. My personality however is more of pure instincts than of thought.

    So, I will continue as natural as I can in the way I was taught. And forgive my last post, I'm bipolar.
  • Feb 14, 2013, 12:42 PM

    Originally Posted by tickle View Post
    Watch your choice of words and stick around, you do write well and appear to be relatively intelligent.

    Hmmm, maybe I should ask him to write a blog essay.. .
  • Feb 14, 2013, 12:43 PM

    Originally Posted by Username_Chris View Post
    I'm bipolar.

  • Feb 14, 2013, 12:44 PM

    Originally Posted by Wondergirl View Post
    I've been one too, for 30-plus years.

    And I even said something nice about you. Guess THAT will stop!

    Well, tough luck. I'm sure you're a wonderful person but I do not make exceptions. But, if I want to continue posting, I'm going to have to play nice so... forgive me. I know I was rude, my intentions were honest but not fair.

    So I say: GO!
  • Feb 14, 2013, 12:46 PM
    Another offensive person standing behind a medical problem. Next thing his brother will be posting on his account.

    Speaking of offensive, "wankers" got through the system?

    Note to NK - because any attention is better than no attention, and that includes insulting and riling total strangers on a publc board.

    I do find the OP's user name to be quite creative, though. Great thought goes into his posts.
  • Feb 14, 2013, 12:47 PM

    Originally Posted by Username_Chris View Post
    Well, tough luck. I'm sure you're a wonderful person but I do not make exceptions. But, if I want to continue posting, I'm going to have to play nice so... forgive me. I know I was rude, my intentions were honest but not fair.

    So I say: GO!

    Amongst us professionals, this is called "word salad."
  • Feb 14, 2013, 12:53 PM

    Originally Posted by Wondergirl View Post
    Amongst us professionals, this is called "word salad."

    Here I was, trying to be nice. What do I get, vendetta. I thought this site was called Ask ME HELP ME.

    So I see, you're also part of the problem. I guess you won't stop either until I leave your wretched website. Not to worry, I'll stick around trying my best to help people while actual trolls like yourself think they're on the offense. HA!

    This is also the reason why we are still governed you tool!
  • Feb 14, 2013, 12:54 PM
    Actually it's Ask Me Help Desk.

    You ARE on the wrong site, not where you thought you are!
  • Feb 14, 2013, 12:55 PM
    Okay, I'll bite and answer the question.

    What do I think is wrong with the world? Well, people that post on anonymous websites to insult people, and then hide behind a disorder and research, are pretty high on the list.

    Tickle, if I bring beer can I come over for dinner? I love fish and chips! :)
  • Feb 14, 2013, 12:56 PM
    Just another unmedicated troll.

  • Feb 14, 2013, 12:58 PM

    Originally Posted by Username_Chris View Post
    Here I was, trying to be nice. What do I get, vendetta. I thought this site was called Ask ME HELP ME.

    So I see, you're also part of the problem. I guess you won't stop either until I leave your wretched website. Not to worry, I'll stick around trying my best to help people while actual trolls like yourself think they're on the offense. HA!

    This is also the reason why we are still governed you tool!

    You were trying to be nice? Wow! I'd hate to see you stop trying, because you're not very good at it.

    You didn't come here to research, you came her to troll, look up the meaning, you fit the description to the letter.

    If you insist on being insulting, belligerent, and downright rude, then expect us to reciprocate. We're not going to sit here with big smiles on our faces and take whatever you dish out. You turned up the heat. If you can't take it, get out of the kitchen.
  • Feb 14, 2013, 01:00 PM

    Originally Posted by JudyKayTee View Post
    Another offensive person standing behind a medical problem. Next thing his brother will be posting on his account.

    Speaking of offensive, "wankers" got through the system?

    Note to NK - because any attention is better than no attention, and that includes insulting and riling total strangers on a publc board.

    I do find the OP's user name to be quite creative, though. Great thought goes into his posts.

