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  • Nov 29, 2009, 04:43 PM

    Originally Posted by excon View Post
    Hello again, gal:

    Besides, the Israelis won't let them get a nuke. George thinks that we're somehow stopping them from going in. I don't think that's so at all. Therefore, we could play good cop, bad cop with the Iranians, and we could walk away clean if and when Israel attacks.


    I think that is the most likely thing to happen. But on the good cop, bad cop routine, don't count on Obama to be able to play his part convincingly.

    But Iran is like any other aggressor nation. They will work around the clock while they talk So far, I have not heard of any diplomatic success.
  • Nov 30, 2009, 03:47 AM


    Besides, the Israelis won't let them get a nuke. George thinks that we're somehow stopping them from going in. I don't think that's so at all. Therefore, we could play good cop, bad cop with the Iranians, and we could walk away
    It is my understanding that the reasons the Chinese signed onto this tongue lashing by the IAEA is because of the threat of Israeli action.

    Imagine that... tough talk and actions can be a useful diplomatic tool .
  • Nov 30, 2009, 07:36 AM

    Originally Posted by George_1950 View Post
    "The White House did not even stand up for itself when it came to the question of human rights in China. The president, who had said only a few days earlier that freedom of expression is a universal right, was coerced into attending a joint press conference with Chinese President Hu Jintao, at which questions were forbidden. Former US President George W. Bush had always managed to avoid such press conferences.
    US Foreign Policy: Obama's Nice Guy Act Gets Him Nowhere on the World Stage - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

    Could that be the sound of Asian laughter I am hearing?

    To Hu,Obama may be young.
  • Nov 30, 2009, 05:17 PM

    Anyone remember a man named Neville Chamberlain?
  • Nov 30, 2009, 05:50 PM

    Yes ;his brother won the Nobel Peace Prize for appeasment . Neville was also well on his way to simularily being awarded .
  • Dec 8, 2009, 09:52 AM
    Ahmadinawhackjob has proof the U.S. is blocking the return of their Messiah, the Hidden Imam.


    “We have documented proof that they believe that a descendant of the prophet of Islam will raise in these parts and he will dry the roots of all injustice in the world,” Ahmadinejad said during a speech on Monday, according to Al Arabiya.

    "They have devised all these plans to prevent the coming of the Hidden Imam because they know that the Iranian nation is the one that will prepare the grounds for his coming and will be the supporters of his rule," Ahmadinejad was quoted as saying.
    Is that why they're still brutally repressing protesters, they're blocking the return of the Hidden Imam? Should that be on the table when Obama works on those "areas of common interest" he mentioned?

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