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  • Dec 10, 2018, 07:09 AM
    Yes tal that is true
  • Dec 10, 2018, 07:13 AM
    Under Oath here's how James Comey answered about important matters going on at the FBI while he was Director :
    ‘I don’t know’ 166 times
    'I don’t remember' 71 times
    'I don’t recall’ - 8 times

    Meanwhile as Trump has a hissy fit on Twitter about Comey ;and the House Committees are wrapping up their investigations , Trump still refuses to declassify all the relevant documents for the public. He said he would ;then said he may hold them over the Dems head ;and then had the gall to say that maybe the public can't handle what the docs contain. Nonsense ! Only Trump has the power to release them . The Dems say if he does he would reveal methods and sources ..... more BS ! If he is worried about Brit and Aussie Intel assets being exposed ,too bad for them . They participated in a silent coup attempt . If he doesn't give us true transparency on this then we risk forever having the administration in power weaponizing the assets of the Intel and Federal Law enforcement agencies to attack political opponents . If he doesn't release them it only bolsters the suspicion he is hiding something . Open up the swamp and let the chips fall wherever .
  • Dec 10, 2018, 07:14 AM
    Sounds like his firing was justified
  • Dec 11, 2018, 06:43 AM
    Comey's firing is a non issue, as are the repub revisit of it, since they are OUT in a few weeks. Last chance to make hay? Yeah, but we head into the new year with dems salivating to get a sharp stick poked up the dufus arse and he may have a lot of trouble finding any help from it other than his big mouth.

    The American people were very smart to dump the dufus's house sycophants, and the senate will have some tough decisions to make.
  • Dec 11, 2018, 10:30 AM

    Comey's firing is a non issue, as are the repub revisit of it, since they are OUT in a few weeks. Last chance to make hay? Yeah, but we head into the new year with dems salivating to get a sharp stick poked up the dufus arse.
    Partisanship. One of the great problems we need to deal with. We face many problems such as 22 tril in debt and still running deficits, but the dems can't wait to "get even" with Trump. What a pathetic situation.
  • Dec 11, 2018, 04:43 PM
    The solution to the problems we have start with poking a sharp stick up the Dufus's a$$. That's not partisanship, that's just common sense after two years of republican sycophantcy. The dufus and repubs had two years to fix stuff and all the have done was stel the money and lie!

    Yes a sharp stick is appropriate for this hollering fool. Not like he doesn't have one and used it liberally.

    Heard this yet?

    Another piece of the puzzle is sliding into place.
  • Dec 11, 2018, 06:31 PM

    That's not partisanship, that's just common sense after two years of republican sycophantcy. The dufus and repubs had two years to fix stuff and all the have done was stel the money and lie!
    Just following the example of eight years of the Obama Administration.

    "Alleged Russian operative Maria Butina to plead guilty, help prosecutors. A plea agreement obtained by NBC News shows Butina will admit conspiring "to establish ... communication with Americans having power" for Russia's benefit."

    Yeah. An "alleged Russian operative" is ready to admit she established communication with Americans having power to benefit Russia. What a shocker!! A foreigner trying to benefit her country through American contacts. Whoever heard of such a thing???
  • Dec 12, 2018, 06:20 AM
    Who ever heard of a Russian gun lobby or free vacations to Russia by the NRA? Seems that relationship has been going on for years.


    The fact that a key member of Blackburn’s campaign was also working closely with Russian officials raises new questions about designs Russian operatives may have had on recruiting allies among Republicans and social conservatives in the U.S. — as well as just how extensive this effort might have been.


    As BuzzFeed News notes, in an autocracy with strict gun laws, the very idea of a strong grassroots analogue to the NRA is kind of absurd. But what Butina and her colleagues deduced is that the American right's blind, dogmatic devotion to protecting the Second Amendment would allow them to set aside any nagging misgivings about joining forces with her, if such misgivings even occurred to them in the first place. Put differently: A hostile foreign government scrutinized every aspect of American life and concluded that guns were the perfect access point for them to slip in undetected.


    According to a
    earlier this year from
    , the FBI has been investigating whether Torshin illegally funneled money to the Trump campaign through the NRA. (The FBI would “neither confirm nor deny” the investigation to
    Mother Jones.

    I just need to know why your wingers defend criminals and spies?
  • Dec 12, 2018, 12:23 PM

    Who ever heard of a Russian gun lobby or free vacations to Russia by the NRA? Seems that relationship has been going on for years.


    I just need to know why your wingers defend criminals and spies?
    I guess for the same reason you left wingers do. It's all about politics. Eric Holder ran a gun-running operation into Mexico. You left wingers yawned.
  • Dec 16, 2018, 05:46 AM
  • Dec 17, 2018, 04:22 PM
    Robert Mueller deletes thousands of texts on Peter Strzok’s phone.
    Hillary Clinton deleted 33k emails and destroyed her devices.
    Yet after all of this, Trump is the one under investigation?

    Mueller and Comey must be proud that they entrapped Flynn (by Comey's own admission) and denied him Miranda protections . Don't be surprised if the judge throws the case out with a coerced guilty plea and a clear denial of Flynn's basic 4th and 5th amendment rights .