    I don't understand why you ridicule people with medical diseases. That really does bother me. Especially when there are millions of people who have them and die everyday because of them. Then some like me who kill themselves because we can't take the pain. Hope you can sleep at night knowing this. /sarcasm/

    Also, my words are meant for critical thinking and common sense which is now becoming extinct. Thanks to people like you. Again, sarcasm.
  • Feb 14, 2013, 01:06 PM

    Originally Posted by Alty View Post
    You were trying to be nice? Wow! I'd hate to see you stop trying, because you're not very good at it.

    You didn't come here to research, you came her to troll, look up the meaning, you fit the description to the letter.

    If you insist on being insulting, belligerent, and downright rude, then expect us to reciprocate. We're not going to sit here with big smiles on our faces and take whatever you dish out. You turned up the heat. If you can't take it, get out of the kitchen.

    Not to be mean, or any synonym pertaining to that word but you are contradicting yourself. (Look back at your statement)

    (Now look at mine again) (Look up again) (See)

    I will stop now. Seriously, I need to do my homework. Some us aren't moderators, you know?
  • Feb 14, 2013, 01:09 PM

    Originally Posted by Username_Chris View Post
    I don't understand why you ridicule people with medical diseases. That really does bother me. Especially when there are millions of people who have them and die everyday because of them. Then some like me who kill themselves because we can't take the pain. Hope you can sleep at night knowing this. /sarcasm/

    Also, my words are meant for critical thinking and common sense which is now becoming extinct. Thanks to people like you. Again, sarcasm.

    If you want critical thinking, want a discussion, you have to be willing to accept what others have to say. You have your opinions, that's great, you feel very strongly about them, that's also great. Well, we feel just as strongly about our opinions and our beliefs. If you can't respect that, then you're not looking for discussion, you're looking for an argument. That's not what we do here.

    You write well, you obviously have some intelligence, what you don't have is tact, or the willingness to listen to what others have to say. If you get paid to ask people questions, I don't think you'll have a job for long. If you talk to people the way you have here, the majority will just walk away and not give you a minute of their time.

    You need to stop being so hostile. You're treated the way you treat others, which is why you've been treated the way you have on this site. We only go by what you post. If you're hostile, we're not the kind of people that will turn the other cheek, we'll fight back. We don't get paid to put up with this sort of thing, we all volunteer here, in our free time. So really, we don't have to put with you or your rudeness.

    Change your tactics and so will we. Kindness begets kindness.
  • Feb 14, 2013, 01:11 PM

    Originally Posted by Username_Chris View Post
    Not to be mean, or any synonym pertaining to that word but you are contradicting yourself. (Look back at your statement)

    (Now look at mine again) (Look up again) (See)

    I will stop now. Seriously, I need to do my homework. Some us aren't moderators, you know?

    Most of us aren't moderators. I'm not. Actually, not one of the people that posted on this thread is a moderator. Don't assume.

    I don't need to look back on what I wrote. If you can't understand what I meant by what I wrote, you're being intentionally dense. It's not an attractive quality. You have yet to display an attractive quality.

    Bye bye. :)
  • Feb 14, 2013, 01:12 PM

    Originally Posted by Alty View Post
    Okay, I'll bite and answer the question.

    What do I think is wrong with the world? Well, people that post on anonymous websites to insult people, and then hide behind a disorder and research, are pretty high on the list.

    Tickle, if I bring beer can I come over for dinner? I love fish and chips! :)

    Okay but it has to be very cold corona!
  • Feb 14, 2013, 01:14 PM

    Originally Posted by tickle View Post
    Okay but it has to be very cold corona!

    I can do that. Can I bring the kids?

    Wait, it's Valentine's day. Is this going to be a romantic dinner? ;)
  • Feb 14, 2013, 01:14 PM

    Originally Posted by Username_Chris View Post
    I don't understand why you ridicule people with medical diseases. That really does bother me. Especially when there are millions of people who have them and die everyday because of them. Then some like me who kill themselves because we can't take the pain. Hope you can sleep at night knowing this. /sarcasm/

    Also, my words are meant for critical thinking and common sense which is now becoming extinct. Thanks to people like you. Again, sarcasm.

