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  • Aug 31, 2009, 08:51 PM
    Maggie 3
    John 14:13& 14 "And whatever you ask in my name, that I will do, that the Father
    may be glorified in the Son. 14, "If you ask anything in My name, I will do.
    Jesus speeking. John 15:16 "You did not choose Me, but I chose you and appointed
    you that you should go and bear fruit, and that your fruit should remain, that whatever you ask in My name He may give you." Jesus speeking. Blessing,

    Maggie 3
  • Sep 1, 2009, 04:14 AM

    Hello M:

    What the hell does that mean? Can you answer me in ENGLISH?? I don't like to get preached at.

  • Sep 1, 2009, 08:05 AM
    Maggie 3
    The only way we can be a child of God is knowing Jesus. The only way I can know Jesus
    is reading Gods word the bible, and talking to Him in prayer. Jesus lived a life with-out sin and the only one that has. Jesus mirrored God exactly.
    Jesus was not a cardboard cutout or an abstract list of theological attributes,
    Jesus exhibited a full range of potent emotions and showed His love in both gentle and
    tough ways. I am just stating facts, it is the truth about Jesus, why He came. I do not
    want to offend you, it's just the way I see it as truth.
    The only way a person can come to the Father {God} with out Jesus is to live a
    completelly sinless life, in thought, word, and deed-- and no one but Jesus Himself
    fits that profile. In other words we are all sinners but some of us are saved by the grace of God . In Jesus name we are saved and sanctified [forgive of sin].

    Maggie 3
  • Sep 1, 2009, 09:55 AM

    Originally Posted by Maggie 3 View Post
    The only way we can be a child of God is knowing Jesus. The only way I can know Jesus
    is reading Gods word the bible, and talking to Him in prayer. Jesus lived a life with-out sin and the only one that has. Jesus mirrored God exactly.
    Jesus was not a cardboard cutout or an abstract list of theological attributes,
    Jesus exhibited a full range of potent emotions and showed His love in both gentle and
    tough ways. I am just stating facts, it is the truth about Jesus, why He came. I do not
    want to offend you, it's just the way I see it as truth.
    The only way a person can come to the Father {God} with out Jesus is to live a
    completelly sinless life, in thought, word, and deed-- and no one but Jesus Himself
    fits that profile. In other words we are all sinners but some of us are saved by the grace of God . In Jesus name we are saved and sanctified [forgive of sin].

    Maggie 3

    I have a couple of problems here -

    First, this is on the religious discussions board, not the Christianity board, so all religions are posting here and don't people don't need you to lecture to them. Go to the Christianity board where that would be accepted and perhaps welcome.

    Second, what is with the spacing that you (always) use. Is this cut and paste? If so, what is the source?

    Third, I've read your other posts and find it hard to believe that these are your words: "Jesus was not a cardboard cutout or an abstract list of theological attributes, Jesus exhibited a full range of potent emotions and showed His love in both gentle and tough ways."

    Fourth, don't presume to assume that because you believe something it is the truth. This is only your opinion: "I am just stating facts, it is the truth about Jesus, why He came."
  • Sep 1, 2009, 11:18 AM
    Maggie 3
    Judy kay tee, My source is from the bible. I believe the bible as truth, This ia what
    I quote. I know I am not a good typist or speller but I do my best.I do
    Not know how
    To cut and past, but I do write or quote what is written in my bible.

    Maggie 3
  • Sep 1, 2009, 03:45 PM
    Turn a blind eye

    Originally Posted by JudyKayTee View Post
    I have a couple of problems here -

    First, this is on the religious discussions board, not the Christianity board, so all religions are posting here and don't people don't need you to lecture to them. Go to the Christianity board where that would be accepted and perhaps welcome.

    It is not up to you to direct the subject matter, Did you happen to notice the name of the thread. Obviously the content will contain a highly Christian point of view which was being solicited so if you don't want to hear a Christian perspective don't read the thread and above all don't about the content
  • Sep 1, 2009, 03:48 PM

    Originally Posted by paraclete View Post
    It is not up to you to direct the subject matter, Did you happen to notice the name of the thread. Obviously the content will contain a highly Christian point of view which was being solicited so if you don't want to hear a Christian perspective don't read the thread and above all don't about the content

    The question was, in fact, not posted by a Christian so there is no assumption that only Christian answers will be given.

    I have no idea what "don't {blank space} about the content means" unless your Christian language had to be cleaned up by a moderator.