  • Dec 17, 2018, 06:45 PM

    Easy with the egg nog there Tom. It's turning you into Rudy Guliani

  • Dec 18, 2018, 01:51 PM

    Originally Posted by tomder55 View Post
    Robert Mueller deletes thousands of texts on Peter Strzok’s phone.
    Hillary Clinton deleted 33k emails and destroyed her devices.
    Yet after all of this, Trump is the one under investigation?

    Mueller and Comey must be proud that they entrapped Flynn (by Comey's own admission) and denied him Miranda protections . Don't be surprised if the judge throws the case out with a coerced guilty plea and a clear denial of Flynn's basic 4th and 5th amendment rights .

    Flynn and his attorney before a judge just shot your theory down as his sentencing was delayed. Trump dissolves foundation amid allegations of self dealing.
  • Dec 19, 2018, 02:52 PM
    Michael Flynn's sentencing was postponed until next year, but not before federal Judge Emmet Sullivan damaged his own reputation with an extraordinary public attack on the former national security adviser for a crime he’s not been charged with or admitted to.In fact Mueller's prosecutors had to step in and tell the judge his rant was out of line. Here I can only speculate . The judge is just begging Flynn to change his plea because he knows Flynn got hosed. But Flynn is so afraid to do that because Mueller is hanging Flynn's son's freedom on the deal . Flynn made some bad judgement in becoming an unregistered agent for Turkey (an ally) . But typically the most someone who fails to register as a foreign agent gets is a fine . Mueller bankrupted Flynn and threatens his son's freedom for a crime he has over looked with the Podesta brothers . That is why Mueller can feel safe in proceeding with the sentencing . If he did not have this hanging over Flynn then he would never allow it. Like Manafort he would keep him locked away until he needs him
  • Dec 20, 2018, 12:42 AM
    Flynn screwed up. How bad, REAL bad and dragged his son down with him, so whatever he gets he gets. I think the message to Flynn by Sullivan was Flynn had not done enough so far to make up for his wrong doing, given his career and status. Now we can't see all that Mueller could have charged Flynn with, but the judge can, and what he saw pissed him off enough for his tirade, that made the right wing and Faux News head explode.

    After Nunes gets the boot as chairman of the House Intell Committee more heads will roll and Mueller has already requested the official documents for Roger Stones testimony and has a sealed subpoena for a foreign owned corporations records. No doubt following the money. I think the days of protecting the dufus by repubs is coming to an end after the last election.

    In other breaking news, the dufus has lifted the sanctions on a Russian oligarch's company!

    What's that about Tom?
  • Dec 20, 2018, 08:32 AM
    Sullivan is a nut job first of all . Calling Flynn a traitor for acting as an agent for Turkey is insane . Flynn has a lifetime of dedicated service to this country . As I said ;there are 2 standards of justice being practiced here. The Podesta's acted as unregistered agents for a Russia friendly Ukraine regime .They have yet to face any charges . At the time of Flynn's contact ,Turkey was and still is a NATO ally. Mueller's team ambushed Flynn in his office and told him that having a lawyer present wasn't required . Evita had a team of lawyers present and her interview wasn't recorded . Any conviction of Flynn should be thrown out because the FBI violated his basic constitutional rights . Comey had to jump through hoops to find reasons for not charging Evita . Hey what goes around comes around . IF banana republic justice is the new norm I'm sure the Republicans will adapt.
  • Dec 20, 2018, 08:41 AM
    tal The Slimes article you posted answered your question.


    The lobbying effort had cast the sanctions as having unintended ripple effects on companies in the United States, Ireland, Sweden, Jamaica, Guinea and elsewhere, with potential job losses and other negative economic impacts.
    The Slimes neglected these pertinent facts 1. The lobbying effort was from European nations ;not Moscow.
    2 .Deripaska remains under sanction and the company is severing ties with him.
  • Dec 21, 2018, 06:55 AM
    No Tom, the Times did present the "pertinent" side of the Russians legal arguments to lift those sanctions and also points out that ultimately it's the congress to scrutinize and go along with the Dufus's treasury department deal with them.


    The lobbying effort had cast the sanctions as having unintended ripple effects on companies in the United States, Ireland, Sweden, Jamaica, Guinea and elsewhere, with potential job losses and other negative economic impacts.,,
    Mr. Harrell said Mr. Deripaska was “playing the long game” and may ultimately recoup some of his short-term losses.“On the one hand, he has lost some cash as a result of these transactions, and he has to reduce his holdings in his companies,” Mr. Harrell said. “On the other hand, he gets to hold on to 45 percent of the companies, and he’ll be able to get good value for that stake and those dividends in three years or five years or whenever Deripaska is able to get off the sanctions list himself.”Mr. Deripaska’s representatives are planning to mount a push to get the sanctions lifted on him, according to people familiar with his plans

    Replacing one Vlad sycophant with another changes NOTHING. Vlad still wins, and the dufus, the great negotiator gives Vlad that WIN!

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