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  • Apr 25, 2018, 09:41 PM
    Why do they take the fifth? Because anything they say can, and will, be used against them. In a fishing expedition guilt doesn't matter, because it is guilt by association. Trump could be guilty of associating with his son in law, it is that ridiculous, and when someone is under investigation you do not want to be associated with them.

    The fact is Trump, or anyone else, doesn't need to testify, because he has not been accused of anything more than being stupid
  • Apr 26, 2018, 06:42 AM
    Have you ever heard of probable cause? That's what it takes to present to a judge to get a warrant of any kind. It's a standard foundation of any place that has a rule of law at it's foundation. Unfortunately we are also seeing that it takes money to hire the proper people to guide and advise you through this process and that lack of resources is what screws the average citizen.

    To your post though if The Dufus surrounds himself with criminals then his stupidity is more than an accusation, it's a proven FACT. He has been asked to be interviewed not TESTIFY at this point. This is more than guilt by association, Clete, it's conspiracy. How deep and how far up the chain it goes is yet to be known but a credible case is slowly being built.

    To dismiss those FACTS already in evidence is rather stupid and would be malfeasance. Not like you to defend a lying, cheating, Dufus, even though his lawyer had no choice but to protect himself against criminal charges and let the civil ones dangle out there in the wind. LOL we haven't even touched on the other sycophants of the Dufus who are embroiled in all kinds of controversy like his appointments to big jobs throughout his administration.

    Nothing to see here move along? Fake news and witch hunts? Yeah right.
  • Apr 26, 2018, 03:03 PM
    Probable cause, yes I found the door open after I kicked it in
  • Apr 26, 2018, 04:20 PM
    Stick to counting beans Clete!

  • Apr 26, 2018, 07:50 PM

    Originally Posted by talaniman View Post
    Stick to counting beans Clete!


    I don't count beans anymore Tal, in fact as we had a lapse in power supply I took the time to sort out my coin collection.

    I know you don't like my analogy but this is exactly what Meuller is doing. There is not probable cause that Trump colluded with the Russians, but why doesn't he look at Hilliary, there is more probable cause there, even a money trail. You know why, it is because he is a Hilliary sycophant
  • Apr 26, 2018, 07:57 PM
  • Apr 27, 2018, 06:28 AM
    You right wing loonies always think that your conspiracy theories should be taken seriously. You still insist on chasing the past after decades of nothing to show and then back a bona fide lying cheating Dufus who may be insanely pathological criminal scum right in front of your face. How long are you going to wear that tin foil hate and think your in style?
  • Apr 27, 2018, 04:12 PM

    Originally Posted by talaniman View Post
    You right wing loonies always think that your conspiracy theories should be taken seriously. You still insist on chasing the past after decades of nothing to show and then back a bona fide lying cheating Dufus who may be insanely pathological criminal scum right in front of your face. How long are you going to wear that tin foil hate and think your in style?

    About as long as left wing loonies like you wear theirs
  • Apr 28, 2018, 08:00 AM
    Do I really look as stupid in my tin foil hat as you do? I didn't know I was wearing one to be honest, as I never saw myself as being a left wing loony. Enlighten me if you can.
  • Apr 28, 2018, 01:56 PM
    Why do they take the 5th ? Ask Lois Lerner .Why did Evita's IT staff take the 5th ? I would in no way disparage the 5th Amendment .It is a necessary right ,and it does not presume guilt . After the way I've seen special prosecutors use the perjury trap I would find it hard to recommend cooperation in investigations .Scooter Libby needed a pardon after falling into the perjury trap. Mueller used the technique well to clear his staff of anyone he did not want . It wasn't good enough to fire them .He had to drag their reputations through the mud.

    I recommend everyone read ;
    “Three Felonies a Day: How the Feds Target the Innocent” by Harvey Silvergate .
    Prosecutors actually do this as a game a politician and then say which 3 charges they would get them on if they were pursuing them .That is their leisure time at the office .

