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  • Aug 19, 2012, 01:51 PM

    Originally Posted by sbvandi View Post
    okay? well I do appreciate all the help, I am surprised by last night, it is true...sorry you dont believe me...I guess I didn't explain all the details of our realtionship. I don't like that fact that you (Judy) think Im lying. Doesn't really matter. If anyone else has some actual advice about that I should do let me know...

    We don't believe you because it makes no sense.

    You painted him as this rich jerk that never did anything for you. Now we're supposed to believe that in one night he completely changed his personality, filled your house with flowers, filled your fridge with food, gave you a ring, and a lot of money? Doesn't make sense because people don't change that drastically over night. He went from calling you a gold digger to handing over the gold? Doesn't make sense.

    So either he was always like this, and you lied about the type of person he was, or you're lying about it now. Either way, this new behavior doesn't mix with the guy you were telling us about from the beginning of your thread.

    As for what you should do. Cash the check. That's what you wanted from the beginning, the title of your thread says it all "I struggle financially and my rich boyfriend won't help". Well, he's helping now, so your issues are solved.
  • Aug 19, 2012, 01:58 PM
    I told everyone that we talked of a future, sorry I wasn't specific. I guess I will just figure out what to do on my own. Thanks for the helpful comments. I didn't expect last night and I am shocked about the turn around, I do feel bad I didn't give him the benefit of the doubt. Im not going to accept the money but I am happy that I was wrong about him. Im feeling like if someone posts a problem and it comes to a happy ending then it might not be as good because I sure felt the support when things were going wrong, but now that something went right... now its my fault. I don't get the negativity? I have received a lot of help through this thread and I thank you.
  • Aug 19, 2012, 02:07 PM

    Originally Posted by sbvandi View Post
    I told everyone that we talked of a future, sorry i wasnt specific. I guess I will just figure out what to do on my own. Thanks for the helpful comments. I didn't expect last night and I am shocked about the turn around, I do feel bad I didn't give him the benefit of the doubt. Im not going to accept the money but I am happy that I was wrong about him. Im feeling like if someone posts a problem and it comes to a happy ending then it might not be as good because I sure felt the support when things were going wrong, but now that something went its my fault. I dont get the negativity? I have received alot of help through this thread and I thank you.

    The "negativity" is because your story kept changing - Alty summed it up best.

    If you don't understand, read your own posts from beginning to end and see what you would think were you a stranger - ?

    I hope I'm wrong. I hope you're sincere. Whatever the case, whether you needed support for some reason, needed friends, needed an outlet, made up a story, I wish you well.
  • Aug 19, 2012, 02:11 PM

    Originally Posted by sbvandi View Post
    I told everyone that we talked of a future, sorry i wasnt specific. I guess I will just figure out what to do on my own. Thanks for the helpful comments. I didn't expect last night and I am shocked about the turn around, I do feel bad I didn't give him the benefit of the doubt. Im not going to accept the money but I am happy that I was wrong about him. Im feeling like if someone posts a problem and it comes to a happy ending then it might not be as good because I sure felt the support when things were going wrong, but now that something went its my fault. I dont get the negativity? I have received alot of help through this thread and I thank you.

    The negativity is because we feel like we were played, that we were lied to.

    If this is what you want, then of course I'm happy for you, but look at it from our point of view.

    You told us all what a jerk this guy is, how he's never done anything for you. We all agreed that even though he doesn't owe you any money to help you out, he's insensitive, and obviously not in love with you. You agreed with us. Now we're suddenly supposed to believe that this man that treated you like dirt for 8 months has done a complete 180 and he's suddenly the sweetest, kindest, most caring guy in the world, writing you cheques, lavishing you with gifts, asking you to marry him, when he hasn't even met your kids, filling up your fridge, etc. etc.

    Let me put it to you this way. Someone posts on this site that they have a mangy dog, it bites, it growls, it doesn't listen. After many pages of conversation with this person, she continues to tell us horror stories of what this dog has done, that she's tried everything, she doesn't know what to do. We all tell this person she's out of her league, needs to find a new home for the dog because she can't handle it and all its issues. She agrees. Well, not even a day after she decides to get rid of the dog she comes home one night to find the dog sitting nicely waiting for her, wagging his tail, licking her face, obeying her every command. Would you believe her?
  • Aug 19, 2012, 02:29 PM
    All I can say is thank you for the help, Im sorry if you feel like you wasted your time because he did make a complete 180. I didn't expect it and I don't need to hear anymore comments putting me in a bad light because it didn't turn out the way you all wanted. Im just going to be happy that I got the help from you guys when I needed it and now I can move on.
  • Aug 19, 2012, 02:35 PM
    Not one person said that we were upset because of the way it turned out. If you're happy, we're happy. I'm not at all upset that he turned out to be a nice guy. I for one always doubted that he was as horrible as you made him sound.

    I hope it all works out for you, and I'm glad that you finally got what you wanted.

    I just wish you could have been more honest with us. A lot of people invested a lot of time, and even shed some tears, because of your story. Now we find out that he was never the monster you made him out to be. Either that or you're trying to fool us again, by completely changing the story.

    Good luck.
  • Aug 19, 2012, 02:37 PM

    Originally Posted by sbvandi View Post
    it didnt turn out the way you all wanted.

    How did they all want it to turn out?
  • Aug 19, 2012, 02:54 PM

    Originally Posted by Wondergirl View Post
    How did they all want it to turn out?

    I HATE it when you use my carefully formulated answer before I carefully formulate it!
  • Aug 19, 2012, 02:59 PM
    All has turned out well, and another work week approaches.

    This thread is closed.

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