    I'm not directing the subject matter - in fact, I don't know what that means. Are you saying I should attempt to direct the answers?

    Last I heard everyone is entitled to contribute, no matter how stupid their answer - even you.

    You have gone out of your way to be insulting" "Twinkie, go back to Twinking?" How old are you, anyway?
  • Sep 1, 2009, 04:18 PM

    Originally Posted by JudyKayTee View Post

    You have gone out of your way to be insulting" " [How old are you, anyway?

    If I had been insulting you would know it and I am old enough to discern the thrust of what you have posted. As I said; a Christian subject will attract Christian answers no matter that it is posted in a "religious" context, after all some Christians are the most religious people I know, and if you don't want a Christian perspective don't read it, and above all don't complain, surely you can comprehend what I am saying,:eek: or are you too high minded to understand simple English:D
  • Sep 1, 2009, 05:19 PM

    I'm too high minded and well educated to understand simple English. I also understand how to punctuate a post, by the way.

    Your answer to Twinkie was insulting.

    And I don't see that this is a Christian subject. I see it as a religious subject.
  • Sep 1, 2009, 05:44 PM

    Originally Posted by JudyKayTee View Post
    I also understand how to punctuate a post, by the way.


    I'm not religious about punctuation:D
  • Sep 2, 2009, 05:58 AM

    Originally Posted by jakester View Post
    excon and ETWolverine -

    My overall point is that it is important to make a distinction between who you real enemies are and who you think your enemies are. A true disciple of Jesus Christ does not raise his hand against a Jew but embraces him as a brother.

    Wow Jake, if I could give you a greenie on this one I would. I'd give you 10. You do the body of Christ proud! :)
  • Sep 2, 2009, 06:59 AM


    Christians are told to pray in Jesus name, that is why they do it. And like Wondergirl stated... MOST nascar races are in the biblebelt... so it isn't surprising.

    Personally If I were asked to pray at a public event, I would pray in Jesus name. I wouldn't be politcally correct for ANYONE. ( shocking huh?) But most public prayers that I have heard end with Amen. I wouldn't expect a non Christian to pray any other way and I'm not offended when they don't say Jesus name. HOWEVER! I AM offended when someone claims to represent Christ as a Pastor or whataever and they don't use it... (I once heard a well known Christian Pastor on Oprah just say AMEN and I ranted and raved for days... lol ) I am NOT ashamed of Jesus or my faith in him and I suppose I expect fellow Christians to be the same way.
    But I'm off topic and talking about me again. Sorry

    ANYWAY, I understand how you feel though. I was at my sisters wedding reception and the Pastor prayed a lovely prayer in Jesus name before we ate. Then he introduced some guy who was going to be singing and playing the guitar. This guy bowed his head and asked us to pray right after the Christian prayer. I didn't think anything of it but then he clearly stated at the end it was to some pagan god!! Anyway I was shocked and like you I felt duped! And angry. But you can't control what people are going to say even in a CHRISTIAN church! And in my heart, I wasn't praying to something I didn't believe in.

    Now you probably aren't going to like my next statement( and I am sure you were crazy about the last few)... I believe God hears every prayer! However, I don't believe he is under any obligation to answer it if it is not in in Son's name. He does many times though. Those are my personal thoughts... and I am not sure I could back it up with one bible verse. So don't freak out on me.

    And one last thought... How in the world can you sit and watch nascar anyway?. I mean REALLY? Cars going around in a circle 500 times?? Boring. THIS is where you are going wrong. Stop watching it... you will be less angry. It makes me mad every time my boys watch it... so I KNOW! :)
  • Sep 2, 2009, 07:05 AM
    Hello again, Tess:

    Thanks for that... I actually don't watch nascar... Oh, I think I do, but I always fall asleep.

  • Oct 2, 2009, 07:44 PM

    Originally Posted by classyT View Post
    Wow Jake, if I could give you a greenie on this one I would. I'd give you 10. You do the body of Christ proud! :)

    Thanks, Tess, you are too kind.
  • Oct 4, 2009, 11:20 AM

    Hello again,

    Watching the race... They DID it again... I think they should change it from Jesus of Nazareth to Jesus of Nascar...


    PS> I know. They ain't going to change for me... But, I ain't going to change either...

    So, how's your Sunday going?
  • Oct 22, 2009, 01:01 PM

    Excon, here's my question, as a fellow Jew:

    Why do you need that acknowledgment from the folks at NASCAR?


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