    It is now clear that Mueller's goal has been to not
    discover a crime, but create one. The goal was to scare Trump officials ,Trump's family and friends ,and Trump himself into committing minor process crimes .Even calling Trump a subject instead of a target is a trap.
  • Apr 28, 2018, 04:02 PM

    Originally Posted by talaniman View Post
    Do I really look as stupid in my tin foil hat as you do? I didn't know I was wearing one to be honest, as I never saw myself as being a left wing loony. Enlighten me if you can.

    Come on Tal you mean you knocked up your tin foil hat in the kitchen. You have defended the left wing view here for a long time. I am not a right wing looney but a somewhat conservative. That means I don't think change is necessarily a good thing but some things need to change. Don't fix the things that work but definitely change the things that are broken.

    Here is an example; in the last two weeks in my nation there has been an enquiry into banking, something the left pursued. The revelations coming out of that show criminal behaviour and a culture that is toxic towards the interests of the public. So change will happen, CEO's will resign and may be prosecuted, and so on down the chain, some institutions may collapse. One defendant collapsed while giving evidence

    Earlier the right wing government pursued the Union movement and there is no doubt of criminality there, this darling of the left needs to be wrung out and laid flat

    Both of these things were tin foul hat country
  • Apr 28, 2018, 04:04 PM

    Originally Posted by tomder55 View Post
    Why do they take the 5th ?

    Here's Trump's answer - "The mob takes the fifth. If you're innocent why are you taking the Fifth Amendment?" Lololol - It just doesn't get any better.

    Wait, this is better!

    Trump's ACTUAL behavior regarding the Fifth --- Trump invoked the Fifth Amendment himself during his bitter divorce from Ivana Trump who accused him of rape in a written document and which she later walked back for the money. (The world is still laughing).

    The Trump "I'm-the-President" Celebrity Show which airs daily on Twitter and his own network show FOX AND FRIENDS proves him to be ignorant, friendless, and without any effective legal guidance. Sad, yes, but he can't call his own utterances fake news, can he? I'm sure he wishes he could, especially when he later denies his own words without a flicker of shame.

    In a few months, the show will be cancelled and the Great Imposter will recede into the dustbins of dark history.

    Still smarting from the abject humiliation he received at the hands of his nemesis Barack Obama, Trump will again skip tonight's White House Correspondent's Dinner. When he's not in charge, his cowardly instincts always rise to the top - the mark of the bully.
  • Apr 28, 2018, 06:37 PM

    Originally Posted by paraclete View Post
    Come on Tal you mean you knocked up your tin foil hat in the kitchen. You have defended the left wing view here for a long time. I am not a right wing looney but a somewhat conservative. That means I don't think change is necessarily a good thing but some things need to change. Don't fix the things that work but definitely change the things that are broken.

    Here is an example; in the last two weeks in my nation there has been an enquiry into banking, something the left pursued. The revelations coming out of that show criminal behaviour and a culture that is toxic towards the interests of the public. So change will happen, CEO's will resign and may be prosecuted, and so on down the chain, some institutions may collapse. One defendant collapsed while giving evidence

    Earlier the right wing government pursued the Union movement and there is no doubt of criminality there, this darling of the left needs to be wrung out and laid flat

    Both of these things were tin foul hat country

    I fail to see where banking has anything to with a centrist progressive like myself nor union corruption. Crime is not confined to political leanings. You sure that tin foil hat ain't a lead one?
  • Apr 29, 2018, 12:03 AM

    Originally Posted by talaniman View Post
    I fail to see where banking has anything to with a centrist progressive like myself nor union corruption. Crime is not confined to political leanings. You sure that tin foil hat ain't a lead one?

    Well centrists progressives can cause a great deal of damage when they get the bankers to participate in social engineering, you have forgotten the GFC and what caused it. As to Unions they are part of the left, the backbone of the left at times, but they are hardly progressive so I expect you would as easily do away with them as keep them.