    Where do you see Judy ridiculing people with medical diseases.

    Footnote to Judy-you really must stop that, you know it isn't fair!
  • Feb 14, 2013, 01:16 PM

    Originally Posted by Alty View Post
    I can do that. Can I bring the kids?

    Wait, it's Valentine's day. Is this going to be a romantic dinner? ;)

    No it's because I don't want to bother with dinner, Alty!
  • Feb 14, 2013, 01:17 PM

    Originally Posted by Alty View Post
    I can do that. Can I bring the kids?

    Wait, it's Valentine's day. Is this going to be a romantic dinner? ;)

    Oh the kids, no just yourself, you probably need a break!
  • Feb 14, 2013, 01:21 PM

    Originally Posted by tickle View Post
    Oh the kids, no just yourself, you probably need a break!

    I could definitely use one.

    Hubby just informed me that we're to meet him at work to go out for dinner, so I guess I have to cancel on you. Can't pass up dinner with my sweetie. :)

    Maybe you should come over next week. I'll make you a German meal, wiener schnitzel, spaetzle, blaukraut, und apfel torte for dessert. :)
  • Feb 14, 2013, 01:22 PM

    Originally Posted by Username_Chris View Post
    I don't understand why you ridicule people with medical diseases. That really does bother me. Especially when there are millions of people who have them and die everyday because of them. Then some like me who kill themselves because we can't take the pain. Hope you can sleep at night knowing this. /sarcasm/

    Also, my words are meant for critical thinking and common sense which is now becoming extinct. Thanks to people like you. Again, sarcasm.

    Critical thinking and common sense, uhmmm, neither are my specialties, but I can cook, insert catheters, do blood work, and change colostomy bags, etc.
  • Feb 14, 2013, 01:28 PM

    Originally Posted by JudyKayTee View Post
    Actually it's Ask Me Help Desk.

    You ARE on the wrong site, not where you thought you are!

    Of course, you're right. I will find another site. I was actually looking for a site where I can post my short stories and poems and I was going to ask people on this one where they know where to find one but since I'm being a nuisance to this one I will no longer post here.

  • Feb 14, 2013, 01:34 PM

    Originally Posted by Username_Chris View Post
    Of course, you're right. I will find another site. I was actually looking for a site where I can post my short stories and poems and I was going to ask people on this one where they know where to find one but since I'm being a nuisance to this one I will no longer post here.


    Why not start your own blog? I have one about my four rescued cats. Another member has a blog and posts observations about her horses. We don't allow fiction to be posted here; that is not the mission of the site.

    How old are you?
  • Feb 14, 2013, 01:43 PM
    I figured out their problem... they aren't getting any because they can't get a girfriend.
  • Feb 14, 2013, 01:47 PM

    Originally Posted by Wondergirl View Post
    Why not start your own blog? I have one about my four rescued cats. Another member has a blog and posts observations about her horses. We don't allow fiction to be posted here; that is not the mission of the site.

    How old are you?

    I was looking for the button that cancels my page so I wouldn't be able to log in anymore for my own good and to get me off your hands. Then I looked at your post and noticed that you are an expert in jobs and parenting. OK, the thing with me is I do not like working because money is not important to me but I know it's a necessity so I work enough to scrape by. However, I want to enrich my life a bit more, mainly because I would enjoy having a bit more of material things and since it's valentine's, I haven't even got a woman to enjoy it with. Which makes me sad but it's due mostly to me being arrogant.

    So, maybe you can help me find a job. Online, more likely. Since you I'm sure know your way around the interwebz. I don't care what I make, money to me doesn't buy me happiness but in order to feel that feeling: happiness - I need to be able to be financially sustained.

    Also, even though I know you're (not to be mean) old and not a stranger who I should be worried about, I cannot reveal my age to you. I am fairly young, though. Maybe if we continue to communicate I will tell you. Not now.

    So, help me help you help me?

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