    I was providing some examples, probably far removed from the behaviour in your country, but I wear what our military refer to as a giggle hat, it has no lining

    here are some more examples of leftist behaviour which is probably considered very progressive
  • Apr 29, 2018, 06:40 AM
    The GFC had nothing to do with progressives, or conservatives either and everything to do with abject greed by deception of the private sector.
  • Apr 29, 2018, 03:31 PM

    Originally Posted by talaniman View Post
    The GFC had nothing to do with progressives, or conservatives either and everything to do with abject greed by deception of the private sector.

    But what was at the root of it was an attempt to allow an under class to purchase residential property, a very progressive policy of social change, yes the greedy capitalists took advantage of the situation as greedy capitalists will always do
  • May 1, 2018, 11:34 PM
    What could Donald's answer be?
    Donald Trump, Russia investigation: Mueller to drop ‘bombshell’ question

    Apparently Trump is to be asked if he knew of any outreach to Russia by his campaign
  • May 2, 2018, 06:27 AM

    Originally Posted by paraclete View Post
    But what was at the root of it was an attempt to allow an under class to purchase residential property, a very progressive policy of social change, yes the greedy capitalists took advantage of the situation as greedy capitalists will always do

    I won't speak for your country, but in mine there are plenty of older affordable homes to fit any income. Matter of fact many benefitted by banks who as a matter of good business would never sell a home to someone who could not meet the criteria for homes they could never otherwise afford, but for the financial tricks and traps (variable interest rates, balloon payments down the road, to name a few) that was a recipe for failure, and a huge challenge to marginal buyers. That's not progressive values, that's greed. There was no reason for first time buyers to be put in such overwhelming debt, except to exploit them as temporary revenue cows.

    Ordinary people be they progressive or conservatives didn't cause GFC greedy banks and moneyed institutions did. You would think conservatives learned that lesson but NOOOO! They are trying to hand the greedy banks back the ability to lie cheat and steal yet again. That would be Trump and his sycophants of whom I speak, who are extracting wealth again at far above record numbers. The first thing The Dufus did upon becoming Prez was double the fees for his properties.
    That's all you need to know about his intent.


    Originally Posted by paraclete View Post
    Donald Trump, Russia investigation: Mueller to drop ‘bombshell’ question

    Apparently Trump is to be asked if he knew of any outreach to Russia by his campaign

    A direct question that needs a direct answer, and we know what his answer is. So does Mueller. The only question is will he LIE, or tell the TRUTH. What do YOU think?
  • May 2, 2018, 07:52 AM

    Originally Posted by talaniman View Post

    I won't speak for your country, but in mine there are plenty of older affordable homes to fit any income.

    I wish it were so here Tal but such circumstances are rare, since the GFC property prices have boomed because money has been cheap and so a modest house might cost a Million dollars in the city and several hundred thousand in the suburbs


    Ordinary people be they progressive or conservatives didn't cause GFC greedy banks and moneyed institutions did.
    No argument there, but the policies originated in government policy


    A direct question that needs a direct answer, and we know what his answer is. So does Mueller. The only question is will he LIE, or tell the TRUTH. What do YOU think?
    Mueller is running a kangaroo court, if he has evidence he should endict. All Trump has to do is plead the fifth, it is his right, and there should be no resumption of guilt
  • May 2, 2018, 08:37 AM
    It's good government, and economic policy for everybody to get a chance to OWN a home. As to Mueller, I don't think you appreciate the need to be vigilante against crooked politicians and their criminal affiliates. Given our history of crime and corruption at the highest levels and the FACT so many Trump sycophants are going to jail already, finishing this investigation is of the highest order. You wouldn't exterminate a den of rats and stop before you got the king rat would you?

    Why do you think The Dufus, a greedy b@stard, and thief, a proven liar, cheater, bully is above the law? That is simply ludicrous. The Dufus will have his chance to be questioned just like his minions around him have. That's how our law works Clete, slowly at times but surely. He has used the system for his own gain a long time and if it catches up to him... so be it! If it doesn't... then so be it also!

    We will see whose right at the END of the PROCESS. No amount of hollering from close or afar will bring about it's premature end though many would love that.

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